Tuesday 18 October 2022

The Human Dog

                                                 THE HUMAN DOG

By Titus Maloba

Until I discover something precious, I have been a dog!  I have ever walked around and I have never stopped. Sometimes I changed the environment but I have  never changed from being a dog. My behaviors,my imaginations, my actions, almost after those of a dog, or maybe a chiwawa. Funny enough, I just liked being a dog,  because  I never had  any essence of living  as human. 

After a dog ages a little, it can be sold or given to someone as a gift, the same way I was given to my parents ,then eventually they gave me to school. I despise with the nature by putting up with my weird  thinking.

Such knd of mind is  very dangerous. It's is still dangerous to anyone who may have it today. I remember I could do a mistake ,not once or twice , I repeated some mistakes unknowingly. For some, I committed knowingly. A dog vomit and returns to its vomit (luke 16:21).

I wonder which direction I can  take. What I know is that I have to make a move, even if it meant in neither direction. A dog can just wake up and decide to make a move.Who tells the dog to make a move? Does it have a job so that it should wake up earlier to avoid brushing shoulders with the boss. Does it even sleep? Yes it does. Even when it's daytime and some hours in the night too.Just like that dog,I also find  myself awake at 3 in the morning engulfed in sharp strikes of thoughts, sometimes I even don't sleep for fear of insecurities. I'm even suspicious of what would await me about  the following day, or even in those dark hours. 

I could relate the way I breathed during sunny days, I would relate the way I turn bitter and talkative whenever I'm offended. I  could also relate the way I got happy and sung joyously whenever I'm in my fine days. I listen to the barking dogs outside. They are either offended, or in other words, they are   just expressing their feelings of happiness as they prepare to tackle their night duties.

My life and that of a dog is  just one of the allusions I use  to compare these days. I was never reading the word of God. I can not understand how human in nature I'm, sometimes I imagine that I I'm no longer human. I'm just another version of a dog in a different architect that God had constructed.

In Genesis 2:7, the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And man became a living soul!

God did not make a body and inserted  a soul into it as you can do to an envelope. Rather, he  formed man from the dust, he breathed His divine breath into it and by doing this, he made body of dust live. Thus, the body did not embody a soul, it just became a soul, a soul that is alive.

Being a living soul means there is even a continuation of life after death. There is also a sure instinct that human beings have the ability to know what is right and what is wrong, a habit that animals do not have.

Earlier, God had made best of the earth of his kind, cattle or his kind, and everything that creatures on  earth after his kind, including dogs! He never  breathed a breath air  In Women.


I can draw a conclusion that human life is like a boat surrounded by water in the sea. Only the compass  can save it from getting off the direction. The word of God is the direction of our lives. Without the word, our lives are likely to get swayed by our imaginations, our bad company and even the antichrist.

Many people nowadays act like animals not because they like it.There is lack of exposure to the  word of God. Even if there is, then meditation upon iit had never been  their concern.. A human being should treat other human beings as one.

Reading the word helps us grow stronger spiritully by feeding our souls as human beings.The word helps us to even pray more. It makes us aware of our surrounding and guides us to the true God. One will never get lost in his instincts or be swayed  by the winds of this earth. Read the word of God. It is the life for human beings!

You are human! N dog shall resemble you. You shall never be a dog even if you decide that your actions should bear resemblance to its action.

When you don't read, you will be anything. When you read, you will be a treasure.



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