Wednesday 1 November 2023


By: Mwende Mercy

A past which fucking haunts,

trying to forget it but it recalls her,

it rushes crumbling her down,

night falls, nightmares make her insane,

like some kind a cult was introduced to her,

maybe she's living in a dark world.


the night thoughts which slap her ass,

pain and agony shatters her young heart,

storming out knocks the tears,

their drops holding fear, hatred, and loneliness.


fear of her own family, hell-built one,

devil and his offspring co-habits in it,

roams around bringing down one of their own,

bloodthirsty creatures. greed dictates them,

not happy when a member succeeds,

one unconscious move, you are erased.


knows less about her family and contented,

because some secrets are better off untold, she believes

they hold unbearable truth, so dark when unraveled

makes have doubts, lose trust to your people

scares and keeps you off from your close people


look at how blank she is, a living dead

walking among living but dead emotionally

existence is her thing, she does not live

endures pain, loneliness, emotional distress

lacks lean on shoulder, but doesn't give up

she hasn’t lost the interest to live.


got high hope that ipo siku ITAJIPA,

one day all will be well, overcome hindrances,

pulling through she really has to, to end painful era,

really are the kings but they'll watch the queen conquer,

standing watching their backs they will, over will be their regime,

the queen she is she'll become, marking the end of era,

theatre of nightmares it will become, pain shoot through them,

forever she will reign, the CONQUEROR.


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