Friday 24 November 2023



By Lucas Kimeu                        

Daily, the topic of love has been finding new descriptions with new words to describe it. But will we ever get to know what it really means? I guess you have your own answer. What do we mean when we talk about love actually? Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. Here, we are talking about the love in romantic relationships. With love, everyone always has a different kind of story to offer. Some have some gone under very touching heartbreaks even their stories leave you crying but do we really know if we are supposed to love or live and die single. A lot of phrases have been made saying that love is a scam and stuff.

One has to distinguish between love and fantasy of which has been a challenge in our today life. Fantasy may come clothed in love rags but it really is different from genuine love. In fantasy, one sees it fit to be in a relationship with someone but after getting into the relationship, everything changes and they end up loosing respect for each other hence breaking up. As people our love life is often destroyed during our childhood when we form different forms of fantasies in our minds of a perfect partner which is not exactly what we desire as adults but due to our formed versions of our partners we end up loosing it all because we do not get what we desire.

As a youth you have to distinguish your feelings. To prevent future regrets and disappointments in your love life. When getting into relationships, avoid expectations because these expectations are the biggest cause of disappointments and even huge break ups leading to suicides and untimely deaths. Before you fall in love be extra cautious of what you are actually getting yourself into. This is because that might be you digging your own grave. It is one of the most dangerous addictions in someone’s life as its effect is mostly associated with hard drugs such as cocaine. Love occurs as an attraction which is caused by a hormone released at the left side of the brains and it affects the same way as the hard drugs.

Each one of us has a different opinion about love. Some will tell you not to dare fall in love because of their terrible pasts with their terrible partners. For me I could tell you to try and fall in love for you to taste the better part it while still young and vigorous. Still when choosing the one to fall for, be careful ‘kisikurambe’ as they say it because we will laugh as you cry but then help you if you decide to die. Now the baton is yours its either you decide to run and fall in love carelessly or fall in love cautiously. Now go.


Love For Sexual Luck And Financial Gain

 By Francis Mweteeli

“The higher you climb, the cooler the clime becomes.” This old adage comes to me when I think about campus romance. There is a reality in this phrase when comparing love though used in uplifting experiences. Every individual joins university of their choice with a diverse perception and notion about this big ‘tittle’. I can say that, the outlook depends on your high school teacher. But the big question is; “Did you know that you cannot swallow while vomiting?”

Yesterday night, I was lucky to make my way to one of the illustrious halls of residents, just to be shocked. Before I entered one of the mighty hostels of capacities, I was welcomed by soft whispers and covet gazes. I could compare the girls to the light of the full moon. Half-dressed to empress the ready to mingle. The whole situation reminded me of the biblical story of the daughters of Bethsheba, ‘with these young women excluding a similar seductive allure!’ Their beauty could rush you inside there even cause downfall to the servants of Yahweh. To my big surprise, the two I met yesterday together, today they had split, each quenching to a new conquest. So, what does it mean? Here comes a pertinent question; What is the meaning of frequent partner swapping when it comes to campus dating? So, it closely relates with a game, with each player trying to overcome each other in terms of sexual luck and financial gain. The biggest rat here is sex and money! Full stop.  Many are referring to the animosity as a scum. 

Most students join university with an age of 17-20 years, simply teenagers. Their minds are swayed and their hearts are impressionable. They fall victims to the demon of ‘testing the waters’ This comes as a result of the navigation of their unfamiliar environment. What do you think their intentions are? Every individual is desperately trying to unlock their highly coveted asset of sexual and financial luck. My biggest fear is everyday witnessing the commodification of Sex in campus and students fornicating and ignoring the gravity of their actions.

I am not imposing any kind of a belief or standards to you, but am raising awareness about this issue at hand. Sex before marriage is fornication! Let it be known. Where is our sense of restrain? This contentious issue was once a taboo. It hearts to know the sense that the sacred and sanctimonious role of education has now become a hotbed for fornication.

Am I wrong? “Evil deeds bear bitter fruits.”  Let me get you aware of the complexities and nuances surrounding this phenomenon. Pervasive pressure and scrutiny amongst students are a big reason, someone is fearing to be seen as prudish. Media is fueling this CAPITAL hence compelling students to engage in it as a way of being fit. No one is ready for the heavy consequences. No comrade is ready to suffer for a brighter future. They are carried by a recent hit, ‘bora nienjoy’

It has come to my senses that financial constrains and promise of quick cash is driving this issue to growth. High cost of living and tuition often blinds the desperate comrades to sex exploitation. Students are trading sexual pleasures for material gains. For heavens sake! Who will solve this big deal? Experience is teaching lovers every day. The big animals; HIV, STIs, early pregnancies are knocking on the door. Who is ready to welcome them dear comrades?

To conclude, "A stitch in time saves nine." When we will focus on our education which is the key to success, we will overcome the consequences of this great crime. There is time for everything if there is time for anything. I am fostering this healthy attitude and behavior to make you condemn the sin. Remember, ‘patience is blessing in waiting’



By:Mwende Mercy

smitten, conscience smitten, love smitten,

blinded I was, couldn't put up with anyone pointing his mistakes,

how dare they talk ill of my man, of course I was in love,

you know that feeling of rising goosebumps upon his touch,

weird shallow breath as he blows airy kisses on my neck,

trip to the moon as he caresses my body

gosh! so wonderful, amazing.



like a drug, I was drawn to him, intoxicated to point of no return,

trying to flee as I could, but it could be useless,

still finding a way back, back to my man, my addiction,

wine-like taste was his lips, as he devoured mine,

damn! so hard to forget the crazy euphoria when we merged,

I think it was lust? or maybe it wasn't.



how could I forget the lingering cologne on his body?

makes me not to let go of his pleasuring memories,

got illusions of his shadows in my room, my bed,

whispers of naughty, nasty words in my dreams,

No! there it goes, the massacred pleasure, digging into my deeper lengths,

repeated strokes then culmination of speaking in tongues as volcanoes erupt.

the grand finale came as a surprise, didn't expect it to be so quick,

all became stories, building up to our past,

ooh! what transpired between us? I don't have a clue about it,

just woke up one day "let's call it quits" informed the note.


now I'm overwhelmed with emotions of love and disgust to him,

how could he just let me taste the meal without eating it?

he was my possession, I owned him,

dude just left me flabbergasted, maybe it was sort of wicked love,

bro's memories marked the end of our love era.




By Francis Masai


In an era defined by financial prudence and accountability, the actions of excessive spending by government stands as stark anomaly. There is clearly excessive spending, uncontrolled borrowing leading to high debt levels and mismanagement of public funds by some government officials.

‘Empty coffers’ statement by the Deputy President is still a question to many Kenyans whereas according to the controller of budget review for the financial year 2022/2023 released in May showed that the president Ruto’s administration spends over Ksh.14 billion on domestic and foreign travel alone. The office of the president spends over Ksh 681 million on travel indicating a 113% increase compared to the year before that. This raised questions among Citizens that is the government extravagantly spending on trips which most citizen felt that maybe they could be of no benefit to the economy as a nation. Kenyans took it on social media platforms claiming that the economic constraints they are experiencing is as a result of high government expenditure on areas that can not even be identified or felt.

High taxation, high expenditure by the government and at the same time high cost of fuel and commodities raises eyebrows for  many Kenyans who feel that the government is becoming reckless on how they source and spend the finances they have. Some  UDA members of parliament have even come out to plead with the president to lower the cost of living because they feel that they are losing popularity at the areas they represent yet they are the same people who passed the finance bill in parliament which saw the increase of taxes making pay slips of Kenyans to shrink. This made most Kenyans to conclude that the  government is no longer for the hustlers as  promised. Unbearable taxes, levies and recent increase in cost of government services including application for National IDs and passport stirs up the reaction of Kenyans. Debt continues to accrue as Kenyan shilling day by day continues to depreciate.

Members of National assembly voted to approve the deployment of 1000 police officers in Haiti for a peace keeping mission that will cost Ksh. 36.5 billion. Kenyans on the other hand feel that they are still struggling to satisfy their physiological needs such as adequate food, clean water and affordable primary health care and the government peace keeping mission in a foreign land is a mismatched priority for them. They suggest that the government could have first prioritized stabilizing the economy before extending their hand to a foreign land although covering it up, the CS for interior explained that the money to be spent on that mission will be obtained from the UN state members.

Subjectively, Kenyans should not just talk in silence but they should come out and give the government a cautionary reminder on the importance of prudence, fiscal responsibility and accountability in leadership. The government also need to listen to its citizens’ views before making decisions which will affect the public. It should understand that its only through thoughtful, disciplined and inclusive decision making can government ensure stability and fulfillment of their societal responsibilities.



By Willis Ogada

Many people will be left wondering why men need an awareness day when everyday could be considered male-dominated day, while women are viewed as less beings in the society.

This then brings to a question of, "Why acknowledge an official day for either men or women yet both strive to be either equal or prominent over the other on a daily basis?"

I think the official days tend to acknowledge the 'weaker party' and so this should also be seen as important as other celebrated days internationally.

For a long time, there have been a narrative of empowering the girl-child while sidelining the male gender, where their social issues are neither of any organization concern nor of government's. It is then seen as a 'fight' between the male and those in any organization's power, to see the stronger side leaving the male in almost a bewildered state.

There has been what is termed as Men's Conference, or rather International Men's Day (IMD), where men are assumed to be meeting to discuss what may bring them together by sharing ideas, but is there any importance of such if not feeding each other with points of tackling female gender?

I believe there are several factors that affect the male gender that needs to be addressed, running from social-economic issues, mental health and physical challenges that men undergo.

Has anyone ever asked why there is high number of male's suicide than females, why many men die of heart related issues, why most men are alcoholic or die in alcohol-related cases, or let's say, is there a gender comparison statistic on road deaths and/or workplace deaths? Through the realization of all this, I hope we may have a VERY 'healthy world', as stated by Australians IMD 2023 theme, "Healthy Men, Healthy World."

Is there something that need to be done by organizations, governments or individuals to promote the activities that keeps men and boys healthy? Should men's mental health matter to everyone or rather be considered as a social issue or it's just an individual issue?

I think the media and society at large should focus on the well-being of men and boys, promote gender equality, and celebrate the positive contributions of each person towards society and encourage positive male roles for us to be in a safer place for everyone to live in.

Would you mind to check with your male family members and friends, and see how they're doing, engage your peers and colleagues in conversations and rather collaborate differences and acceptance? Remember, even that man or boy needs attention!


By Shem Godwins 

Education is not something you can complete. It is a process that does not only involve an individual’s contact with the academic process for a holistic existence but also other aspects of life. The first priority according to me, should be given to the health wellness of an individual., right from kindergarten health hygiene was a discipline our teachers really emphasized on. Growth and development in humanity exposes man to a lot of reason especially with regards to the environment and for that I always believe that any human being above the age of eighteen is mature enough to distinguish between wrong and right. Doing the right thing even without supervision should not be a haunted castle in this case.

University life has over a long time been every child’s dream while in high school, perhaps for the fact that those they interact with from there over praise the quality of life. Here, life is given another dimension and the speculations and general assumption is that university students are a quality of intellectuals and of high integrity. Meet them on campus streets and all you see are queens and kings of the academia. Right from their dressing to the kind of social life they portray is remarkably of class-very responsible people. However, they do not care about their wash rooms at all. This is where the devil opposes their reason.

Moi university is indeed a university with a difference, especially in nurturing innovation and talent. Graduates from this university are a world class cohort and very marketable. On the contrary, they have really failed to consider a good part of their environment. These beautiful and handsome academic giants have completely no clue regarding their hygiene. Their washrooms are very pathetic and unwelcoming. Right from their hostels to the various social places across the university. Just to sample a few, the washrooms in the student’s center, lecture hall 1 alias LH1, external ablutions, Hostels A, B, C, D, F. Students climb on the tabs and as if that is not enough, put their waste outside the tabs and flushing the toilet after use is an absolute nightmare none of them dares to experience. A shameless lot.

It is okay if they’d rubbish my observation and take the blame on the school management but I think the administration is doing its part when cleaners are employed to clean these toilets every day, it calls for a good heart to do it. The sewerage systems in these are as old as methuselah but that should not be a reason for avoiding responsibility. To be honest, a campus student is someone mature and exposing to behave like cave men, we understand your institution is in the heart of Kesses forests. Before you dress for the streets, ensure your washrooms are clean. Go to the toilet with water to do manual flushing. Dear Moi university comrades, this is not an insult. Appreciate what you have. Keep your toilets clean.


Friday 3 November 2023




By Lukas Kimeu 

The long-awaited visit by the king of England His majesty King Charles III finally has taken place but really what is going on. This was the first official visit since he became the king and this is after his mother Queen Elizabeth II passed away last year. The Kenyan president invited their majesties with a banquet at the statehouse on Tuesday night.

The king first visited the Tomb of the unknown warriors at Uhuru gardens. Do you really know the history behind the tomb? The Tomb of the unknown warriors is where the first Kenyan flag was hoisted after Kenya gained independence in 1963. This tomb is where the British soldiers were buried during the Mau Mau warfare it was heavily guarded by British soldiers each day from Africans. The British soldiers were highly respected.

During this visit he gave a public apology to the martyrs who suffered under the hands of the Britain government during the colonial rule. During the banquet he gave his apology by saying that ‘the wrongdoings of the past are a cause of greatest sorrow and deepest regret' he was stopped short of a full apology by Kenyans who suffered the atrocities of the British during the independence struggle of Kenya. The president praised him by say that his courage ‘to shed light on uncomfortable truths that reside in the darker regions of our shared experience’

According to the Kenya Human Rights Organisation 90,000 Kenyans were killed or maimed during the struggle and over 160,000 detained. In 2013 the British government gave $24 million (20 million pounds) to compensate the Kenyans who suffered during the struggle. This visit has renewed the healing scars of the Mau Mau fighters.

The King and the queen are expected to visit other places including the Mombasa port. Their majesties visit has been as a ‘spotlight to the strong and dynamic partnership in Kenya and UK’ It is also termed as a mission to ‘save the commonwealth’ as some countries like Jamaica and Belize have started claiming a republic. Although this visit has sparked different views from Kenyans, Kenya still needs to move on and work harder to save the sinking economy.






 By Chloe Adhiambo.

The joy of being a first year cannot be compared to any other feeling. Freedom, money, new friends, new everything. It’s like starting over. Turning a new page. New personality and discovery of new things about ourselves.

When we joined the university, it was a statement on most parent’s mouths’ that the hostels would be our second home. Sure, most parents were lured by their kids to live outside the school compound. And it worked. The alleged reasons for staying in the hostels were to familiarize with the environment and because it was safer.

Why you may ask? All because you’re a mere innocent first year with no experience of living alone. If only parents were here to witness what goes on in the supposed safe spaces, I’m sure the narrative would change completely.

I remember when I first came to Moi University, I had a totally different picture of the hostels. My mind was enclosed in a box that I was coming to an apartment but with a roommate. I forgot for a minute that I was going to a public school. A public school I repeat.

The men’s and ladies’ hostels are adjacent to each other. The first years who are excited and idle are mingling and getting to know each other. Some already branding each other ‘best friends’ because of having one thing in common. Some stay in their rooms avoiding to socialize and waiting to make movements when going to eat. I get it it’s the first week. No rush.

You’d slowly start seeing people pairing up slowly by slowly. I’m not saying people of same gender but of opposite sex. At around 7 o’clock is when you’d see people strolling dragging their feet heading to Megabytes or other eateries of their preferences to dine. Hostels started having other occupants and you could tell from varying tones of voices.

Some hostels had security and no man was allowed in the ladies’ hostels past 7 p.m. Personally I never understood why you could call someone to your room when you can meet and chat outside.

As time passes it’s now a small percentage of the students walking alone. By this time classes have started. The focused ones would camp in the library and read; some will go use the internet which would work when it felt like. Others will go to the famous F2 to have their own meaning of enjoyment. It's not wrong but it’s best to not misuse your freedom by drinking. My opinion.

Aside from the slowly deteriorating behaviors of the freshers, the hygiene of the hostels is not so welcoming. One can easily get sick and sometimes it’s not a personal problem but how the washrooms and bathrooms are handled during ‘cleaning’.

I appreciate the work being done by the subordinate staff but I feel more effort should be put in making the bathrooms a conducive area of hygiene. I hope the entrusted leader who deals with students’ welfare will look into that issue.

 The freedom that is in university makes most of the students think without involvement of critical thinking. Sure, it can be enticing to do some things but the consequence should be considered more than the action itself. It’s my wish that soon the mentality of being unsupervised will make people responsible and wise decisions makers at least for their generation’s sake.








By: Faith Onyango.

The internet, a pervasive tool in today's world, revolutionizes our access to information and connection with others. However, its all-encompassing nature can often plunge us into a realm detached from reality. The virtual world becomes a captivating escape, sometimes hindering our engagement with the physical facets of life.

Stepping away from the internet can be beneficial for our mental health. The digital platforms, being incredibly powerful, often absorbs our attention to the point where it detaches us from the physical realities of life, immersing us in a world of virtual experiences.

Reason with me for a moment: what if the internet had never existed? Speculation suggests that without it, our minds would have been more actively engaged in solving problems in real life, rather than consistently resorting to online searches for solutions.

Taking a pause from the internet can be an essential practice for personal growth and self-reflection. On a personal account, I can unequivocally vouch for the benefits derived from a deliberate week-long absence from the online world—it left me feeling refreshed and invigorated.

This break challenged me to rely on my own reservoir of knowledge. It dawned on me that my thinking processes had become overly reliant on internet searches, hindering my ability to cognitively think independently. I came to the stark realization of the shallowness of my knowledge; I felt like I knew very little without the constant aid of online information.

The internet cultivates a culture where we tend to believe we possess all-encompassing knowledge, even though the reality is quite differing. Nonetheless, the internet undeniably offers immense utility. It serves as a gateway for connecting with individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Within the digital sphere, one encounters a multitude of content creators—entertainers, musicians, and poets—whose contributions captivate and resonate across various audiences. They craft content that entertains, compose soul-touching music, and write poems that reflect universal human experiences.

Stepping back from the internet not only provides a personal retreat from constant interaction but also allows one to carve out a space for introspection and replenishing one's thoughts. Some individuals hesitate to disconnect, fearing they'll miss out on crucial information. Contrary to this belief, the internet's comprehensive memory ensures that any missed details will resurface across various online platforms. Alternatives like radio and television remain viable options for staying informed without the extensive online engagement. It's advisable to avoid activities like browsing, chatting on social media, and streaming services such as Netflix to truly detach from the online world.

Arguably, today's younger generation is significantly affected by the internet's pervasive influence. There's a growing concern that many, particularly those in universities and colleges, struggle with critical thinking skills. The constant synchronization with the internet has led to a dependency, where instead of actively engaging with challenges or questions, individuals readily shift to the internet for answers.


It's now crucial for each person to consider regular breaks from the internet, aiming for a span of 3 to 7 days each month. This practice is essential in preserving a connection to our authentic selves, preventing the risk of losing touch

Democracy: Worst Form Of Government.

 By Linet Otieno

As we all know politics is something that is practiced across the world and has got its own fundamental principle and rights to be followed. The same happens here in Moi university where students have got the right to exercise their democratic rights. This normally happens after every one-year term elapses and new candidates are required to take part again. Students who are interested in leading others in various dockets are given an opportunity to come out, vie and show interest and their manifesto to the public.

This year's MUSO delegates election which kicked off on 18th, October 2023, many students from different colleges, that is; College oo1 which is School of Education, College 002 which is School of Arts and Social Sciences and School of Information Science, and lastly College oo3 which is School of Engineering, Agriculture and Sciences. The election was conducted across all campuses; Main campus, Annex campus, College of health sciences and coast campus.

But here, let’s focus with the elections that were held at the Moi University Main Campus. This year's election is a bit different compared with the last year's elections which ran smoothly and was timely and overly successful.

What shocked most of the students during this year's campaign was something that was witnessed during the" KAMKUNJI". A certain aspirant who vied for an academic docket from college 002, stole the show and captured people's attention when he symbolically popped up for the kamkunji on a cart and three donkeys, accompanied by 12 supporters. When interviewed, the aspirant said that it was just a strategy he implied for himself so that he can be unique and different from others. He also added that politics is not all about money, but it implies strategy as well. And with this strategy of his, he emerged to be a winner.

Secondly, it is always the norm that after delegates have been voted in, they are given a chance to elect the chairperson which is a position the university president and also to elect various secretary general councils known as the SGC represent various delegates who have been elected. After all this, the swearing in process follows, but up to now this has not yet happened and has led to a lot of confusions among students. This confusion came clear when the MUSO chairperson’s position was re advertised by the dean of students. Dean Dr. Alice Mutai invited all the interested candidates to submit their applications before Friday 27th, October at 10.00 a.m. The reason for this still remains unknown. What a coincidence! This re advertisement of MUSO chairperson happened the same day the election of MUSO chairperson and SGC was scheduled to be held which was on 23rd, October, after that it was rescheduled again.

However, this SGC election did not happen as stipulated. It was reported that the delegates elect who were expected to vote arrived at the students’ center to exercise their democratic rights but left after a while without the elections taking place.

A state of normalcy has resumes within the campus after delegates election with the supporters of the various aspirants who had turn up to support and celebrate their preferred candidate as they waited for the elections to conclude silently going back to normalcy, attending of lectures. Despite things going back to normal after the delegates election, as is it up to now students are confused and still wondering "what is going on that they do not know? Or what is not going on, that they know is supposed to be going on?" This is because the shortlisted candidates of MUSO chairperson position have not yet been released up to now, yet it was supposed to be officially released by today 2nd November, 2023. This has brought a lot of mixed reactions as students are becoming tired of waiting. But all in all, let's hope for the best that every plan will run smoothly as it will be scheduled.


Campus Boyfriends Won't Entertain You After The Fun


By Jacinta Museo

I've just passed by the fully-filled hostels and guess what? Noises and moans all over. Girlfriends welcoming their boyfriends in style.  Freshaz are also offering them goodies to their newly found sexually starved boyfriends who don't seem to have been able to tap someone for a while.

College is just a fornication center. Take hordes of horny, inexperienced kids, send them on to some campus far away from their parents, strip away all the responsibilities and do you know what's going to happen?  A bunch of horny inexperienced kids on top of each other.

Sex is just a naughty little cocktail that campus students have always shared, but hear me, Judy. I wanna share this little secret with you, that campus boyfriend won't entertain two lines, after the fun that was.

One would think that most campus students would be wise enough to use protection as they're most knowledgeable especially with regards to the effects of unprotected sex. But sadly, this is not the case, most campuserians are living with the "living young, free and wild" mentality. And to them, everything seems so normal.

The thrill of taking the forbidden fruit reaches its prime in campus mostly because everyone feels like they've attained the legal age and can do whatever they wish with their lives. And with that, young freshmen and women are always eager to debut into the world of intimacy. It's okay, you're welcome darling. But be safe, otherwise you'll cry louder than the baby.

You'll be lured to go get drunk and a lot might happen in the heat of moment, and you know what? Using protection will become the last thing you can ever think of. Also, these older have no shame in telling you that they want to hit it raw and for the 'love' that you have, you'll just be so weak to resist.

Some steady boyfriends will also convince you that engaging into unprotected sex is a prove of trust and faithfulness; positing that the morning after pill or the all-popular e-pill will always work. But things don’t always work as expected. That "babe kwani, hunitrust" nonsense will one-day land you into regrets.

The jitters will begin to show once the periods delay. You're in panic mode and the only thing you can do is to go for a pregnancy test with fingers crossed just to get some peace of mind. A confirmation of the fear you'll receive it first by shock and disbelief and then it will be all depression.

That's the time when your so-called boyfriends will ghost you like you never existed. It will be all on you, wondering how you gonna break the news to your parents, fully aware of the stigma that you'll be forced to undergo.

Coping with pregnancy in school isn’t always a fairy tale. The cold stares and harsh words from classmates are just another thing. The transition from being a young campus girl with the world ahead to being someone’s mother can be so unbearable at times.

Getting pregnant is no alien thing, it can happen to any lady. One needs to be extremely careful so as not to accelerate their horniness into motherhood. In as much as abstinence is a unicorn in this age and time, remember to always use protection. That mere confused imbibing boyfriend is not worthy the pain and the stigma.

Here's a word to my dearests’ girls in first year, just don't allow the feeling of adventure take its toll on you fully. You only have one assignment; being careful, alert and sober. End of rant!


Wednesday 1 November 2023


By: Mwende Mercy

A past which fucking haunts,

trying to forget it but it recalls her,

it rushes crumbling her down,

night falls, nightmares make her insane,

like some kind a cult was introduced to her,

maybe she's living in a dark world.


the night thoughts which slap her ass,

pain and agony shatters her young heart,

storming out knocks the tears,

their drops holding fear, hatred, and loneliness.


fear of her own family, hell-built one,

devil and his offspring co-habits in it,

roams around bringing down one of their own,

bloodthirsty creatures. greed dictates them,

not happy when a member succeeds,

one unconscious move, you are erased.


knows less about her family and contented,

because some secrets are better off untold, she believes

they hold unbearable truth, so dark when unraveled

makes have doubts, lose trust to your people

scares and keeps you off from your close people


look at how blank she is, a living dead

walking among living but dead emotionally

existence is her thing, she does not live

endures pain, loneliness, emotional distress

lacks lean on shoulder, but doesn't give up

she hasn’t lost the interest to live.


got high hope that ipo siku ITAJIPA,

one day all will be well, overcome hindrances,

pulling through she really has to, to end painful era,

really are the kings but they'll watch the queen conquer,

standing watching their backs they will, over will be their regime,

the queen she is she'll become, marking the end of era,

theatre of nightmares it will become, pain shoot through them,

forever she will reign, the CONQUEROR.


A Campus Tale Of Solitude And Romance


By Jelagat Mercy

Individuals on campus who are genuinely relishing their freedom are often romantic couples for whom financial constraints are not an issue. The reason behind this is that they can indulge in frequent party attendance and enjoy nights out at clubs, spoiling each other as they see fit.

Last night, I found myself feeling lonely as I walked around the stage area at around 11 pm, as if my soulmate had vanished from my life. During my aimless stroll, I encountered two individuals. One was a tall, dark-skinned man, although I couldn't discern whether he was handsome or not due to the darkness. The other was a short, plump lady with a brown complexion. I discovered them standing in a spot, gazing at the stars and the moon, making promises to each other about experiencing a blissful life together. "Wow, happy are those," I thought.

I hesitated for a while, observing from a distance to see what would unfold next. Two minutes later, I witnessed them cuddling, sharing slow, tender kisses, and engaging in gentle caresses. My own emotions were welling up, and I made a quick decision to discreetly withdraw, allowing them the privacy to continue their intimate moments.

As I continued my walk, I encountered numerous couples strolling joyfully along the academic highway. In that moment, I found myself lamenting and questioning why destiny hadn't yet introduced me to my soulmate. It felt as though I was among the minority, walking alone through the chilly, dim corridors of Moi University

When I reached my room, I discovered that my roommate had once again gone to her boyfriend's place, as was her regular practice on Fridays. Given that I felt both full from my meal and utterly drained from a day filled with lectures and personal studies, I chose to express my gratitude to the Almighty, as my parents had taught me, and then promptly went to sleep.

I was awakened by the loud noise of the bed repeatedly shaking and the amorous sounds coming from my neighbor's room. I could hear them promising each other heaven on earth, exchanging sweet words, and sharing loud, affectionate kisses. It was evident that my neighbor was relishing intimate moments with her so-called sweetheart. In that moment, I comforted myself, believing that one day I would find the love of my life and experience the joys that couples do.

The campus night revealed that love and loneliness, in their own unique ways, coexisted in the lives of its students, making it a place where hearts met and sometimes, where they yearned.