Tuesday 18 October 2022

What next After Campus ?


WHAT NEXT AFTER CAMPUS? Marriage or Finances?

By Jckson Mukoye 

Marriage has always considered as a rite of passage that one should undergo as he or she matures. As marriage is a formal union and a legal contract between a man and a woman, every human being who engages in it always has his or her own drive towards it.

A man who wants to marry should take time in building himself first. Failure to do this, the marriage will not thrive and last longer enough, it will lead to breakups and heartbreaks. At some extent, the kids may be affected due to this.

Marriage comes with many responsibilities. A man is the head of the family and he has to provide for the wife and children. This is not an easy task as many may think. Many people don’t have legit reasons as to why they want to marry. In most cases, 24 years is when most people are done with higher education studies. After this, they opt to look for a job that will sustain them. As a man, you should take this opportunity and time at least to save some money for your marriage.

For instance, a 2013 study by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization said that the percentage of Kenyan men who have never married at age 45-49 had increased from 4.5 per cent in 1979 to 7.5 percent.During the same period, the singular mean age at marriage (SMAM) increased from 23.9 per cent to 27.5 per cent for men while it increased from 18.5 to 23.3 per cent for women. SMAM is the average length of single life expressed in years among those who marry before age 50.

Women mature earlier than men do and that’s why women can settle at the age of 23 with a man aged 27 because of the age gap. The ideal age for a man to marry should be 27. Marrying early makes the man regret later because he missed a stage in life where he should have explored life. At some point, he feels unsatisfied with his wife, he may be tempted to cheat on his wife, and this will ruin the marriage.

 Don’t be convinced and deceived by other people’s mentality that since you and your wife are connected emotionally, you are after love and the financial factor is not important. Do you think a woman can just settle with you in the name of love while you are broke?

After saving and maturing, now find someone who will help you chase your dreams and who is trustworthy. Spare your future kids by working hard now. A woman can settle with a well-functioning marriage without a single coin but a man if you think this is going to work out for you then I am sorry.

Have a good plan and focus with your life. Do not rush. Just hustle for at least four years and I am sure after those years you would have saved something that will run your marriage effectively.Lastly, marriage is not something you walk in and out of like a relationship. It is something permanent, it would be foolish to rush in when there are still so many things to do, and places to visit before you decide to settle down.


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