Thursday 9 November 2017


Some people are so lucky that even when they hurt others they still get so much love. You told me you pride in discretion; a subtle message I did not decipher at that moment because , swiry, I fell head over heels for you, but now I get the feeling that you wanted me to be a secret in your life that you would do anything to conceal from anyone that knew you. You told me that we will never be perfect, but you wanted to spend every imperfect moment with me. If this was not love, have the courtesy to tell me what it was, my love.

Andy, I have so many questions to ask you, and quite frankly, I do not need answers from you because lately you seem to have mastered the art of lying to my face, or so I think! Am I so unlucky that even when I give you all my love and care, I still end up being hurt? Why do you make it so hard for me to love you, are you still the gentleman that approached me a while back and proffessed his undying love for me? Do you remember how you swept me off my feet even though I had a guy in my life? It is not that I ranked you above him, it is because you stole my heart, Andy.

I remember you asked me who the lucky man in my life was and that you envied him, did you really mean it? Have you forgoten how you told me am the best thing that has ever happened in your life and that I made your heart melt with joy? Hitherto, he, the man you took me away from,  still wants me back because I was his most prized possession. I normally tell him without mincing words that I moved on, because I still tell myself chosing you was the best thing I ever did. So please prove me that when you said am more of a priority than option to you,you meant every single word sweetheart! Why is it that every thing that he did to make me chose you over him, are still the same things you have been doing lately, my love? could you even for a single day go back to the man that you were when you were wooing me into your nest hun? I still reminisce the nostalgic moments we ever shared when you were my swet Romeo! Or should I just dismiss you as another case of the dangerous vicious cycle of randy men who are amorously philandering around...what happened to you hun?

Saying that I have given up on you would be wishful thinking, it  is love am  talking about, not abracadabra. Often times I try to pretend am happy so that I do not have to explain to the world what am going through, to me smiling is better than trying to explain the reason am sad and I always take deep breathes whenever I see your images or hear you laugh with your friends, it is my best way of consolation.
Lastly, cupcake, a friend once told me that if I want to know if a bird is really mine, I should let it go; if it flies back into my arms, then it was really meant for me, but if it goes away, for good, then it was never meant to be! So with utmost conviction, if one day I give up on you, its not because i did not care but because you did not!

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