Friday 20 October 2023

The Art Of The Eleventh Hour

By Mercy Jelagat

Ever wondered how some students seem to possess the creepy ability to perform their best work when the clock is ticking towards the deadline? Those are the last-minute students, masters of procrastination and wizards of efficiency under pressure. The campus environment with its abundance of profusion of assignments, exams and deadlines provides a fertile ground for procrastination to thrive.

Surprisingly, last minute students claim that their best ideas and creativity emerge when they are under the gun. Two weeks before the final exam, you will observe the library teeming with students each striving to salvage their semester through private studies or group discussions. The library is crowded with students, including those who do not attend lectures.

The night before an exam, the frantic attempt to cover an entire course in one night might seem absurd, but it's a common occurrence here on campus, my friend. It's quite amusing when a socialite, who typically enjoys partying, finds themselves in a last-minute cramming session the night before their morning exam. Picture them sitting at their study table with a bottle of water, a basin filled with water at their feet, as they struggle to ward off sleep and diligently absorb the contents of their textbooks. Surprisingly, this scenario is not uncommon."

During these times, you'll find that many cybercafés around the institution are bustling with both male and female students. It's because the assignments given out three months ago were completed just a few hours before the deadline, and students are now rushing to print them on the day it's due.

This happens every academic year. The graduating class rushes at the last minute to search for their missing grades all over the campus, striving to secure a place in the graduation list. Of course, nobody wants to be the one left behind while others are celebrating their graduation. It makes you wonder where they were during all those years when they could have followed up on their missing marks

Some students, when they receive their school fees, spend all the money in clubs, betting and spoiling their partners. Later, just before the exam period, they go around with a promissory note, asking and bothering everyone for whatever little they have, so as to avoid missing the exam. It's infuriating, I feel like someone's going to get a well-deserved wake-up call one day. The power of eleventh hour.

As is customary, many students wait until late at night to purchase vegetables like sukumawiki or other food items, assuming that the ('mama mboga') will provide them with the remaining stock to prevent it from spoiling if left until the next day. A friend of mine, Jacky can often be spotted at around 11 pm, assisting the local food vendor ('mama mboga') in closing up her grocery. In return, she receives items like tomatoes that are set to expire the following day.

The last-minute hustle and bustle that characterizes campus life is both a fascinating phenomenon and a source of perennial frustration. From late-night cramming sessions to rushing for assignments and hunting for missing grades, students navigate a whirlwind of activities as they navigate their academic journey. As we celebrate the marvel of last-minute brilliance, we're reminded that the art of the eleventh hour can indeed be an enchanting one, filled with moments of brilliance that keep us captivated and inspired.

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