Friday 3 November 2023

Campus Boyfriends Won't Entertain You After The Fun


By Jacinta Museo

I've just passed by the fully-filled hostels and guess what? Noises and moans all over. Girlfriends welcoming their boyfriends in style.  Freshaz are also offering them goodies to their newly found sexually starved boyfriends who don't seem to have been able to tap someone for a while.

College is just a fornication center. Take hordes of horny, inexperienced kids, send them on to some campus far away from their parents, strip away all the responsibilities and do you know what's going to happen?  A bunch of horny inexperienced kids on top of each other.

Sex is just a naughty little cocktail that campus students have always shared, but hear me, Judy. I wanna share this little secret with you, that campus boyfriend won't entertain two lines, after the fun that was.

One would think that most campus students would be wise enough to use protection as they're most knowledgeable especially with regards to the effects of unprotected sex. But sadly, this is not the case, most campuserians are living with the "living young, free and wild" mentality. And to them, everything seems so normal.

The thrill of taking the forbidden fruit reaches its prime in campus mostly because everyone feels like they've attained the legal age and can do whatever they wish with their lives. And with that, young freshmen and women are always eager to debut into the world of intimacy. It's okay, you're welcome darling. But be safe, otherwise you'll cry louder than the baby.

You'll be lured to go get drunk and a lot might happen in the heat of moment, and you know what? Using protection will become the last thing you can ever think of. Also, these older have no shame in telling you that they want to hit it raw and for the 'love' that you have, you'll just be so weak to resist.

Some steady boyfriends will also convince you that engaging into unprotected sex is a prove of trust and faithfulness; positing that the morning after pill or the all-popular e-pill will always work. But things don’t always work as expected. That "babe kwani, hunitrust" nonsense will one-day land you into regrets.

The jitters will begin to show once the periods delay. You're in panic mode and the only thing you can do is to go for a pregnancy test with fingers crossed just to get some peace of mind. A confirmation of the fear you'll receive it first by shock and disbelief and then it will be all depression.

That's the time when your so-called boyfriends will ghost you like you never existed. It will be all on you, wondering how you gonna break the news to your parents, fully aware of the stigma that you'll be forced to undergo.

Coping with pregnancy in school isn’t always a fairy tale. The cold stares and harsh words from classmates are just another thing. The transition from being a young campus girl with the world ahead to being someone’s mother can be so unbearable at times.

Getting pregnant is no alien thing, it can happen to any lady. One needs to be extremely careful so as not to accelerate their horniness into motherhood. In as much as abstinence is a unicorn in this age and time, remember to always use protection. That mere confused imbibing boyfriend is not worthy the pain and the stigma.

Here's a word to my dearests’ girls in first year, just don't allow the feeling of adventure take its toll on you fully. You only have one assignment; being careful, alert and sober. End of rant!


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