Wednesday 1 November 2023

A Campus Tale Of Solitude And Romance


By Jelagat Mercy

Individuals on campus who are genuinely relishing their freedom are often romantic couples for whom financial constraints are not an issue. The reason behind this is that they can indulge in frequent party attendance and enjoy nights out at clubs, spoiling each other as they see fit.

Last night, I found myself feeling lonely as I walked around the stage area at around 11 pm, as if my soulmate had vanished from my life. During my aimless stroll, I encountered two individuals. One was a tall, dark-skinned man, although I couldn't discern whether he was handsome or not due to the darkness. The other was a short, plump lady with a brown complexion. I discovered them standing in a spot, gazing at the stars and the moon, making promises to each other about experiencing a blissful life together. "Wow, happy are those," I thought.

I hesitated for a while, observing from a distance to see what would unfold next. Two minutes later, I witnessed them cuddling, sharing slow, tender kisses, and engaging in gentle caresses. My own emotions were welling up, and I made a quick decision to discreetly withdraw, allowing them the privacy to continue their intimate moments.

As I continued my walk, I encountered numerous couples strolling joyfully along the academic highway. In that moment, I found myself lamenting and questioning why destiny hadn't yet introduced me to my soulmate. It felt as though I was among the minority, walking alone through the chilly, dim corridors of Moi University

When I reached my room, I discovered that my roommate had once again gone to her boyfriend's place, as was her regular practice on Fridays. Given that I felt both full from my meal and utterly drained from a day filled with lectures and personal studies, I chose to express my gratitude to the Almighty, as my parents had taught me, and then promptly went to sleep.

I was awakened by the loud noise of the bed repeatedly shaking and the amorous sounds coming from my neighbor's room. I could hear them promising each other heaven on earth, exchanging sweet words, and sharing loud, affectionate kisses. It was evident that my neighbor was relishing intimate moments with her so-called sweetheart. In that moment, I comforted myself, believing that one day I would find the love of my life and experience the joys that couples do.

The campus night revealed that love and loneliness, in their own unique ways, coexisted in the lives of its students, making it a place where hearts met and sometimes, where they yearned.


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