Thursday 11 February 2021




There is a joke about students who study medicine. They tell the world that medical school is so tough,they want to cry,but they don't have time .Truth be told,it is that point of the semester that is an uphill task. Academics are beginning to take shape and more flesh added to the studying skeleton .It is  this time that random assessment test (CATS) are being done.  The ongoing pandemic could not be any worse for students. The  cold weather due to onset of rainy season and lack of HELB has left comrades with only scraps to go by. It is a hard choice between taking care of food expenses or buying airtime for online classes as well as exam materials, that is printing of takeaway exams.

Not everyone is a  party freak, but those that are,definitely feel a pinch in the soul. For most people ,it is in the budget .How much they will drink and eat at bars is on the same pie chart as rent. But at this point, students are on a hibernation. They have to cut down costs and do the famous strungi and Kdf. Someone made a joke about how much campus students do not take milk with a health excuse of lactose intolerance. The hard truth is,we can not afford that Luxury. Everyday, we walk from stage with a measure of kales,tomatoes and onions. It is funny how the good chain descends from eating chicken ,to chicken products to what chicken feed on .



I've heard of friends skipping meals. Waking up deliberately when its past breakfast to enjoy what is commonly referred to as BRUNCH,breakfast and lunch. Some spend most of their time in library after classes to escape from hunger so that they save for tomorrow. 

Online classes are much expensive as a lot of airtime is needed for bundles, smartphone with good monitor, good network coverage and calm environment. Poor network connection is a problem to everyone including the lecturers 

Their phones are full  of money lending applications like Tuliza, Tala,Branch to mention few. They have requested those relatives and friends who are working to send them money but before they do that they should ask them if they have FULIZA so  they can provide an alternative phone number. 

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