Thursday 20 October 2022

Facts Behind The Beauty of Dimples

 Facts Behind The Beauty of Dimples

By Jelagat Mercy

My friends back in primary school used to ask me, "mbona hapo kwa cheeks zako kuna kashimo?" I replied,"nilizaliwa hivyo".I was naughty and cheerful but clueless about the science behind dimples. Had I known this unique feature's amazing facts, I would have told every story about them with pride.

People with dimples are highly admired and found to be attractive. These people look different from the rest of the world. It is okay to question if people with dimples are more attractive than those who do not. I believe that they definitely are. Perhaps not attractive in a sexual way, but cute. Dimples are undoubtedly the cutest deformity ever. These little holes on their chubby cheeks make one look cute and mellow.

 I am a Kalenjin by culture, and we consider dimples attractive and cute. We believe that people with dimples are beautiful, bring good luck and happiness to life, and are also blessed. Absolutely, with a shred of evidence, people with dimples smile sweetly and are frank, generous and happy. I have a massive crush on my little cousin because the dimples on his face look sweeter than muscatel wine whenever he wears a big smile.

Around 20% to 30% of people have dimples on their cheeks. They are considered as elites 20%. Wow! They must be so lucky. I love them for free. Of course, you can't be angry at someone with dimples. Those people are ever cheerful. Keep them because they are rare.

However, not everyone with this kind of disorder looks attractive. It depends on the person who has it. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. What one person perceives as flawless and charming might be ordinary to another. You may have dimples, but you can't be attractive in other people's eyes. Attractiveness is highly dependent on your uniqueness.

Dimples are found on the cheeks and in some body places, including the chin and lower back. Dimples on the chin are called cleft chin and aren't hereditary. It occurs due to the incomplete intermingling of the lower jaw's left and right halves during embryological development. At times, you notice your baby has a dimple, but it gradually disappears as they grow. This is simply because their muscles grow with age and reach their standard size.

Lower back dimples are caused by short ligaments that connect one's pelvis and skin. They are harmless and are considered a sign of beauty, especially in ladies. Some say that ladies with this kind of dimple ejaculate more quickly because they signify good circulation in the pelvic region. I'm not sure of this. Maybe those who have it can expound to us.

Shine with your dimples, baby girl! Life is simple when you smile with a dimple. Keep smiling if you are blessed with it because it's healthy!

Let them do their Rituals


Let them do their Rituals


 By Nabungolo Ibran


The contemporary issue regarding the position of women and girl children in society was inquisitive and touching until I attended my second lecture class regarding the same problem. While seated uncomfortably on a metal seat, favourably in front to get the plausible sound of my lecturer and also avoid distraction from crushes and friends who have just been out for a weekend holiday and have a full-packed narration of how they killed the weekend in pubs and how they nailed and laid innocent fresher, mine was to get the discourses of my lecturer prof Donald Oluchiri.

The contemporary issue is about how we handle our gender in our society. The impulsive way that we male gender, bear the blame for not empowering the opposite gender, came to my disagreement with the statement just minutes after the lecture as it kicked off.

The ritual power of a woman? Yes, how women use this charm offensive tactic to reach greater heights in marriages and relationships struck me. The power in them, the power of cooking favourite dishes and, of course, injecting in some body fluids - menstrual fluids, which are believed to have mysterious power in them that can make a man submissive, become a weaker link in the house and forever be entangled to that woman who is in love with without going astray bombard me,  but no that much like those campus couple goals which were seated just in front of me. The lecture, in fact, tipped the girls on what to do.

Waves of laughter and mixed reactions from those couples inside side-by-side sitting. The reminiscing of the famous Martha Wangari led women to march at Uhuru garden, daring to stripe naked in the event of assault from police brutality, vindicated how powerful the gender is compared to us men. That's why the Uganda government finds it hard to touch and whisk Human rights activist Stella Nyanzi despite the Hot peppered Museveni government.

My cognitive dissonance ran back to our tiny village in Western, how a mama Pima single-handled busaa and changaa brewing business was unstoppable and attracted teetotalers from five villages without competition. She could rub shoulders with chiefs and cops who were not topers. Still, those who wouldn't dare because the brew's power was stronger to handcuff you to the makeshift benches with a metal cup glued to the mouth than to the police land cruiser.

And for those cops who managed to raid that den, they found the reason why the flavoured liquor from that mama Pima was the best. Used inner clothes and other feminine private clothes were part and parcel of the chemical process of brewing the liquors, attracting drinkers from the south to the north.


That was the conglomeration, by extension, thinking of how the ritual power of Women makes them more powerful than men in society. As the lecture ended, the underlining issue of women's empowerment to me was no more. Let them do the ritual!


Money is the Remedy



By Calson Mugodo

            I am just five moons shy of my 22nd birthday. The societal law has it that I  am a grown-up man, ready to take up responsibilities even when I don't think so. For this reason, I need money so badly. I need it urgently to fulfil the oath I took to obey the societal law, even if it wasn't willful. I need some coins to abide by the covenant engraved by a hot iron rod on my heart. Oh! It sucks to be an African man.

           A man has the right to cry, so says my conscience, " men don't cry" this is a yoke I live to carry daily. Now I am perplexed about which one to abide by. I believe pain is a common denominator to all humans, including men, and crying is one of the most immediate responses. But money is the greatest of all. It soothes the ineffable mysteries of the soul. It calms the mind and yields emotional relief.

          It is so sad that my society is oblivious to this and reprobates men from even portraying a shiny eyeball. It's shameful. It is illegal. It is weak and weird for men to cry. This is a menace to men's existence.

            I remember a scene dating back to eighteen years earlier. In that sketchy hut of ours sat my father on a three-legged stool, his left hand on his cheek supporting his baldy head while staring at the dimming paraffin lamp as the dusk was approaching ruthlessly. What could he be thinking of? Money! , Of course, you are right. People with money don't live in huts but rather in luxurious mansions.                                                                                                                                                                       My father could not cater to the needs of his nuclear family, his wife and his two skinny children due to lack of money. It made him feel like a failure, a worthless and useless being. This triggered trauma and depression, making him think of alcohol as a solution. I think this was wrong. Money was the appropriate remedy to this calamity. Alcoholism didn't help either; instead, it did worsen the situation. Poverty knew him by his three names.

            Indeed, Mark Twain, a phenomenal philosopher, was right when he said, "lack of money is the root of all evil."  People steal due to lack of money and kill for the same reason. Many have plundered their souls are corruption and an insatiable desire for money. I have always known that coming of age would mean providing for my family and removing them from the yoke of poverty.

 Our financial situation at home did not allow me to join a prestigious school. We used to sit on plastic chairs as we wrote with books on our thighs, 120 students in one class since this was the only school my father could take me to. It was a dilapidated place and dehumanizing, but it was what father could afford. Anyone with a few coins could have offered to improve our infrastructure and create a conducive environment for learning. But we lived in the poorest parts of the hood.

I managed to qualify for university, which is when the curse of poverty became fully fledged in our household. Indeed Sidney Sheldon was right, "being poor is only romantic in books". I do not need to read books to tell the story of how excruciating poverty is. I envy my campus classmates who can afford three meals daily and flashy wardrobes. I can barely afford a change of clothes. When paul in  2Thessalonians 3:10 tells people not to eat without work, I assume he didn't know studying counted as work.

           Sometimes you may be in a position to give advice or contribute to specific topics while with people. Still, you shy away from it because you are poor. Oh! Mighty king Solomon of Israel, were you referring to me? , When you said," No one thinks of the poor as wise or pays attention to what they say "Ecclesiastes 9:16. I need some coins to turn this around.





My Lost Soul

My lost soul 

By Titus Maloba 

I am a lost soul. I have been nursing heartbreak for months now. I have tried to number my wounds in the most unorthodox of ways. I have dated twins; orphans, and I have had a sponsor once. I have been a good student of love, but I have failed to follow the rubric of love. For my troubles, I have cheated, lied, and lost my soul while at it.

I remember the last attempt at acing this class called love. I met a girl. Her name was Nekesa. She made me feel all sorts of feels. I had butterflies in my stomach. I quivered and shivered at her touch. She made me laugh, and my mundane life stopped being so mundane. If you have never had a girl drive you wild, you have not lived yet. When it's dusk, and all the neighbors are quiet, she will slide her hand to my thighs, and like a conditioned response, every nerve of my being is activated, and I meet her with a growl. I want to devour till we go sour.

I am a firm believer that at least once in life. I guess this is mine. I feel so at home with her. I have found pleasure in being in her arms. My mind is always racing with insane and weird ideas to try with her. We are not always at par instinct-wise, but we find a way to make it work. We are conscious of our need for each other, our raw desire. We consent our way into adventures we never imagined possible. We take risks, and so far, so good. Our movements are in perfect harmony.

Do not get me wrong. We take our spirituality very seriously. We read the Bible, we worship, and we pray. There is a solid discipline around this matter, and we take meditation sessions occasionally. We have a good thing going, I am tempted to say perfect, but I do not want to jinx it. We go to church, although lately, we have been slacking off. We have taken to the habit of calling the higher deity every morning in our house. In our own twisted way, we fit like perfect functional cog saw.

Some days, we decide not to sleep at night. We later slept the whole following day. Some of our mornings start at twelve noon. For us, there is nothing terrible to worry about. Our usual daily duties are watching movies, reading our favourite stories, gossiping about our friends, and cuddling.

We have to refer to each of them by some nasty names, and nobody feels bad about it. I can't wait to be called 'Umbwa'. She also can't wait to be called 'bro”. I  am impressed by the way she smells. I sometimes wonder what goes through her mind when she is careless with her hygiene. She does not care about my sweaty armpits after I hit the gym. She holds me, and we fly away to ecstasy city.

I remember how all this went to the drain. I met the boys she attended church with. I knew I had been deceived. Something did not sit right. They were everything I was never going to be. It all boiled down to Hosea. He had managed to capture her heart even though I thought she was entirely mine. I failed the love class again, but I knew why this time.

 I no longer miss Nekesa. But I know I will always love her. She gave me the gift of freedom. I do not call anyone, bro. I have no one to hold me accountable or turn every conversation into a quarrel. Now I just walk around with my lost soul. It is the only thing preventing me from getting lost.


Tuesday 18 October 2022

Dear October

                                                        DEAR OCTOBER

By Maria Njoroge .

Hello October, I have been waiting for you. I hope you will be kind to me this month. I have a lot going on and could use a break. I hope you will be sunny and bright, with a few cool days. I love the change in season and look forward to all the activities with it. I hope you will have a shift in energy toward the positives. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I had goals when the year began, and I hope you will help me keep crushing them.

 Let us make a few house rules, so you do not end up like your sister September and all her siblings before her. She made me cry and mop, and I felt like it was a downward spiral. But you, my new love October, are just a darling. I intend to conquer the world with you. We will go places together, and I will be the best person you have ever met. Just promise that you will pull me out of the deep end evetime I lose control.

It would help if you did not think this is a one-sided relationship where you do all the work. No, no. It is symbiotic. You are the darling month; I get to do the work. I promise you that I will put myself first at all times.  All that screen time has been a distraction than a constructive tool; I promise to ditch that too. Water, water, I will stay hydrated and remember to take all my meals on time. I mean an appropriate lifestyle that is in line with the goals we want.

You see that ex-boyfriend, entanglement, and friendship I mopped about last month; those habits have to go. For you October, only the best habits will do. I meant it when I said I wanted us to go places. We are to remain more focused, more conscious of our atomic habits, and to hold each other accountable in everything we do. This month, we will be more consistent in building on our talents without procrastinating

Thank you in advance for being a good month.

Yours sincerely,



Musings Of My Broken Heart

                                                  MUSINGS OF MY BROKEN HEART

BY BUNGEI            

Spare me the enchantment

This is a losing hearts tournament

Because I still hear those heartbeat sounds

Despite the blockage of my ears

I hear his muffled cries

I could almost taste his tears

I still feel the guilt and grief tear his heart

I find it hard to ignore this hurt

There were stronger bonds holding us in a fay

However, not anymore-I broke his heart


I knew I could never run far enough

Or fast enough form the pain I caused

The pain I felt

He loved me with his soul

Yet I couldnt love him back

I had too much baggage

I knew I would live to regret

Yet I still led him on


He had a laugh that made my mouth water

His soft silky skin with a caramel reflection

His subtle scent

His deep brown eyes almost dark

Made the world revolve around me

But that world has been torn apart

The teacup I lived with him

For the few months now leaks


Too much pain

Too many broken promises

Too many memories

That chained me to my past

Deep shadows and whispering secrets

An empty soul

I couldn’t do it; my fault not his

So I walked away and kept walking

 With a tainted heart and empty soul


The Human Dog

                                                 THE HUMAN DOG

By Titus Maloba

Until I discover something precious, I have been a dog!  I have ever walked around and I have never stopped. Sometimes I changed the environment but I have  never changed from being a dog. My behaviors,my imaginations, my actions, almost after those of a dog, or maybe a chiwawa. Funny enough, I just liked being a dog,  because  I never had  any essence of living  as human. 

After a dog ages a little, it can be sold or given to someone as a gift, the same way I was given to my parents ,then eventually they gave me to school. I despise with the nature by putting up with my weird  thinking.

Such knd of mind is  very dangerous. It's is still dangerous to anyone who may have it today. I remember I could do a mistake ,not once or twice , I repeated some mistakes unknowingly. For some, I committed knowingly. A dog vomit and returns to its vomit (luke 16:21).

I wonder which direction I can  take. What I know is that I have to make a move, even if it meant in neither direction. A dog can just wake up and decide to make a move.Who tells the dog to make a move? Does it have a job so that it should wake up earlier to avoid brushing shoulders with the boss. Does it even sleep? Yes it does. Even when it's daytime and some hours in the night too.Just like that dog,I also find  myself awake at 3 in the morning engulfed in sharp strikes of thoughts, sometimes I even don't sleep for fear of insecurities. I'm even suspicious of what would await me about  the following day, or even in those dark hours. 

I could relate the way I breathed during sunny days, I would relate the way I turn bitter and talkative whenever I'm offended. I  could also relate the way I got happy and sung joyously whenever I'm in my fine days. I listen to the barking dogs outside. They are either offended, or in other words, they are   just expressing their feelings of happiness as they prepare to tackle their night duties.

My life and that of a dog is  just one of the allusions I use  to compare these days. I was never reading the word of God. I can not understand how human in nature I'm, sometimes I imagine that I I'm no longer human. I'm just another version of a dog in a different architect that God had constructed.

In Genesis 2:7, the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And man became a living soul!

God did not make a body and inserted  a soul into it as you can do to an envelope. Rather, he  formed man from the dust, he breathed His divine breath into it and by doing this, he made body of dust live. Thus, the body did not embody a soul, it just became a soul, a soul that is alive.

Being a living soul means there is even a continuation of life after death. There is also a sure instinct that human beings have the ability to know what is right and what is wrong, a habit that animals do not have.

Earlier, God had made best of the earth of his kind, cattle or his kind, and everything that creatures on  earth after his kind, including dogs! He never  breathed a breath air  In Women.


I can draw a conclusion that human life is like a boat surrounded by water in the sea. Only the compass  can save it from getting off the direction. The word of God is the direction of our lives. Without the word, our lives are likely to get swayed by our imaginations, our bad company and even the antichrist.

Many people nowadays act like animals not because they like it.There is lack of exposure to the  word of God. Even if there is, then meditation upon iit had never been  their concern.. A human being should treat other human beings as one.

Reading the word helps us grow stronger spiritully by feeding our souls as human beings.The word helps us to even pray more. It makes us aware of our surrounding and guides us to the true God. One will never get lost in his instincts or be swayed  by the winds of this earth. Read the word of God. It is the life for human beings!

You are human! N dog shall resemble you. You shall never be a dog even if you decide that your actions should bear resemblance to its action.

When you don't read, you will be anything. When you read, you will be a treasure.



Contraceptives Education




By Ivy Chepchumba

In African societies, the subject of contraception is highly frowned upon. It is deemed taboo to discuss matters of sexuality, and anyone vocal about them is judged favorably. However, times have changed, and the correct information on contraception is not only vital but also life-saving. Everyone is entitled to lead healthy sex lives. The safest way is by providing the right education bout contraception and squashing the rumors and the darkness around this matter.

I will always support any debate, initiative, and conversation around contraceptives. I believe that men and women should have the right to choose and plan for pregnancy. They should take responsibility and accountability for their sex lives. As a woman, you are entirely responsible for everything about your sexuality. Everything you do will have a consequence. We have the most significant burden when sex results from unintended pregnancy.

Most girls start becoming sexually active and reproductive at the age of 12 years. At this age is when this child should be introduced to knowledge about contraceptives and also be able to know about sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia. Contraceptive education will help many ladies in society in making just decisions on what they want with their sexual lives. All they need is basic information about their use of contraception and how to use contraceptive methods effectively.

One thing about contraceptives is that it helps protect people from getting pregnant.  However, not all methods of contraception will protect you from HIV/AIDS. The use of condoms is the only reliable method that covers both fronts, but even that has its risks if not used correctly.

Most universities provide condoms for students. Some will say that this is a bad habit because the school is encouraging students to do sexual activities or trying to legitimize sexual activities. Contrary to this, I think this is a good stand taken by the university to combat the spread of sexually transmitted infections among students and reduce the risks of HIV. This will help the students in making healthy choices for themselves.

There are many contraceptive choices, and one should visit a healthcare practitioner before settling on one. There are Implants, an injection commonly known as the shot, and pills. There are more, and I would encourage anyone sexually active to read about them and get educated.

The contraceptive implant is usually inserted under the skin of the upper hand. It releases the hormone progestin to stop one from getting pregnant. The progestin thickens the mucus on the cervix, preventing the sperm from swimming through to the egg. This may happen up to at least three years. Side effects are expected while using the implant. Contraceptive injections may last for up to 3 months.




Campus Is For Growth


By Ibran Nabongolo

Stepping in university or college is usually  a precious taste and a successful rite of passage for those who dreamed about it, it usually spur a new epitome of trying and fixing, dares  and execution of  ideas and feelings solely basing on your inept rational perceptual and decision making. It is a free world full of freedom that comes with responsibility of oneself.

As freshmen and women in our first days, most of us are caught in first love affairs and entanglements. We spend more time trying to fit and find our better half, at the end of the day we spun up our feelings losing direction in the field of Juliette and Romero. Nevertheless, it usually be a perfect time even if it will go astray, experimenting usually set our cognitive about what you want in this field in future.

The next stage of realization of campus life usually be establishing yourself with certain groups, association and clubs. Those who tasted the wrath of heartbreaks or cares about what others feel usually seek shelter in clubs that deals with peer counseling and mental issues. Those who found joy in commitment in religious, humanitarian and environmental issues will go to churches, mosques, Red Cross and other humanitarian clubs.

 Those who opened their pinnacles and found it Worthy to start a new challenge of development will seek field skills like writing, photography, dancing, sporting activities, singing and political activities in campus. All of us find ourselves in some of these groups unless something went astray.

The eventually stage that most of us try to reach is the field of entrepreneurship field. Campus life comes with being broke, few of students find it easy to study the environment adapt and establish a market niche that they can establish and get financial benefits. Some sell lollipops, popcorn, establish movie shops and cyber service, photography studio and some go to an extend of establishing shops and eatery centers around school while they're those who find some extra job paying around the campus. Being waiters and waitress is some of new adventures for studying youths .These enables most of them to get extra coin and run their lives.

These adaptation and growth brings the best out of us since they are hobbies we create for ourselves. Some of these students ends up doing such hustles until they become big enterprise, some grow themselves like in politics until realizing their political life like Babu Owino the Embakasi east member of Parliament, some in sporting activities end up joining sports as their career like Ferdinand Omanyala and some even become priest and pastors eventually.

We realize that most comrades who did and brought their best activities out of campus life, did them for long time and became lucrative career that even foregone their area of study. However, it's mostly for those who create their best out of themselves, setting goals and knowing where you want to be after four to six years of study. If you will not see yourself growing actually there some, of your freshmen and women whom are expo tenuously growing, better do or watch!

Semester Rollercosters


By Jacinta Museo

The first semester of an academic year is always filled with mixed fortunes for different students. While continuing, students are anxious about possible supplementary exams  (sups). The newcomers are filled with pride. The highs are high, and the lows are the bottom of the abbys low. First years have no clue that anything could go wrong; they are, after all, in the institution of higher learning. The continuing students have seen it all: the pangs of hunger, classes, assignments, being broke, and relationships gone  sour.

 It's never gloomy for the continuing students because a new semester also marks the arrival of new students. This means a fresh supply of boyfriends and girlfriends for the old students. This marks the start of drama as the students sharpen their seduction skills.

 Seduction is an art. As much as I enjoy the theatrics, I want to encourage everyone to be accountable for their actions. The arrival of new students thus adds spice to the first semester on the campus.This is the time when the moneyed can be spotted miles away. From their exaggerated language, walking style, and also 'cladding.’ It's the period when wallets burst at the seams with the famous HELB boost or money from parents. We can all attest to the fact that continuing has numerous income sources. In the cafeteria, their eyes are fixed on meals like chicken, beef, and fish. They forget that at other times they spend much time trying to budget for the cheapest meals.

 While they used to whisper orders for ugali Sukuma not so long ago, now with pockets bulging, they shout their orders even before arriving at the counter. "Prepare full chicken." They even instruct the cook to prepare some exotic foods like hotdogs and hamburgers.When the food they desire misses the menu, they yell in disgust. Then start accusing the institution of offering students 'fake food'. They then quickly make their way to the nearest restaurant, where they eagerly indulge their appetite for the hotdogs.

 Lecture halls also bear witness to the season of money. Sweets, gum wrappers, juice, and soda bottles are scattered side by side with empty coffee cups. Such times also mark the most intensive battles for romance among students. Come Friday, popularly known as the official day to kick off "where he," as they say, everyone troops to the nearest entertaining joints. The seriously moneyed will hire a car and drive to upscale bars outside the school premises, preferably in town with their lovers.

 Other aspects of campus life also revert to standard with the disappearance of wealth. Students return to the campus cafeteria, where beans and ugali once again become the norm. Now, the orders are whispered to the cooks, and Friday goes unnoticed since there is no money. The former lovers no longer go out, and there is no shortage of excuses, such as they are saving for their future. Few lovers will be seen hanging out, holding hands, or exchanging sweet nothings.

 As the semester approaches its old age, life becomes desolate. Many students are completely broke and trying to find ways to make coins, at least. Those who want to avoid their partners will swap mobile phone lines and fake the loss of their phones.  Now the season of the drought has hit the students with a vengeance. A long-serving cook at a local university captures the mood when he says, "at the beginning of the semester, students feed on chicken and other tasty dishes; as the semester progresses, they feed on chicken products while at the end of the semester, they feed like chicken.


Afadhali Jadi


By Calson Mugodo

             Ewe Mola mraufu, mie mja wako mwenye mapungufu nina tamanio na ombi mtimani, ninaomba kwa taadhima nirejeshwe jadi walipo mababu zangu.

             Naam, zamani kusiko na runinga wala rununu, nisifahamu jambo kuhusu kipakatalishi wala kiotomotela. Huko jadi sitahitaji senti ili kuyakidhi mahitaji yangu. Iwapo itanipasa nife ili nirejee jadi, basi nipo radhi kufa, Yarabi, mtume Israili mtoa roho aniburure waama anibebe hobelahobela hadi kule.

           Natamani kukutana naye babu ya babu yangu, nisiyemfahamu hata jina, nikiulizwa kisa na sababu eti nilikuwa nikihangaika na madaftari shuleni nisipate muda wa kusikiliza hadithi kutoka kwa babu kumhusu babu yake. Ninataka kustarehe kwenye kifua kipana cha babu ya babu yangu, kilichojaa  vinyweleo huku nikiusikiliza taratibu wimbo wa utamaduni unaomtoka kinywani, huku mjomba aliye stadi wa kupiga ngoma, siku hizi twamuita sogora akitekeleza wajibu wake.

           Nataka kwenda jadi ambako ndwele kama vile kansa na UKIMWI ni visa vya kufikirika. Angecheka sana babu iwapo ningemweleza kuwa binadamu anaweza kudhoofika akakonda na kukondeana kiasi cha mbavu zake kuhesabika ubavu baada ya mwingine kutokana na makali ya UKIMWI. Na iwapo maradhi kama haya yangetokea, hofu haingekuwepo kwani penye wazee hapaharibiki jambo, wazee wenye hekima wangekusanyika usiku wa manane ama alfajiri ya majimbi ili kujadili suluhu mwafaka, kisha wangejitoma mwituni au pangoni na kumtoa kafara beberu kwa mizimu kwa ajili ya taambiko. Kisha wangefanya wanavyojua wao mpaka mizimu iwaelekeze palipo majani au mizizi iliyo tiba kwa ugonjwa huo.

           Kule jadi swala la ndoa lilikuwa muswaki. Wanapobalehe maghulamu, wangeelekezwa moja kwa moja hadi jandoni, kisha ngariba angeruhusiwa kuutekeleza wajibu wake. Kisha wangesalia kule kwa muda wa takribani miezi sita bila kurejea nyumbani. Wangefundishwa majukumu ya mwanamume na jinsi ya kuishi na wake zao vile vile namna ya kujitegemea na kutafuta riziki kwa kuwinda wanyama pori na kupitia zaraa. Kijiji kizima kingetumbuizwa kwa nyiso zinazoimbwa kila usiku na mashujaa hao walio jandani. Mwana wa mtu anapotoka jandoni akiwa kwenye pita pita zake, kwenye baraste angekutana na mwanamwali mrembo kutoka utosini hadi kwenye vidole vya mguu , ghulamu aliyekomaa tayari kuuasi ukapera angemtamani nusra mate yamdondoke . La kufurahisha ni kwamba mwanamume huyu asingejisumbua kumshawishi binti huyu aliyefunzwa unyagoni akaelewa somo, badala yake angehitaji tu kuzungumza na abu yake, kisha washenga wangetafutwa kupeleka posa kwa wazazi wa binti. Kisha kungefuatia harusi ya kiasili baada ya mahari kulipwa , kisha wazee wangebugia mvinyo maalum kama ishara ya makubaliano na ushirikiano. Tena takriban mabinti wote walikuwa mabikira hadi wakati wa ndoa, ni raha iliyoje? Huko ndiko ninakotaka kwenda.

             Natamani kuwa pamoja na wazee wangu kando ya miale ya moto, tena moto uliowashwa kwa kuzungusha kipande cha mti juu ya gogo hadi moto ukatoka bila kutumia kiberiti. Kisha babu angechukua hatamu na kutamba hadithi zenye mashiko moja baada ya nyingine mpaka mtima uridhike na kusema tosha. Baadaye tungejikunyata ndani ya jamvi lililotengenezwa kwa ngozi ya ng'ombe ili angalau tupate usingizi.

             Iwapo kungetokea mwizi usiku huo, akanyatia nyatunyatu na kumchukua ng'ombe mmoja, Babu angeiamkia mizimu na kufanya anavyojua yeye mpaka yule mwizi amrejeshee ng'ombe na kuomba msamaha. Kisha babu angemsamehe kwani anafahamu fika ubaya hauondolewi kwa ubaya ila wema, kwa hivyo, angempa ushauri na maelezo kindakindaki ya jinsi ya kujitafutia mali yake mwenyewe.

           Nikiwa kule sitavitamani vyakula vya huku kwenu kama vile sharubati na vibanzi , badala yake nitaridhika na kutafuna minofu ya nyama iliyochomwa na kufukizwa kwa moshi pamoja na vyakula vya kiasili ikiwemo mizizi na majani ya mimea ainati yenye uwezo wa kukabiliana na magonjwa yote. Nakomea hapo kwa sasa nitaiendeleza hadithi hino nikirejea kutoka jadi.




What next After Campus ?


WHAT NEXT AFTER CAMPUS? Marriage or Finances?

By Jckson Mukoye 

Marriage has always considered as a rite of passage that one should undergo as he or she matures. As marriage is a formal union and a legal contract between a man and a woman, every human being who engages in it always has his or her own drive towards it.

A man who wants to marry should take time in building himself first. Failure to do this, the marriage will not thrive and last longer enough, it will lead to breakups and heartbreaks. At some extent, the kids may be affected due to this.

Marriage comes with many responsibilities. A man is the head of the family and he has to provide for the wife and children. This is not an easy task as many may think. Many people don’t have legit reasons as to why they want to marry. In most cases, 24 years is when most people are done with higher education studies. After this, they opt to look for a job that will sustain them. As a man, you should take this opportunity and time at least to save some money for your marriage.

For instance, a 2013 study by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization said that the percentage of Kenyan men who have never married at age 45-49 had increased from 4.5 per cent in 1979 to 7.5 percent.During the same period, the singular mean age at marriage (SMAM) increased from 23.9 per cent to 27.5 per cent for men while it increased from 18.5 to 23.3 per cent for women. SMAM is the average length of single life expressed in years among those who marry before age 50.

Women mature earlier than men do and that’s why women can settle at the age of 23 with a man aged 27 because of the age gap. The ideal age for a man to marry should be 27. Marrying early makes the man regret later because he missed a stage in life where he should have explored life. At some point, he feels unsatisfied with his wife, he may be tempted to cheat on his wife, and this will ruin the marriage.

 Don’t be convinced and deceived by other people’s mentality that since you and your wife are connected emotionally, you are after love and the financial factor is not important. Do you think a woman can just settle with you in the name of love while you are broke?

After saving and maturing, now find someone who will help you chase your dreams and who is trustworthy. Spare your future kids by working hard now. A woman can settle with a well-functioning marriage without a single coin but a man if you think this is going to work out for you then I am sorry.

Have a good plan and focus with your life. Do not rush. Just hustle for at least four years and I am sure after those years you would have saved something that will run your marriage effectively.Lastly, marriage is not something you walk in and out of like a relationship. It is something permanent, it would be foolish to rush in when there are still so many things to do, and places to visit before you decide to settle down.


A Letter To My Ex



By Mercy Jelagat

Being with you is still one of the greatest adventures ever in my life. I cannot forget the moments we spent together laughing, travelling, eating and even playing during our leisure time. Some delicious foods you cooked and brought to the dining table still gives me good memories of you.

Was it easy for you to move on? Do you miss me? Do you at a time regret after the breakup? Only my super-soft duvet, fluffy pillows and my swollen eyes know that l never slept for a number of nights.

You left me with a beautiful Barbie doll that reminds me of my last birthday I celebrated with you. The doll is a gift you surprised me with and left me shedding off tears of joy. Accepting your sudden absence has been difficult since I never thought our romantic relationship could end.

Here, I recall your words to me on my birthday party as if it was yesternight. “Congratulations to the love of my life. You mean a lot to me and I promise to love you forever.  Since I met you, my life has never been the same. I will continue loving you until death. Happy birthday momma”. I guess you would remember that too.


I gave you everything I could to make sure that you are happy and our relationship lasts forever.  I even introduced you to my family members and friends but still; you chose someone else over me. What a heart-wrenching heartbreak!

I lost my appetite. I could not even afford to eat my favorite snacks. I had no energy to visit my friends or even step out of my room. I had rather stayed in my comfortable bed, weeping in silence and hating myself for loving you. My head was so heavy with pressure and I felt like it was going to explode at any moment.

That is when I decided to visit a psychologist to regain my mental health. Honestly, I was mentally tortured. I lost weight. I lost interest in people especially men. I thought men are melamine plates. They can disappoint you no matter how sweet and romantic they may appear to be at first. You made me vow to never date again in my entire life.

Even though you left me heavy- hearted, I am a strong woman and a survivor. You judged me wrongly, but I did not revenge. I am glad we are not together anymore. I am not angry with you at all; rather I have forgiven you for your chuckle-headed mistake (cheating with my best friend).

I am sure you regret what you did. I deserve a better person, someone who will fight for me, choose me and be loyal regardless my weaknesses. I really deserve having a peace of mind in knowing my partner will never betray my trust and play with my feelings. We went through much together little did I know you were nothing but a traitor. I am so grateful for the adventures and every positive step you added in my life. With you, I learnt so many things I could not have known. I hope that one day we shall come to a point where none of us will be hurt and be good friends. I wish you all the best in your endeavors.


An Open Letter To My Mom

                            AN OPEN LETTER TO MY MOM

By Hosea Namachanja


I recall the incident

As if it is today

So fresh in my head

When you took me to

my aunt while at 8



You took me there,

because you were going abroad,

For further studies

And the time of return,

It was a nightmare to me



When you took me there,

I was still peeing on my


And many time you had

advised to stop

But no change,



Personally l tried to stop

But my efforts bore no fruits,

Until you left me in the hands

Of my aunt,



While you were abroad,

Aunty overworked me,

Stripped me off my clothes

When caining me.

And other cccccdays, l slept

Empty stomach



One day,

 l ped on my


Ouch! Aunty became mad

And worked on my tiny butts

To an extent of pulling my


Claiming it's the cause of my daily norm

Of urinating on my beddings,



She pulled my manhood


Until l later developed

Some pain

When on a short call



One day,

I excreted some urine,

Mixed with blood stains

But because of aunt's behavior,

I just told my class teacher

Who took me to hospital



I hated myself

I hated aunty

I hated you

I hated any relative



Why didn't you took me

to grand-mum Roselyne?

Why did you took me to


Why why why mum?



Do you know that my

Manhood is functionless?

Truly, l desire to love and be

loved but how would l sire?

I desire to be called daddy

And a husband to someone

But how would l sire

If my manhood can't erect?





Why did you leave me in

the hands of aunty?

As you read this letter, keep

in mind, you killed my dreams



My friends are dating

My agemates are enjoying the holy dance

My classmates aren’t single

My campus course mates enjoy photoshoots

With their lovers

Oh, mum!



Sleeping like a Panga and waking up

Like a snake is depressing me

Some churchmates  enquire much about

The love life of your son

Many asks whether I have friends

Others just insist to know my better half

Mum, your son is seriously depressed



You don’t have a happy son

You lost your happy son decades ago

 Your son is loveless. Has no lover

Why date when Fimbo ya Musa is functionless?

Your son has no friends. He’s a loner

Expect no daughter-in-law , no grandchild


Grief ; You are not alone



By Ajuma Millicent

I'm just going to start by saying that grief is complicated for everyone. Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, or a particular way of life, we all go through loss at least once. At this point, grieving has become a part of life or a rite of passage.

Navigating loss is different for different people. Some of us love to distract ourselves with loads of work. Some of us would prefer to hang out with friends and talk. Some people choose to isolate themselves and deal with the loss solo. There is no right way to deal with loss because, most of the time, we could have stopped the loss if we could.

According to literally every article I have read on grief on the internet, grief has five stages; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Each step comes with its highs and lows. It is like one day, you are happy, and life makes sense; the next, you have no idea why you had to endure so much pain. Grieving a loss doesn't happen in a day, nor does it happen in a straight line. It is a rollercoaster of emotions, a mix of highly dark days and some good ones. Honestly, even when you reach the acceptance stage, there is no guarantee that there won't be flashbacks of memories that trigger pain.

If you are dealing with a loss, I am rooting for you. I hope you get on the other side with your physical and mental health still intact. I hope you have the courage to feel everything that comes with this challenging time. I hope you give yourself the grace to know that you deserve a painless life, and I hope things get lighter for you. The late Queen Elizabeth II said grief is the price we pay for love, so I hope you know that the pain you feel shows that you gave love and gave it freely. I hope you don’t lose sight of that. Most importantly, I hope you remember that you are not alone.

If you know someone close to you is dealing with a loss, try and extend grace to them. Listen to them vent and listen without judgment or the pressure to offer solutions. Offer to do some of their tasks for them. Respect their way of grieving. Every small action counts.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional. Please seek professional help, especially in case of depression.