Tuesday 18 October 2022

Campus Is For Growth


By Ibran Nabongolo

Stepping in university or college is usually  a precious taste and a successful rite of passage for those who dreamed about it, it usually spur a new epitome of trying and fixing, dares  and execution of  ideas and feelings solely basing on your inept rational perceptual and decision making. It is a free world full of freedom that comes with responsibility of oneself.

As freshmen and women in our first days, most of us are caught in first love affairs and entanglements. We spend more time trying to fit and find our better half, at the end of the day we spun up our feelings losing direction in the field of Juliette and Romero. Nevertheless, it usually be a perfect time even if it will go astray, experimenting usually set our cognitive about what you want in this field in future.

The next stage of realization of campus life usually be establishing yourself with certain groups, association and clubs. Those who tasted the wrath of heartbreaks or cares about what others feel usually seek shelter in clubs that deals with peer counseling and mental issues. Those who found joy in commitment in religious, humanitarian and environmental issues will go to churches, mosques, Red Cross and other humanitarian clubs.

 Those who opened their pinnacles and found it Worthy to start a new challenge of development will seek field skills like writing, photography, dancing, sporting activities, singing and political activities in campus. All of us find ourselves in some of these groups unless something went astray.

The eventually stage that most of us try to reach is the field of entrepreneurship field. Campus life comes with being broke, few of students find it easy to study the environment adapt and establish a market niche that they can establish and get financial benefits. Some sell lollipops, popcorn, establish movie shops and cyber service, photography studio and some go to an extend of establishing shops and eatery centers around school while they're those who find some extra job paying around the campus. Being waiters and waitress is some of new adventures for studying youths .These enables most of them to get extra coin and run their lives.

These adaptation and growth brings the best out of us since they are hobbies we create for ourselves. Some of these students ends up doing such hustles until they become big enterprise, some grow themselves like in politics until realizing their political life like Babu Owino the Embakasi east member of Parliament, some in sporting activities end up joining sports as their career like Ferdinand Omanyala and some even become priest and pastors eventually.

We realize that most comrades who did and brought their best activities out of campus life, did them for long time and became lucrative career that even foregone their area of study. However, it's mostly for those who create their best out of themselves, setting goals and knowing where you want to be after four to six years of study. If you will not see yourself growing actually there some, of your freshmen and women whom are expo tenuously growing, better do or watch!

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