Thursday 20 October 2022

Facts Behind The Beauty of Dimples

 Facts Behind The Beauty of Dimples

By Jelagat Mercy

My friends back in primary school used to ask me, "mbona hapo kwa cheeks zako kuna kashimo?" I replied,"nilizaliwa hivyo".I was naughty and cheerful but clueless about the science behind dimples. Had I known this unique feature's amazing facts, I would have told every story about them with pride.

People with dimples are highly admired and found to be attractive. These people look different from the rest of the world. It is okay to question if people with dimples are more attractive than those who do not. I believe that they definitely are. Perhaps not attractive in a sexual way, but cute. Dimples are undoubtedly the cutest deformity ever. These little holes on their chubby cheeks make one look cute and mellow.

 I am a Kalenjin by culture, and we consider dimples attractive and cute. We believe that people with dimples are beautiful, bring good luck and happiness to life, and are also blessed. Absolutely, with a shred of evidence, people with dimples smile sweetly and are frank, generous and happy. I have a massive crush on my little cousin because the dimples on his face look sweeter than muscatel wine whenever he wears a big smile.

Around 20% to 30% of people have dimples on their cheeks. They are considered as elites 20%. Wow! They must be so lucky. I love them for free. Of course, you can't be angry at someone with dimples. Those people are ever cheerful. Keep them because they are rare.

However, not everyone with this kind of disorder looks attractive. It depends on the person who has it. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. What one person perceives as flawless and charming might be ordinary to another. You may have dimples, but you can't be attractive in other people's eyes. Attractiveness is highly dependent on your uniqueness.

Dimples are found on the cheeks and in some body places, including the chin and lower back. Dimples on the chin are called cleft chin and aren't hereditary. It occurs due to the incomplete intermingling of the lower jaw's left and right halves during embryological development. At times, you notice your baby has a dimple, but it gradually disappears as they grow. This is simply because their muscles grow with age and reach their standard size.

Lower back dimples are caused by short ligaments that connect one's pelvis and skin. They are harmless and are considered a sign of beauty, especially in ladies. Some say that ladies with this kind of dimple ejaculate more quickly because they signify good circulation in the pelvic region. I'm not sure of this. Maybe those who have it can expound to us.

Shine with your dimples, baby girl! Life is simple when you smile with a dimple. Keep smiling if you are blessed with it because it's healthy!

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