Friday 3 November 2023



By: Faith Onyango.

The internet, a pervasive tool in today's world, revolutionizes our access to information and connection with others. However, its all-encompassing nature can often plunge us into a realm detached from reality. The virtual world becomes a captivating escape, sometimes hindering our engagement with the physical facets of life.

Stepping away from the internet can be beneficial for our mental health. The digital platforms, being incredibly powerful, often absorbs our attention to the point where it detaches us from the physical realities of life, immersing us in a world of virtual experiences.

Reason with me for a moment: what if the internet had never existed? Speculation suggests that without it, our minds would have been more actively engaged in solving problems in real life, rather than consistently resorting to online searches for solutions.

Taking a pause from the internet can be an essential practice for personal growth and self-reflection. On a personal account, I can unequivocally vouch for the benefits derived from a deliberate week-long absence from the online world—it left me feeling refreshed and invigorated.

This break challenged me to rely on my own reservoir of knowledge. It dawned on me that my thinking processes had become overly reliant on internet searches, hindering my ability to cognitively think independently. I came to the stark realization of the shallowness of my knowledge; I felt like I knew very little without the constant aid of online information.

The internet cultivates a culture where we tend to believe we possess all-encompassing knowledge, even though the reality is quite differing. Nonetheless, the internet undeniably offers immense utility. It serves as a gateway for connecting with individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Within the digital sphere, one encounters a multitude of content creators—entertainers, musicians, and poets—whose contributions captivate and resonate across various audiences. They craft content that entertains, compose soul-touching music, and write poems that reflect universal human experiences.

Stepping back from the internet not only provides a personal retreat from constant interaction but also allows one to carve out a space for introspection and replenishing one's thoughts. Some individuals hesitate to disconnect, fearing they'll miss out on crucial information. Contrary to this belief, the internet's comprehensive memory ensures that any missed details will resurface across various online platforms. Alternatives like radio and television remain viable options for staying informed without the extensive online engagement. It's advisable to avoid activities like browsing, chatting on social media, and streaming services such as Netflix to truly detach from the online world.

Arguably, today's younger generation is significantly affected by the internet's pervasive influence. There's a growing concern that many, particularly those in universities and colleges, struggle with critical thinking skills. The constant synchronization with the internet has led to a dependency, where instead of actively engaging with challenges or questions, individuals readily shift to the internet for answers.


It's now crucial for each person to consider regular breaks from the internet, aiming for a span of 3 to 7 days each month. This practice is essential in preserving a connection to our authentic selves, preventing the risk of losing touch

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