Sunday 7 February 2021


By Brenda.

Pain, you can not avoid

People die,

 people leave

Things change 

we feel betrayed

But for pain

Never betrays.

eats up piece by piece 

till you are no more

Darkness sets in,

horrific nightmares

The graveyard noises,

The coffins bang

slowly, moral sanity shades in

till there's no more to shed

Till you are sane no more insanely sane.



hope to conquer the odds beyond hope

To fight time to save a life just one

But then darkness please in yet can't be conquered

But when it gets dark

Hold on 

Cling to hope. 

After everything else, keep fighting

For one time darkness will fade

And there will be light

Because hope like the truth has a way  of setting us free.

Always hope

For what doesn't kill...makes you stronger.

© Zafaran _BlackRaven

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