Thursday 11 February 2021


What happens to us

US who hold inconsistent conversations. 

Those of us who release pain through slashing our wrists.

 Who's gonna save us 

from the shadows that we are forever linked to.

We hide behind fake smiles and dark poetry

We hide behind pubs and clubs

We that hide behind drugs and girls

Trying to drown the guilt that's at the bottom of the bottle

Knowing well it can't be drowned

At times we remember you when we're off the hook

When we can't walk any further

Not because we're bored

At times we're looking for understanding

Some of the battles we fight

We fight them behind closed doors

And dented masks

Under the masked darkness of the night

You'll never know what we go through 

Because we are shitty inconsistent people 

But at least we are contented with that.


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