Sunday 7 February 2021

DEAR PARENTS :TUMA KITU by Ibran Nabungolo


Dear diary,

They say that do not commit to writing anything you wouldn't want anyone to read. But today, I'm writing this just so someone can do exactly that. Today, I vent on paper about the struggle that is campus life. Is not a easy as the tales of enjoyment and partying that we were told about. In Kenya coming to campus is always met with joy and pride from parents when their son or daughter merit to go to university and is termed as a huge success. 

Most parents push their children to be admitted in high end universities in the capital. However, very few actually think through how they will sustain upkeep for them. For most parents, school fees is as far as it goes. Does anyone actually care that we struggle to keep ourselves sane? Maybe someone already sold the idea of youths being extravagant and living way beyond their means .


Since the introduction of the cooking ban,things keep getting tougher especially for those that live in the hostels. Opening up to parents about this is not easy. How do you find the words to tell a parent who worships your very feet that you are not comfortable to be in the university because you can not finance your stay there? Slaying in hostel with a piece of kdf and hot water is slowly but surely becoming a norm. Waking up to  to a bunch of un- bounced lectures is but a tale too familiar with the comrades.

With money being the motherboard to any life in campus , most parents think that just HELB loan that is given to students is enough to wait for a semester to end so as to welcome their sons and daughters back home . With an average comrade spending at least 150 for an average student in moi university according to our research per day  going to food without including basics of typing works, uploading notes and printing and printing of assignments averagely a student spends up to eight hundred shillings per week . Such amount is not recognized by the parent or guardian arguing that most of their children are spendthrifts is not true.

Students have even ended up being unable to fully sustain their meals  and academic work .Some are forced to forgo some meals  in order to spread their thin maintenance money over a longer period .I'm sure,I'll go back home having lost a few pounds and I'm certainly not going to blame it on the pitch or gym .Mother, I've been starving. Please parents tuma kitu; buying your son or daughter a good smartphone only is not enough to day your child is studying in university. Not today.

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