Friday 12 February 2021



  From the moment you start learning, only one thing is drilled into you. Education is the key to success. Students  who have charming report cards are seen to be having a bright future and those who do not take a keen interest in academics go through continuous shaming in a bid to make them do better. The truth is,it does not always happen and they end up having a bruised self esteem. Parents consider going to the  university the pinnacle of academic achievements. After passing your O levels that  is where you continue with studies at an advance level.

However, that ship already sailed.The time of honoring university as the highest learning institution to acquire skills and be professional in a certain discipline has passed.Previously, the idea of going to university was idolized by parents .It spelled out a job opportunity soon afterwards and a bright future .However, with the increase of students and youths being churned out of campuses ,that dream soon fades away and reality of joblessness and unemployment kicks in .Next time before you celebrate university admission, ask yourself if that is what you really want .

Due to culture shock and peer pressure, most  students who leave university to go back home appear unruly .The change in dressing code,speech pattern and drug abuse is like a new norm. This makes parents feel like they changed  and they lost their children along the way.It is this blanket notion of moral erosion that is making parents change their mind about university after all.

Let us forget about the gloom for a moment .If utilized properly ,the university is a great place to be .The people you meet that are different  from you make you grow.The connections you make after class become the most important and together with a sretlin degree you will have people to recommend you for opportunities and that is all you need;someone to believe in you.Of cardinal importance is building on your interpersonal skills and technical skills .Work on your talents, gain new ones and you will beat competition.

Thursday 11 February 2021




There is a joke about students who study medicine. They tell the world that medical school is so tough,they want to cry,but they don't have time .Truth be told,it is that point of the semester that is an uphill task. Academics are beginning to take shape and more flesh added to the studying skeleton .It is  this time that random assessment test (CATS) are being done.  The ongoing pandemic could not be any worse for students. The  cold weather due to onset of rainy season and lack of HELB has left comrades with only scraps to go by. It is a hard choice between taking care of food expenses or buying airtime for online classes as well as exam materials, that is printing of takeaway exams.

Not everyone is a  party freak, but those that are,definitely feel a pinch in the soul. For most people ,it is in the budget .How much they will drink and eat at bars is on the same pie chart as rent. But at this point, students are on a hibernation. They have to cut down costs and do the famous strungi and Kdf. Someone made a joke about how much campus students do not take milk with a health excuse of lactose intolerance. The hard truth is,we can not afford that Luxury. Everyday, we walk from stage with a measure of kales,tomatoes and onions. It is funny how the good chain descends from eating chicken ,to chicken products to what chicken feed on .



I've heard of friends skipping meals. Waking up deliberately when its past breakfast to enjoy what is commonly referred to as BRUNCH,breakfast and lunch. Some spend most of their time in library after classes to escape from hunger so that they save for tomorrow. 

Online classes are much expensive as a lot of airtime is needed for bundles, smartphone with good monitor, good network coverage and calm environment. Poor network connection is a problem to everyone including the lecturers 

Their phones are full  of money lending applications like Tuliza, Tala,Branch to mention few. They have requested those relatives and friends who are working to send them money but before they do that they should ask them if they have FULIZA so  they can provide an alternative phone number. 


What happens to us

US who hold inconsistent conversations. 

Those of us who release pain through slashing our wrists.

 Who's gonna save us 

from the shadows that we are forever linked to.

We hide behind fake smiles and dark poetry

We hide behind pubs and clubs

We that hide behind drugs and girls

Trying to drown the guilt that's at the bottom of the bottle

Knowing well it can't be drowned

At times we remember you when we're off the hook

When we can't walk any further

Not because we're bored

At times we're looking for understanding

Some of the battles we fight

We fight them behind closed doors

And dented masks

Under the masked darkness of the night

You'll never know what we go through 

Because we are shitty inconsistent people 

But at least we are contented with that.



Euripides' 'Alcestis' presents the ultimate sacrifice, and in so doing, describes what true love is. The play also gives a sense of how fragile life is. It tells us  why every day should be seen as a gift rather than a curse or burden. Throughout  history Many have grappled with the question of what makes a good and fortunate life, and even to date this topic is very present and controversial. Death is a great mystery. No one knows what truly awaits us after  death. Religion and mythology promote the idea of peace and harmony and a reunion with those we knew during life. Euripides alludes to a similar ending in Alcestis, but that is not the point of his play. 

The author chooses rather to  focus on life and the importance of treasuring every precious moment. Alcestis takes a minor character from Greek mythology and expands the play in confined ways that complete traditional comprehension as an ideal "good wife".It combines historical fiction and magical realism trying to answer the question why Alcestis sacrifices  herself in place of her husband .

 Admetus king of Pherae, a Greek city in the region of Thessaly. He wants to live past his date of death, as decreed by the Fates. After finding out he was to be taken to the underground by Hermes,Having done well by god Apollo(who, for having killing the cyclopes was temporary condemned to be a slave to Admetus) and making sure he was well cared for while he was confined to Admetus' castle as punishment by Zeus, he asks Apollo for a favor. He has Apollo inquire of the Fates if they will allow him to live beyond his date of death. As we all understand the element of "meaningful" it comes to a degree such that some period of life holds capacity meaningful than others where a kantian view say's that Admetus have an intrinsic worth in virtue of his capacity for autonomous choices, where meaningful is the function of the exercise of his capacity, nothing gives a person inner  wholeness and  peace like a distinct understanding of what life is,Fates-three goddess who controlled human destiny agree on one condition; Admetus must find someone willing to take his place. A difficult proposition, and one that develops into a theme of the play. Who would be willing to truncate their own life for another? Admetus discovers that nearly no one is willing to trade. Actually, there is one person: his wife. Alcestis, the most beautiful of the daughters of Pelias king of Iolcos in Thessaly, agrees to trade places with Admetus, and she will die in his place. A supreme sacrifice, Alcestis' action shows the depth of her love for her husband. It also shows how selfish Admetus is.

 Death of alcestis

The appointed day arrives.  Alcestis prepares for her descent into Hades. She wears her finest clothes and jewelry. She says her farewells, and then sits with her two children and husband. She makes a promise to Admetus. Because of her sole sacrifice,knowing there's ''nothing so precious as life,'' she tells Admetus to not ''remarry and impose on her children some vicious stepmother.''

Admetus agrees on her terms. He tells her "No Thessalian bride shall ever reclaim me.'' He honors her life, and in so doing references the theme of how precious life is. Admetus then gives the order that there shall be no more celebrations or ''song and garland in my home.'' He will mourn Alcestis' sacrifice until his dying days.


To be continued...


My husband,

The wound is still raw, raw in my heart

Many years l've stooped to low, low in your presence

But you've kept on hurting me, me with all kind of shit

Today l've decided to unveil, unveil your domestic violence

My husband,

In our courtship, you were well mannered

You loved the church, and God's word

I saw holiness in you, and holy spirit of God

But today, you are doomed

My husband,

Through you, l've suffered

Through you, l've been mocked

Through you, l've moaned

Through you, I've been injured

My husband,

When l was about to deliver our first born

You came home one day smelling wine

And when l enquired, you slapped me several times

What wrong had l done? I cried bitterly

My husband,

See, this left hand of mine, you broke it

14 years down the line, one cold evening

Truly, were you mad or fit?

If it were not my parents' support, would we be shining?

My husband,

Why do you want to curse our children?

Did you support their education?

Blame yourself blame your wine

You used to hurt them, leave them alone

My husband,

Jesus Christ changed water into wine

How could l change sukumawiki into meat?

Or you wanted me to be like Jesus God's son?

Because of what you used to do, they fear you and when they see you, they recall it

My husband,

How many times did they sleep hungry? 

How many times did you pour water in our three stone cooking machine?

How many times l'd you come home peaceful and not angry?

Please don't curse our blessed children

My husband,

If you want lightening of God to strike you, talk ill of our children

Why don't you get satisfied with what they give you?

Remember God is still angry with you man

See, you are a doomed husband who was one time a Christian

@Hosea M Namachanja


I had been standing over the window for  quite some time now .My mood was pensive and I was somewhat greatful that I turned down the family dinner.I was tired of yet another episode of showing face just to have beautiful pictures for Instagram. Exhausted of practicing our 'Wilson smile';something mother has inculcated in us since we learnt how to say her name. We had one mantra in the family that she tried religiously to make us uphold. "A Wilson is the same, inside and outside ." Although thinking back right now,I think a Wilson is a pretender inside and outside.Our parents were going through a messy divorce .But they still had to hold hands as  they went out in public because they had to save face .As soon as they arrived in the house,they would sanitize as though each other's arms contained something lethal. What followed after that was a trail of insults and blamegames that still irritate my ears even after they were gone.

It was cold outside. I knew I was far zoned out but I also did not want to come back to reality. My reality is hard and miserable; like they say, reality lacks background music.I could not wrap my head around anything .In junior  school, I was the epitome of excellence in all aspects. Self driven ,a great mean grade and dreams to travel the world in my own private jet.All the students practically had an altar at my feet.If I could not solve a question, it automatically had an error .It felt good to be a geek.The attention was my drive to do better. It was the only thing that made me feel like I mattered. This only meant admission to a great high school to battle the toughest brains out and secure a place in my dream college. The beginning was great.As always, I was a magnet with my brilliance, but time often betrays mankind more than it honours them.I began to seriously spiral and my descent to the deepest lybrinth never stopped.

Somewhere along the way,My report card lost its charm.My results were deteriorating and my parents would  make  demeaning comments about my rusting brain and how much I lost interest in getting my life together .My mother once said that her death will be by fire so that instead of us inheriting anything, she goes to the grave with it! Come to think of it,be  careful what you wish for ...

 The whiskey in my hands was ice cold . I loved the feeling. Numbing.I contemplated on pouring it down the drain and using water instead.But I held on to it .The pills would make me sleep away peacefully and somewhere in the dead of the night, death would claim me.I laughed at the thought of that. Sadism. Maybe that's all my life had turned into.The thought of pain made me come alive.I knew where  my father kept his cigars.If I was going to die, I might as well enjoy the remaining items on my bucket list. I lit it and enjoyed a  long puff.There was an alcohol spill on the counter  but at that time,I did'nt care.I will be dead by the time my  mother came home  to scold .Maybe She'll get a heart attack knowing her daughter know "not upholding the Wilson way "

As I drunk down my last swallow I opened the window .I see Maddie following her dog to the swimming pool .She is the housekeeper's daughter and I had watched her grow like my own sister.I promised myself to make the world a better place for her. And yet here I was ending the very life, selfish isn't it? I was forced to reality by her scream. Angie,Angi.....!!She s drowning. I dropped the cigar and whiskey to the floor and dive from the window to the swimming pool outside .It was the highest and the  most risky thing I had done in my entire life. But I had to get to her. To Maddie .To save a life .I can imagine the headlines " saved by death"or from it . It would take a keen journalist to tell the intimate details of that story. I got to her as I heard a loud explosion followed by a screech of brakes. 

My parents were running towards the house.The water prevented me from seeing clearly . With Maddie safe in my chest I swam away to the end of the pool. She hugged me tightly; so terrified and scared.My head was fuzzy, my vision blurry and the sounds were fading .At first I thought it was the impact of the dive and the adrenaline ,but later reality checked in,the sleeping pills were taking effect.I didn't expect it to be that soon.I should have listened to the pharmacist,taking the pills with whiskey instead of water was a bad idea.It just made my path straight to oblivion shorter and faster .Yet at that moment when I held Maddie all I wanted was to live.It was the only way I would protect her ,the only way I would save her.As my eyes were closing ,the magnitude of my actions struck me but it was too late or so I believed until I woke up two weeks later in a hospital bed with my whole family surrounding me.I never thought I would say this,but I was glad to see them.Yet the first question I asked was ,"Where is Maddie?".The last thing I remembered was wishing I survive this to be with her .

According to Dr. Girishchandra, Sr. Consultant, Psychiatry, Aster CMI Hospital, Most people who commit suicide are contemplating till the very last minute whether they should do it or not. However, there is a small percentage of people who exhibit certain calmness once they have made up their mind. I was calm because I had made peace with the thought of dying. I had been contemplating suicide for a while and that is why I was categorical about it at a time when no one was supposed to be home .

After recovery I had to answer alot of questions despite the fact that everyone was cautious on how they acted around me .They all thought I just decided to kill myself .But it was more complex than that,it was not just a decision.Alot of things had pushed me to a point that my survival insticts had been diminished .The emotional bargain had been too much to bear and I did not feel like I had the time to wait for the point of relief .

They all believed that because I attempted suicide I was pro- suicide.What they did not realize is I was conflicted about it all along.When everything was wrong ,I always thought of a way to see through things . Found positivity in all the negativity.I was even scared of it ,  Subconsciously I used to sabotage my own attempts at suicide .I would try popping pills but not a lot of them or this one time ,I popped pills when no one was home but then I had wasted the whole day thinking about it so by the time I did it,it was around the time someone would be home , someone to save me incase I changed my mind.Which I did .

My family thought by attempting suicide I was trying to get back at them .My way of rebelling against the "Wilson way".But it was not .I thought about them the day I attempted,they crossed my mind each time I would have flashes of reality in my hospital bed .Never at one time did I want to hurt them.I know my actions were hurting but then at that moment I did not think about that .In fact ,I was just tired of my own life and not only the part involving them.Since I was part of the reason why my parents kept fighting,I thought killing myself would make life better for them.I thought my sister could finally get everything she wanted without my parents having second thoughts and my classmates will have less competition in school.

The neighborhood thought I felt unloved .Truth be told ,despite all the family feuds and pretence ,I felt loved. I got almost everything I asked for and I had a shoulder to learn on when my world was shaking .The love I felt from the people around me was able to sustain me in through the many dark moments I had in life. It was enough to help me hope for the  light at the end of the tunnel and made me fight for that light .But sometimes,darkness overwhelms light that's the only way we distinguish day from night.At at that moment darkness won.I lost all hope of a better life .At that time ,all the love they gave me felt like a flame to boiling water ,no matter how much they increased it ,it was not up to it to make the water boil,I was the water ,and I was still not boiling .

When I first opened my eyes on that hospital bed,my sister was crying .She was blaming herself for what happened to me .she was wondering what she could’ve done differently. It was  gut-wrenching but also, in some ways, comforting her  because it deluded her into thinking that she had some kind of control over the what happened to me .Yet she did not .I know if my family has been any different,I would still have found a reason to attempt suicide because deep down,it wasn't about them,it was about me .That sounds cliché but then it was just the case ;my reaction to the world and not the world's actions to me .

One evening,I was coming down from my room and I heard my mum talking to her friend.Her friend was telling her to watch me closely as I may reattempt suicide and that they should talk less about that incident as it may trigger me again .You know ,there are two kinds of people who attempt suicide, those who have thought about it and those who do it impulsively.maybe the did have a reason to be alarmed ,but then I was not an impulsive person so about that she was wrong even though she sounded right .That kind of stigma did hurt me ,her assumption was right according to scientists people who attempt suicide and fail reattempt it but then that was not the case for me. I had found a reason to live,I had found Maddie and that meant no more suicide attempts .

Right now ,I live life. I am not sure I am supposed to say I was saved "by death" or "from death."If Maddie had not almost drowned that day ,I am not sure my body would have fought so hard to survive when the pills were wearing me down.They say reasons to live give reasons to die and my case reasons to die,gave me reasons to live.Maddie.

Sunday 7 February 2021


 I might be acting all cool with friendships but don't come to my house. See, you might have known me in the past as a social butterfly but what if things changed? What if quarantine changed me ? Or let's reason this way, what if whoever you know outside there is a completely different person to the one you'd meet indoors? Don't come to my house!

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I dislike visitors but what if I'm butt naked with a pair of socks and mask? Would you expect me to dress up just because you're coming to my house? Honestly it's so tiresome dressing up to go out and dressing in to be indoors so if you don't have to, please don't come to my house.

Don't come to my house because I don't live like you. I take cold corn meal with overnight beef stew in the morning and later do snacks at mid day. How will you survive if you come because I'm honestly not taking bread and milk as my first meal? To add it all, I make my corn meal with a mixture of millet and cassava. What will you eat if you decide to disobey my quest and come? With all honesty, I'm not changing my lifestyle for someone who can't stay at his place so please don't come to my house.

Don't come to my house because I listen to one paroga nyasuba all day. What if you love mixing bongo, riddims, blues and reggae? What if you just wanna listen to a well arranged playlist and move from one genre to another? What if you don't love people singing along to music and you'd rather Concentrate on the tunes than the distraction of singing along?  I'll disrespectfully ignore your existence and shake my waist as I sing and do my chores so please stay at your place and don't come to my house.

Listen, I pray straight two hours with worship songs along and sometimes I just wanna be quiet and have no one talk to me. What happens when you come to my house and you wanna watch a movie at my praying time? Are you going to listen to me pray for two hours straight or are you going to stay at your place because heck! You are not gonna listen to me having my private talks with God. Please don't come to my house.

Don't come to my house because I talk to myself a lot. What if you think I'm possessed and go tell everyone that? Look, I'm used to having a meeting with a committee of me, myself and I daily and sometimes we rekon the past and break into loud laughter. What if you get scared or in worst case scenario think that I'm laughing at you? For the sake of your peace, don't come to my house.

Don't come to my house because some nights I skip meals. It's not because I'm intermittent fasting or saving money but there are days when I'm just too tired to cook or not in the mood of eating any food no matter how good it is. What if you're not used to that and you starve to death? For the sake of your own life, don't come to my house.

There are days I don't wanna talk to anyone or have anybody breathe my air. What if I'm in one of those days? Will you carry your own oxygen in a container because you chose to not stay at your place or what will you do? Listen, I know that's hard so please don't come to my house.

What if you come to my house and I don't feel like sharing my meals with you? Look, sometimes I live on a budget and I'm not ready to spend more and sharing the little on my budget is a no too. What are you gonna do? Carry your own food from your place? Because we can all cook,stay at your place and don't come to my house!

Lastly, I invite the people I want to my space, if you don't get an invite from me stay at your place and if you have to see me, plan a date and invite me over. I like meet ups when I'm free, not just at my place so plan one and if you can't, please don't come to my house.



 By Branham

... in the last minute easing off Mason Greenwood over Axel Tuanzebe who lately has carried the cross over being the root cause of the match determining goal...

A Saturday the 6th afternoon marked the advent of a packed weekend as far as European football is concerned. In the EPL, an early kick-off minnows Aston Villa stunned 'The Gunners' in an early lead with a 2nd minute Ollie Watkins goal. An aggressive Villa team displayed a superb match full of blitz at their home stadium Villa Park, marked with Bertrand Traore assisting O.Watkins with a superb cross-cut effort that was deflected past a helpless Arsenal goalkeeper straight into the back of the net.  Despite the Gunners enjoying a second half near-perfect ball possession, they found the Villa defense impenetrable.


Alll in all, Villa managed to collect all the 3 points managing to complete a league double over Arsenal for the first time since the inaugural Premier league season in 1992/93. It certainly was a bitter pill to swallow by the under-pressure Arsenal coach Mikel Arteta who suffered a second successive loss having lost to  Wolverhampton Wanderers with 9 men in the mid-week weekend fixture.

To culminate Saturdays EPL was a fierce hard fought battle between second placed United against Everton,The Tofees. It all looked like a sealed win in the first half which ended with Everton trailing'The Red Devil's' by two goals. Edinson Cavani's 24th minute opener silenced their opponents before Portuguese playmaker Bruno Fernandes added a second and seemingly last nail on the coffin goal in the 45 th minute marking a couple seconds to halftime.

In the second half, the visitors bounced back rejuvenised. Abdoulaye Doucore and James Rodriguez proved the host's wrong with two back to back goals in the 49th and 52nd minute respectively. Rock hard United midfielder Scott McTominay brought the home team back at the top with a 70th minute header. United appeared all set to win the game with their players showcasing their talents in the rest of the match little did they know what fate lay in store for them as Dominic Calvert-Lewin, the Everton finisher finished them off with a last minute goal prompting a 3-all draw. 


Securing a point at Old Trafford appeared as a dream come true to the Everton team.The result left United fans and pundits across the board fuming over the tactical substitution Ole Gunnar Solskjaer made in the last minute easing off Mason Greenwood over Axel Tuanzebe who lately has carried the cross over being the root cause of the match determining goal. 

The United coach later on speaking to Sky Sports News asserted, guns blazing that United were nowhere near title chasers. His sentiments came seemingly in the wake of the unbelievable last minute draw.

 Laliga Santander: It saw Deportivo Alaves hitting Real Valladolid 1 goal to none. Levante and Granada shared the spoils with a two - all draw . The same happened to Elche against Villarreal. Sevilla, on the other hand, mauled ten man Getafe 3 nil thanks to R. Yanez Djene's 54th minute red-card and subsequent send-off. 

In a more than entertaining fixture, Real Madrid bounced back to their winning ways in a 2 -1 comeback. Raphael Varane from Los Blancos was in record books when he scored an own goal and later on again scored the winning goal deep into stoppage time.


    Na Chozi la Kunguni

Miaka nenda na rudi, mambo mengi hutendeka,

Rafiki huwa hasidi, wakatiwe ukifika,

Kama mvua na radi, sautiye husikika,

Penzi kama kikohozi, haliwezi kufichika,

Wapo wengi duniani, ambao umewaona,

Safarini na sokoni, hapo huwezi kukana,

Nami kwangu mtimani,  nakuona wa maana,

Kaniamini tabibu, ndiwe wangu wa pekee,

Ninenapo kishairi, naomba uniamini,

Rohoni nina fahari, kuwa wako mahabani,

Tutazisaka dinari, kila siku maishani,

Ewe ndiwe roho yangu, mke wangu wa thamani,

Chochote unachotaka, mmeo ntakupatia,

Elewa unapendeka, mke wangu nakwambia,

Kwako mie metosheka, mai bebi wavutia,

Siwezi nikachepuka, ili uje kujutia,

Natamani natamani, uje nikukumbatie,

Na uketi ubafuni, busu nikakupatie,

Unilalie kifwani, miguuni nikulee,

 Nikweleze sikioni, nipendavyo usikie,

Mawi sinifikirie, kuwa ninakuchezea,

Hili leo litambue, switi wangu mai dia,

Sinifanye mi nilie, penzi nimekutunzia,

Kama wataka asali, nipo radhi mi kukupa,

Mama wa watoto wangu, nami baba wa wanao,

Sikutakiii machungu, mapenzi  ndiyo kibao,

Nafahamu hulkangu, ukorofi mi sinao,

Hali mimi nakuenzi, sijui nikwambiaje,

Nitakalo mie moja, siku moja nikuoe,

Sitaki viwe vioja, bebi nikakuchezee,

Mambo kweli kuboboja, siyapendi nitambue,

Usiwahi ukadhani, kuwa ninakuchezea,

Ni mbali tumetoana, hili najua wajua,

Mazuri metendeana, hapa chini yake jua,

Wakati tulipatana, ulinamsha hisia,

Kunguni nikadhania, bebi upo chini yangu,

Tamati nikifikia, ninakupenda kikweli,

Si porojo nakwambia, nayosema yakubali,

Kweli ntakuvumilia, aali na kulihali,

Kati ya warembo wote, pekee umenitosha,



By Brenda.

Pain, you can not avoid

People die,

 people leave

Things change 

we feel betrayed

But for pain

Never betrays.

eats up piece by piece 

till you are no more

Darkness sets in,

horrific nightmares

The graveyard noises,

The coffins bang

slowly, moral sanity shades in

till there's no more to shed

Till you are sane no more insanely sane.



hope to conquer the odds beyond hope

To fight time to save a life just one

But then darkness please in yet can't be conquered

But when it gets dark

Hold on 

Cling to hope. 

After everything else, keep fighting

For one time darkness will fade

And there will be light

Because hope like the truth has a way  of setting us free.

Always hope

For what doesn't kill...makes you stronger.

© Zafaran _BlackRaven


By Hosea Namachanja 

You loved them. In fact, every second of your day was spent panning out a future with them in it. When you read a steamy romance novel,you can't help but get ideas about great it would be to experiment .You see pictures of houses and vehicles and all you can think about is riding and living with them. They are in all aspects your better half. You can picture a life before them,but after they leave, that is a blur and a black box very few people want to open .But such is the nature of human relationships. One minute you are the center of my universe and the next I'm questioning my sanity and the very decision to walk life with you.

There are so many people that fake smiles to the outside world. Deep down in the darkest parts of themselves is a soul that grieves and craves revenge. However, it is a twisted way to seek peace and love once again. What you carry forward is a life full of trauma and unhealed wounds that will bleed  on people who seek to love.

There are several ways to uproot the bitter fangs of bitterness and  exorcise the demons of revenge. Pain and bitterness like aloes,drips slowly on your soul scouring until there is nothing left of you. Now more than ever,it is time to call on reason.

      1 .Don't draw conclusions without                         examination.

Instead of resorting to aggressive measures like poisoning, physical abuse, verbal exchange, and financial frustration,  take time and listen .Drastic measures always end up hurting more than healing. It gets particularly worse if children are involved.  It is wiser to get away from everything and go back to yourself. There is no justification for cheating but in Science, there are always facts to support a result.  It is  best to move from the scene slowly and reexamine yourself where you went wrong and cite nice conclusions of either continuing with relationship or putting a period.

      2. Isolate yourself  and exhume all your              bitterness.

Never put up a show to prove to yourself or anyone that you have everything figured out. This includes bottling up your feelings and pretending as though your life is a fairy tale hours after the love  of your life blew away your love story. Cry if you must,and you should. Get yourself together before you are finally ready to take on the world.

      3)Don't rush into a new relationship                    before the betrayal wound heals.

Others call it rebounds. Consolation is not by getting into a new relationship. It may be so messy and rocky than the first betrayal itself. Many do look for comforts in new love relationship and end up hurting the innocent one just by imposing the pain to the undeserved.  Love is meant to be shared. If your heart bleeds for another soul,it is only fair not to get entangled in a new romantic relationship.

      4) Share your distraught with a right person and receive good guidance.

Even introverts when drowning will cling on straws .Talking  it out makes you realize that is probably not as bad as you thought when you first came into contact with it. After  confiding in a friend, you may get insight and great advice on how to handle the issue with wisdom.

As a general advice, love is a beautiful thing and do not cheat yourself out of an opportunity to have a happy healthy trust -filled  relationship .


DEAR PARENTS :TUMA KITU by Ibran Nabungolo


Dear diary,

They say that do not commit to writing anything you wouldn't want anyone to read. But today, I'm writing this just so someone can do exactly that. Today, I vent on paper about the struggle that is campus life. Is not a easy as the tales of enjoyment and partying that we were told about. In Kenya coming to campus is always met with joy and pride from parents when their son or daughter merit to go to university and is termed as a huge success. 

Most parents push their children to be admitted in high end universities in the capital. However, very few actually think through how they will sustain upkeep for them. For most parents, school fees is as far as it goes. Does anyone actually care that we struggle to keep ourselves sane? Maybe someone already sold the idea of youths being extravagant and living way beyond their means .


Since the introduction of the cooking ban,things keep getting tougher especially for those that live in the hostels. Opening up to parents about this is not easy. How do you find the words to tell a parent who worships your very feet that you are not comfortable to be in the university because you can not finance your stay there? Slaying in hostel with a piece of kdf and hot water is slowly but surely becoming a norm. Waking up to  to a bunch of un- bounced lectures is but a tale too familiar with the comrades.

With money being the motherboard to any life in campus , most parents think that just HELB loan that is given to students is enough to wait for a semester to end so as to welcome their sons and daughters back home . With an average comrade spending at least 150 for an average student in moi university according to our research per day  going to food without including basics of typing works, uploading notes and printing and printing of assignments averagely a student spends up to eight hundred shillings per week . Such amount is not recognized by the parent or guardian arguing that most of their children are spendthrifts is not true.

Students have even ended up being unable to fully sustain their meals  and academic work .Some are forced to forgo some meals  in order to spread their thin maintenance money over a longer period .I'm sure,I'll go back home having lost a few pounds and I'm certainly not going to blame it on the pitch or gym .Mother, I've been starving. Please parents tuma kitu; buying your son or daughter a good smartphone only is not enough to day your child is studying in university. Not today.