Friday 3 November 2023

Democracy: Worst Form Of Government.

 By Linet Otieno

As we all know politics is something that is practiced across the world and has got its own fundamental principle and rights to be followed. The same happens here in Moi university where students have got the right to exercise their democratic rights. This normally happens after every one-year term elapses and new candidates are required to take part again. Students who are interested in leading others in various dockets are given an opportunity to come out, vie and show interest and their manifesto to the public.

This year's MUSO delegates election which kicked off on 18th, October 2023, many students from different colleges, that is; College oo1 which is School of Education, College 002 which is School of Arts and Social Sciences and School of Information Science, and lastly College oo3 which is School of Engineering, Agriculture and Sciences. The election was conducted across all campuses; Main campus, Annex campus, College of health sciences and coast campus.

But here, let’s focus with the elections that were held at the Moi University Main Campus. This year's election is a bit different compared with the last year's elections which ran smoothly and was timely and overly successful.

What shocked most of the students during this year's campaign was something that was witnessed during the" KAMKUNJI". A certain aspirant who vied for an academic docket from college 002, stole the show and captured people's attention when he symbolically popped up for the kamkunji on a cart and three donkeys, accompanied by 12 supporters. When interviewed, the aspirant said that it was just a strategy he implied for himself so that he can be unique and different from others. He also added that politics is not all about money, but it implies strategy as well. And with this strategy of his, he emerged to be a winner.

Secondly, it is always the norm that after delegates have been voted in, they are given a chance to elect the chairperson which is a position the university president and also to elect various secretary general councils known as the SGC represent various delegates who have been elected. After all this, the swearing in process follows, but up to now this has not yet happened and has led to a lot of confusions among students. This confusion came clear when the MUSO chairperson’s position was re advertised by the dean of students. Dean Dr. Alice Mutai invited all the interested candidates to submit their applications before Friday 27th, October at 10.00 a.m. The reason for this still remains unknown. What a coincidence! This re advertisement of MUSO chairperson happened the same day the election of MUSO chairperson and SGC was scheduled to be held which was on 23rd, October, after that it was rescheduled again.

However, this SGC election did not happen as stipulated. It was reported that the delegates elect who were expected to vote arrived at the students’ center to exercise their democratic rights but left after a while without the elections taking place.

A state of normalcy has resumes within the campus after delegates election with the supporters of the various aspirants who had turn up to support and celebrate their preferred candidate as they waited for the elections to conclude silently going back to normalcy, attending of lectures. Despite things going back to normal after the delegates election, as is it up to now students are confused and still wondering "what is going on that they do not know? Or what is not going on, that they know is supposed to be going on?" This is because the shortlisted candidates of MUSO chairperson position have not yet been released up to now, yet it was supposed to be officially released by today 2nd November, 2023. This has brought a lot of mixed reactions as students are becoming tired of waiting. But all in all, let's hope for the best that every plan will run smoothly as it will be scheduled.


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