Sunday 7 February 2021


By Hosea Namachanja 

You loved them. In fact, every second of your day was spent panning out a future with them in it. When you read a steamy romance novel,you can't help but get ideas about great it would be to experiment .You see pictures of houses and vehicles and all you can think about is riding and living with them. They are in all aspects your better half. You can picture a life before them,but after they leave, that is a blur and a black box very few people want to open .But such is the nature of human relationships. One minute you are the center of my universe and the next I'm questioning my sanity and the very decision to walk life with you.

There are so many people that fake smiles to the outside world. Deep down in the darkest parts of themselves is a soul that grieves and craves revenge. However, it is a twisted way to seek peace and love once again. What you carry forward is a life full of trauma and unhealed wounds that will bleed  on people who seek to love.

There are several ways to uproot the bitter fangs of bitterness and  exorcise the demons of revenge. Pain and bitterness like aloes,drips slowly on your soul scouring until there is nothing left of you. Now more than ever,it is time to call on reason.

      1 .Don't draw conclusions without                         examination.

Instead of resorting to aggressive measures like poisoning, physical abuse, verbal exchange, and financial frustration,  take time and listen .Drastic measures always end up hurting more than healing. It gets particularly worse if children are involved.  It is wiser to get away from everything and go back to yourself. There is no justification for cheating but in Science, there are always facts to support a result.  It is  best to move from the scene slowly and reexamine yourself where you went wrong and cite nice conclusions of either continuing with relationship or putting a period.

      2. Isolate yourself  and exhume all your              bitterness.

Never put up a show to prove to yourself or anyone that you have everything figured out. This includes bottling up your feelings and pretending as though your life is a fairy tale hours after the love  of your life blew away your love story. Cry if you must,and you should. Get yourself together before you are finally ready to take on the world.

      3)Don't rush into a new relationship                    before the betrayal wound heals.

Others call it rebounds. Consolation is not by getting into a new relationship. It may be so messy and rocky than the first betrayal itself. Many do look for comforts in new love relationship and end up hurting the innocent one just by imposing the pain to the undeserved.  Love is meant to be shared. If your heart bleeds for another soul,it is only fair not to get entangled in a new romantic relationship.

      4) Share your distraught with a right person and receive good guidance.

Even introverts when drowning will cling on straws .Talking  it out makes you realize that is probably not as bad as you thought when you first came into contact with it. After  confiding in a friend, you may get insight and great advice on how to handle the issue with wisdom.

As a general advice, love is a beautiful thing and do not cheat yourself out of an opportunity to have a happy healthy trust -filled  relationship .


1 comment:

  1. Ehei! This article is timely my friend. At least l can cool my mind but let it goo
