Tuesday 18 October 2022

Semester Rollercosters


By Jacinta Museo

The first semester of an academic year is always filled with mixed fortunes for different students. While continuing, students are anxious about possible supplementary exams  (sups). The newcomers are filled with pride. The highs are high, and the lows are the bottom of the abbys low. First years have no clue that anything could go wrong; they are, after all, in the institution of higher learning. The continuing students have seen it all: the pangs of hunger, classes, assignments, being broke, and relationships gone  sour.

 It's never gloomy for the continuing students because a new semester also marks the arrival of new students. This means a fresh supply of boyfriends and girlfriends for the old students. This marks the start of drama as the students sharpen their seduction skills.

 Seduction is an art. As much as I enjoy the theatrics, I want to encourage everyone to be accountable for their actions. The arrival of new students thus adds spice to the first semester on the campus.This is the time when the moneyed can be spotted miles away. From their exaggerated language, walking style, and also 'cladding.’ It's the period when wallets burst at the seams with the famous HELB boost or money from parents. We can all attest to the fact that continuing has numerous income sources. In the cafeteria, their eyes are fixed on meals like chicken, beef, and fish. They forget that at other times they spend much time trying to budget for the cheapest meals.

 While they used to whisper orders for ugali Sukuma not so long ago, now with pockets bulging, they shout their orders even before arriving at the counter. "Prepare full chicken." They even instruct the cook to prepare some exotic foods like hotdogs and hamburgers.When the food they desire misses the menu, they yell in disgust. Then start accusing the institution of offering students 'fake food'. They then quickly make their way to the nearest restaurant, where they eagerly indulge their appetite for the hotdogs.

 Lecture halls also bear witness to the season of money. Sweets, gum wrappers, juice, and soda bottles are scattered side by side with empty coffee cups. Such times also mark the most intensive battles for romance among students. Come Friday, popularly known as the official day to kick off "where he," as they say, everyone troops to the nearest entertaining joints. The seriously moneyed will hire a car and drive to upscale bars outside the school premises, preferably in town with their lovers.

 Other aspects of campus life also revert to standard with the disappearance of wealth. Students return to the campus cafeteria, where beans and ugali once again become the norm. Now, the orders are whispered to the cooks, and Friday goes unnoticed since there is no money. The former lovers no longer go out, and there is no shortage of excuses, such as they are saving for their future. Few lovers will be seen hanging out, holding hands, or exchanging sweet nothings.

 As the semester approaches its old age, life becomes desolate. Many students are completely broke and trying to find ways to make coins, at least. Those who want to avoid their partners will swap mobile phone lines and fake the loss of their phones.  Now the season of the drought has hit the students with a vengeance. A long-serving cook at a local university captures the mood when he says, "at the beginning of the semester, students feed on chicken and other tasty dishes; as the semester progresses, they feed on chicken products while at the end of the semester, they feed like chicken.


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