Friday 24 November 2023

Love For Sexual Luck And Financial Gain

 By Francis Mweteeli

“The higher you climb, the cooler the clime becomes.” This old adage comes to me when I think about campus romance. There is a reality in this phrase when comparing love though used in uplifting experiences. Every individual joins university of their choice with a diverse perception and notion about this big ‘tittle’. I can say that, the outlook depends on your high school teacher. But the big question is; “Did you know that you cannot swallow while vomiting?”

Yesterday night, I was lucky to make my way to one of the illustrious halls of residents, just to be shocked. Before I entered one of the mighty hostels of capacities, I was welcomed by soft whispers and covet gazes. I could compare the girls to the light of the full moon. Half-dressed to empress the ready to mingle. The whole situation reminded me of the biblical story of the daughters of Bethsheba, ‘with these young women excluding a similar seductive allure!’ Their beauty could rush you inside there even cause downfall to the servants of Yahweh. To my big surprise, the two I met yesterday together, today they had split, each quenching to a new conquest. So, what does it mean? Here comes a pertinent question; What is the meaning of frequent partner swapping when it comes to campus dating? So, it closely relates with a game, with each player trying to overcome each other in terms of sexual luck and financial gain. The biggest rat here is sex and money! Full stop.  Many are referring to the animosity as a scum. 

Most students join university with an age of 17-20 years, simply teenagers. Their minds are swayed and their hearts are impressionable. They fall victims to the demon of ‘testing the waters’ This comes as a result of the navigation of their unfamiliar environment. What do you think their intentions are? Every individual is desperately trying to unlock their highly coveted asset of sexual and financial luck. My biggest fear is everyday witnessing the commodification of Sex in campus and students fornicating and ignoring the gravity of their actions.

I am not imposing any kind of a belief or standards to you, but am raising awareness about this issue at hand. Sex before marriage is fornication! Let it be known. Where is our sense of restrain? This contentious issue was once a taboo. It hearts to know the sense that the sacred and sanctimonious role of education has now become a hotbed for fornication.

Am I wrong? “Evil deeds bear bitter fruits.”  Let me get you aware of the complexities and nuances surrounding this phenomenon. Pervasive pressure and scrutiny amongst students are a big reason, someone is fearing to be seen as prudish. Media is fueling this CAPITAL hence compelling students to engage in it as a way of being fit. No one is ready for the heavy consequences. No comrade is ready to suffer for a brighter future. They are carried by a recent hit, ‘bora nienjoy’

It has come to my senses that financial constrains and promise of quick cash is driving this issue to growth. High cost of living and tuition often blinds the desperate comrades to sex exploitation. Students are trading sexual pleasures for material gains. For heavens sake! Who will solve this big deal? Experience is teaching lovers every day. The big animals; HIV, STIs, early pregnancies are knocking on the door. Who is ready to welcome them dear comrades?

To conclude, "A stitch in time saves nine." When we will focus on our education which is the key to success, we will overcome the consequences of this great crime. There is time for everything if there is time for anything. I am fostering this healthy attitude and behavior to make you condemn the sin. Remember, ‘patience is blessing in waiting’


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