Friday 24 November 2023


By Shem Godwins 

Education is not something you can complete. It is a process that does not only involve an individual’s contact with the academic process for a holistic existence but also other aspects of life. The first priority according to me, should be given to the health wellness of an individual., right from kindergarten health hygiene was a discipline our teachers really emphasized on. Growth and development in humanity exposes man to a lot of reason especially with regards to the environment and for that I always believe that any human being above the age of eighteen is mature enough to distinguish between wrong and right. Doing the right thing even without supervision should not be a haunted castle in this case.

University life has over a long time been every child’s dream while in high school, perhaps for the fact that those they interact with from there over praise the quality of life. Here, life is given another dimension and the speculations and general assumption is that university students are a quality of intellectuals and of high integrity. Meet them on campus streets and all you see are queens and kings of the academia. Right from their dressing to the kind of social life they portray is remarkably of class-very responsible people. However, they do not care about their wash rooms at all. This is where the devil opposes their reason.

Moi university is indeed a university with a difference, especially in nurturing innovation and talent. Graduates from this university are a world class cohort and very marketable. On the contrary, they have really failed to consider a good part of their environment. These beautiful and handsome academic giants have completely no clue regarding their hygiene. Their washrooms are very pathetic and unwelcoming. Right from their hostels to the various social places across the university. Just to sample a few, the washrooms in the student’s center, lecture hall 1 alias LH1, external ablutions, Hostels A, B, C, D, F. Students climb on the tabs and as if that is not enough, put their waste outside the tabs and flushing the toilet after use is an absolute nightmare none of them dares to experience. A shameless lot.

It is okay if they’d rubbish my observation and take the blame on the school management but I think the administration is doing its part when cleaners are employed to clean these toilets every day, it calls for a good heart to do it. The sewerage systems in these are as old as methuselah but that should not be a reason for avoiding responsibility. To be honest, a campus student is someone mature and exposing to behave like cave men, we understand your institution is in the heart of Kesses forests. Before you dress for the streets, ensure your washrooms are clean. Go to the toilet with water to do manual flushing. Dear Moi university comrades, this is not an insult. Appreciate what you have. Keep your toilets clean.


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