Tuesday 18 October 2022

A Letter To My Ex



By Mercy Jelagat

Being with you is still one of the greatest adventures ever in my life. I cannot forget the moments we spent together laughing, travelling, eating and even playing during our leisure time. Some delicious foods you cooked and brought to the dining table still gives me good memories of you.

Was it easy for you to move on? Do you miss me? Do you at a time regret after the breakup? Only my super-soft duvet, fluffy pillows and my swollen eyes know that l never slept for a number of nights.

You left me with a beautiful Barbie doll that reminds me of my last birthday I celebrated with you. The doll is a gift you surprised me with and left me shedding off tears of joy. Accepting your sudden absence has been difficult since I never thought our romantic relationship could end.

Here, I recall your words to me on my birthday party as if it was yesternight. “Congratulations to the love of my life. You mean a lot to me and I promise to love you forever.  Since I met you, my life has never been the same. I will continue loving you until death. Happy birthday momma”. I guess you would remember that too.


I gave you everything I could to make sure that you are happy and our relationship lasts forever.  I even introduced you to my family members and friends but still; you chose someone else over me. What a heart-wrenching heartbreak!

I lost my appetite. I could not even afford to eat my favorite snacks. I had no energy to visit my friends or even step out of my room. I had rather stayed in my comfortable bed, weeping in silence and hating myself for loving you. My head was so heavy with pressure and I felt like it was going to explode at any moment.

That is when I decided to visit a psychologist to regain my mental health. Honestly, I was mentally tortured. I lost weight. I lost interest in people especially men. I thought men are melamine plates. They can disappoint you no matter how sweet and romantic they may appear to be at first. You made me vow to never date again in my entire life.

Even though you left me heavy- hearted, I am a strong woman and a survivor. You judged me wrongly, but I did not revenge. I am glad we are not together anymore. I am not angry with you at all; rather I have forgiven you for your chuckle-headed mistake (cheating with my best friend).

I am sure you regret what you did. I deserve a better person, someone who will fight for me, choose me and be loyal regardless my weaknesses. I really deserve having a peace of mind in knowing my partner will never betray my trust and play with my feelings. We went through much together little did I know you were nothing but a traitor. I am so grateful for the adventures and every positive step you added in my life. With you, I learnt so many things I could not have known. I hope that one day we shall come to a point where none of us will be hurt and be good friends. I wish you all the best in your endeavors.


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