Friday 16 July 2021

Open letter to the VC

Second Edition.

We are here because we earned it .Learning in this institution is not a favour being accorded to us. Therefore, when we see a matter that requires to be addressed, we have to talk about it no matter what it costs us.

We would like to inquire, why there has been a hike in fees across several courses, without students being consulted. Mr. Vice Chancellor, most of us are being funded by well wishers in form of NGO's and private institutions. As you are well aware, such institutions only pay fees exactly as stipulated by the fee structure that you offered us in addition with our joining letters. Being aware of this, why then hike fees without consulting us , your primary clients? Does it mean that we have no say in matters fee payment is concerned? 

Many have talked about the wanting state  infrastructure in the school. The situation is not getting any better . Mr. VC, what is your administration doing in as much as completion of the already overstayed university gate construction is concerned? What plans do you have in as much as rehabilitation and renovation of the university halls of residence is concerned? As you might or might not be aware, most lecturer halls are in bad shape . Some lecture halls aren't worth learning in. Desks and chairs are broken, yet no efforts have been made to mend the same.

You have a responsibility to work in the best interest of the students. In this rainy season, most students staying in the stage area of the school are facing a difficult time to attend classes. This is because of the muddy roads situation. Why can't the university consult with the relevant authorities on behalf of the students body to see to it that these roads are passable? Until when will we as comrades have to walk with gumboots and have our shoes being torn off by the mud? Mr. VC, students need your input in this.

To sum up the edition, we would like the administration to be aware that students require equipment for their practical part of learning. Why is it that media students have to hire cameras at very high prices to be able to undertake their practicals? Isn't the university merciful to comrades who are already spending a lot in as much as upkeep,fee payment,internet and rent payment is concerned?

Let it be known to you that we have the right to ask these questions. We shall keep asking until we're head,dear Mr Vice chancellor.

Your senses have the power

By Gitau wa Kungu 

There are 5 sensory organs of the human body. The eye, ear, nose, tongue and the skin. The eye sees, the ear hears, the nose smells, the tongue tastes and the skin feels. 

But we shall focus on the eye, ear, nose and the tongue. Thus our 2ENT sensory organs; 2E for eye and ear, N for the nose and T for the tongue.

2ENT sensory organs are small if not very small in size. But these little 2ENT organs can either cause tremendous treachery/danger or much/behemoth benefits to a person. How?

Let's start with the 2 E's: the eye and the ear.

The eye and ear are responsible for perceiving vision/ seeing and hearing respectively. Those unable to see blind; the deaf are unable to hear. 

What you see and hear affects you intensely in reaction, behaviour and approach at first.

But looks and sounds deceive. The sages said not everything that glitters is gold. Before you see or hear and like or dislike something or someone, watch and listen first!

Yes you cannot decide what the eye sees or the ear hears first but you can decide whether to watch or listen.

While the Philistines were watching and enjoying mocking songs to blinded Samson, he was busy pushing and listening for cracking sounds on the house's pillars!

Hear but don't listen to the noise of your enemies! Keep focused and you will overcome. Their mockery songs and their composed dirges for you will turn into their mourning songs.

Don't have the eye of a rat! The rat sees the piece of meat but not its trap! Be careful, don't just see, observe! Watch and listen!

Now, the nose smells; good and bad smells. But not just smelling scents and odours! The English say; don't poke your nose into other people's affairs! 

If you do, you might be too preoccupied to smell a rat! Still you might poke your nose into others affairs and smell a rat. Whatever you do, don't poke your nose too deep! 

The tongue tastes. It's also a speech organ. 

The boy David's tongue rolled against Goliath the giant in 1st Samuel 17:46: 

Just by the faith in God, the power of his little tongue and the marble in his sling the mockery of Israel enemies turned into their unforgettable defeat while Israelites celebrated victory! 

Proclaim success not failure; speak optimistic not pessimistic vibes. Let your tongue heal not wound! There's power in the tongue!

Conclusively, let's always take care and have control over what we watch, listen to, sniff around and talk but most importantly, we must remain strong in faith, trust, hope, respect and obedience to the word of God.

Thus the power of the little 2ENT. 


Wavyele walifariki, nilipokuwa mchanga,

Peke yangu nikabaki, na kwanza kutangatanga,

Kuyatafuta mabaki, ya chakula huku Tanga,

Mie kuwa chokoraa, jamii linisahau,

Niligongwa mi na gari, nikienda sikulini,

Hali haikuwa shwari, nikajipata wadini,

Nilipokuwa vizuri, bili haikuwa chini,

Mie kuwa chokoraa, nilachwa sipitalini,

Nilikuwa mi mjinga, mjinga wa darasani,

Nikaenda kwa mganga, niwe mwiba masomoni,

Ila kweli ninalonga, ndipo kushindwa jamani,.

Mie kuwa chokoraa, nilifukuzwa nyumbani,

Kazi nyingi za shokoa, nilifanyiswa nyumbani,

Sikua ninapumua, nikiingia shambani,

Ngejaribu kuongea, ningepigwa si utani,

Mie kuwa chokoraa, chanzo ni mama wa kambo,

Maisha ni mshumaa, usokuwa na mkesha,

Jiji ndo nilikulia, na kuzoea maisha,

Risavu lipohamia, starehe ziliisha,

Mie kuwa chokoraa, risavu hakuna raha,

Laiti ningalijua, singalikula mi karo,

Kwa ujinga nawambia, niliila kweli karo,

Nyumbani sikurejea, baada ya kula karo,

Mie kuwa chokoraa, ujinga wa kula karo,

Kwa upande wangu mie, nilizaliwa mjini,

Msojua na mjue, kakulia humu ndani,

Ya kwangu msishangae, kila kitu mi pipani,

Mie kuwa chokoraa, wazazi machokoraa,

Kila mwana na sababu, ya kuishi mtaani,

Wengi wao masaibu, yalowakumba jamani,

Ni mengi yaliwasibu, wakajipata mijini,

Mie kuwa chokoraa, kaniacha humu mama,

Na Chozi la Kunguni

Send me to the seventh heaven

By Gitau  wa Kungu

Having you by my side, lying your brainy head on my chest,

Makes me in peace abide, as I stroke your neck and you rest,

Emotions sweep  high is the  tide, as your fingers trace my chest,

It's so much love I can't hide, blossoming sweetly in our love nest.

Aw! Your kisses make me weak, always so sumptuous and tender,

How your lips drive me towards the peak! Mixing me like a blender!

Your romance! I can't speak! You must be a bender, in my speech I  blunder


You fly me till into satisfaction I peek, you are my seventh heaven sender!

So electrifying is your touch, gets me warm and hot and wild,

Attracts me to you so much, making me feel wanted and mild,

As your palms downwards search, the strong pillar of our world,

Gets me so crazy as such, my heart dances like an anxious child.

When finally yours grips mine, into another dimension do I fly,

As in our love garden I plant our vine, I feel glorious like a firefly,

As our eyes in pleasure shine, our bodies merge as nerves electrify,

Together we drink in our love wine, leaving the mourns only to verify.

Tension as COVID- 19SURGES IN MOI.

By:Oduor Onyango

The numbers are becoming names. Names of people we know. This is how deep the pangs of the Covid -19 pandemic have hit.  In Moi University,  it is business as usual. Students  are unaware of the tension created by the pandemic along the university villages and counties including Eldoret town, Moi outskirts and also the counties operating around the institution.

The  dean of students asked the student leaders to be in close contact with the students and do a thorough research before the school closes down again. The student leader urges the university cohorts to be realistic and responsible to help the campus in reducing risks of surge spreading of the pandemic.

 “I urge all the students to be really adhering to the ministry of health protocols since the university has got a very high population which needs strict adherence of the measures. There is a high risk of massively killing the innocent students if we don’t take this thing seriously” he said.

In his speech he also added that social distancing in social congregations and social halls should be adhered to. He added that face masks should be put at each particular places including the lecture halls, the first years, second years and third years who are continuing with their learning activities. The examination rooms for the fourth years who are about to finish their examinations and leave for their homes should also wear face masks at every given place at all times and observe social distancing.

“However social distancing should be observed at any given places to avoid congestions which might lead to the spread of this disease from one student to another in our lecture halls, we have to take this ‘thing’ seriously because it is mercilessly killing people here around our institution. For the fourth years I urge you to work hard and ensure that in whatever revision you are doing in preparation for your exams. Let’s take the measures of the health ministry given by our Cabinet secretary Mutahi Kagwe and we will finally defeat this pandemic.”     

 Mr Omar Brian ,the chairperson of Moi University student's association, recommended that the students residing both in the hostels and outside the school premises should also sanitize and wash their hands regularly whenever they share their possessions . 
"The rates at which corona virus cases can spread are very high in your rooms.
 I urge all the students to credibly follow the health protocols . We should sanitize and wash our hands as many times as possible. Furthermore, students who stay outside the school premises should carefully adhere to the measures more so not shaking hands and wearing our mask.” He elaborated.

For the bodaboda men and matatu drivers and conductors have also been inspired to ensure maximum and strict enforcement of the ministry of health protocols. The drivers should ensure that before students board the bus or a matatu he or she should have sanitize thoroughly. To avoid the spread of the disease they should put on their face masks whenever they board a bus; since these matatus travel up to the town which records positive cases on daily basis.

Due to the fact that the bodaboda rders and matatu drivers are reluctant to enforce the laws, he warned that the drivers who violates the laws by carrying excess passengers who definitely do not wear a face mask. The congested cohorts in the matatus who travel from the town to the nearest school premises do not also maintain social distancing. He clearly stated in his speech that whoever will be found operating in a matatu with excess passengers would be accountable. He also imposed a fine to them who will be found violating these ministry of health protocols at any fiven time.

“In addition, I ask the matatu drivers whom operate around Moi University to take self-responsibility too. Ensure that whenever someone boards a matatu he or she has sanitized, washed his or her hands with clean passing water; this will ensure that the one who will have accidentally come into contact with someone having it, the stains are washed away. I also urge the matatu operators to strictly ensure that those who are boarding the busses have their masks on, to ensure maximum avoidance of the spread as directed by the ministry of health CS Mutahi Kagwe. This is the time when we should take this matter seriously, I am sure they will not like it when they will be found carrying excess passengers or violating any of the laws, they must face the law.” The dean of students’ prof. Ongeri directed.

In his address he also exhorted the workers and the businessmen who work around the institution to follow the directives given. He pressed that they are the immediate people including the lecturers who give lectures to the students. The businessmen don’t also follow the directed protocols, and he says that this may create anxiety since the way they closely relate with the students may easily lead to faster spread of this disease. Earlier on, they had a routine of ensuring that on their doorsteps there is running water for washing the hands of customers (students) and the sanitizer. They also ensure that anybody who goes to their shops has a face mask and observes physical distance nevertheless, the situation returned to normal which is risking the lives of both themselves and the students.

 He insisted that whoever will be found selling either goods or services without adhering to these rules will be fined. The fines will also be accompanied by denial of selling his or her goods and will also be accompanied by denial of selling his or her goods and services at the nearest market which is the stage and" Mabs "as nicknamed as in his speech. 

“I would also say that the people who do business at the nearest market centers are also a barrier in reducing the spread of the disease including the workers who operate within this institution, they are giving a very hard time as we try to find a way that we can fight this pandemic.”


He added that the neighboring counties  and villages surrounding the institution continues to record the highest positivity rates: which means that if many of the people who are near the school, workers and other business operators do not adhere to the ministry of health protocols; this includes; wearing face masks at any given public places including the lecture halls, observing social and physical distancing in social congregations and in lecture halls and examination rooms for the fourth years at well. Coughing protecting by the elbows and finally regularly washing the hands will put the institutions in trouble and later days the school and other learning institutions around Moi University would be at risk of being suspended again.

The students’ dean ended his speech by urging the students to follow the ministry of health Cabinet secretary Dr  Mutahi Kagwe  directives and this will help to run the learning activities smoothly. In addition he inspired everyone to be the keeper of his or her friend or neighbor by ensuring that they do not go against the law. 

“Our health is more important than anything else.” 

He said that if the students and other people who work near the school will take responsibility then no one would disrupt their businesses again.


Sunday 11 July 2021

The sharp knife,of a short life

By Susan 

Fear of pain is universal. Even the strongest of animals and humans cave when exposed to a certain level of pain,whether physical ,mental or emotional. When you are raised in a family that can barely make ends meet,and has little to scrape by,you develop a fear for poverty and everything it comes with. The discrimination, low self esteem, lack of self worth and always thinking people see your worth based on your cheque book.

We cannot debate and come up with a conclusion saying that their is a greater pain than the other, yes physical pain like injuring a leg or a hand can be treated and things can go back to normal but when it comes to emotional pain it's something which can even take years for one to completely heal. Emotional pain is real agonizing. The pain of loss ,by death. For this,there is no marked time frame for grieving or healing.

When I was a child,I knew nothing about death,then I grew up and learnt just how painful and final death is. Social media doesn't make it any easier, our mourning is restricted to posting photos, videos of happy times together with captions of RIP (Rest in peace ).Strange how death knocks without a warning. One minute you are all happy and carefree with a family member or friend and next thing you are fumbling to read the Eulogy because  you just do just do not think you've had enough time with them.

Thinking that they will no longer be part of your life,your laughter,your plans together.The feeling is crippling .Death of someone you know or love takes you to the darkest corners of yourself. You will question mother nature, you will blame yourself for not being there to the very end .You will feel guilty if you had conflicts, the kind that will eat you inside out and make you want to tear your heart apart.

Maybe at the end of the day as the coffin descends into the ground and "from the soil she came, to the soil he shall return ", you will have to make a decision. It is going to be hard and painful. But ,you choose to live .With the pain the hurt ,until one day,it doesn't get ahead of your life .Other important things come ahead and there is a glimmer of hope.

A Christian like myself has to learn how to pray again and give thanks I have to know how to keep my faith that I will live a full life .I have to accept the grieving process so I can heal. Keep yourself around people that are happy and positive. Accept that the toughest days will not be the ones after the funeral where everyone handles you like a porcelain bowl. It is the days after that when they are all gone and you're left alone with the darkness.

My thoughts


By Jay


I might not be

Someone’s first choice

But I am a great choice

I may not be rich 

But am valuable

I don’t pretend 

To be someone 

I’m not because

Am good at 

Being me 

I might not be 

Proud of some of

 The things 

I’ve done 

In the past 

But am proud of

Who I am today

~sole poems

An open letter to our VC

We always have an open email ,blog and social media where we receive articles .This particular one caught my eye and well,I hope it speaks for the majority.

"We students of Moi university are a wailing lot. We appreciate the platform and all opportunities that come with being in one of the greatest universities in the country .There are issues that have been raised over time and I believe that if we can not get what we want,we at least deserve an explanation .

 The entire floor which holds the studio together with the computer laboratory is in total darkness. There are lessons that depend on audio visual for illustration.I believe this is something that should be handled soonest,it has been three weeks.It is impossible  to practice if our computes are gathering dust in the labs.Most of them are not connected to the internet and you have to incur an extra cost .For a student, every penny is dear .Those who pursue media related course need the studio .We are told that practice makes perfect,but what use is practice if our institution doesn't let us.KTS,the television station has not been operational in a while,we hope you can save MU.FM.

We embraced the online classes since the introduction of blended learning.However, our WI-Fi disappoints us more times than we can count.Uninterrupted connectivity is one thing that makes this classes a success. It is an issue that needs addressing and we would very much appreciate if action was taken. 

Most comrades  are  residing in the stage area of the school. If so, then what purpose are the halls of residence serving? Because of this, most if not all landlords are now increasing house rents as dictated by the laws of demand and supply. Is the university happy with this? This entire shift is brought about by the university’s adamant nature of not heeding to the cries of students. A tour around the hostels will affirm to you this. You will note sadly that most of those rooms have not been occupied.bNo student desires to stay in the hostels, yet they are not allowed to prepare meals, even if they are willing to purchases their own sources of preparing food.  Well,maybe that was in our green book of school rules as illegal. But I believe an alternative would be great in this case. Our hostel tuck shops were a life saver .Even after banning cooking,I believe we should have snacks and quick drinks in this shops.

The cafeteria could be offering meals,but at the end if the day,we will seek value for our money.Good and clean food is important to us as students .The same cafeterias do not have cashless transaction or M-pesa.I think it's one area the school should work on especially now with the COVID 19 pandemic. M-pesa is also convenient for students. If say you have a balance of thirty shilling ,you can not make a withdrawal.

Last but not least,we deserve a memo explaining why we can no longer seek treatment at our school dispensary. Communication is an important aspect in any relationship. We the students are your clients,it is only fair that we are aware when everything affects us.

The pen at all days is mightier than the sword. As I jot down my last statements in this piece, it is my genuine hope that the issues raised in this piece and so many other issues affecting the well being of comrades will be addressed.

Let this not be a case of long arguments with our student councils, which often leads to false promises. 

Five Types of Classmates in a Lecture.

By Kileta Thomas.

One of the hallmarks of being in any learning institution is attending lectures. The rush and routine keeps you going and prevents you from loosing your sanity.While it is important to remain open minded about friendship and acquaintances you meet in the corridors of intellects,keep out an eye for this types of people:

The class clown. 

They are loud and have a flair for the dramatic. More like a teenager in love or better still, a low budget Eric Omondi. Quick to crack dry jokes. When the Lecturer gives a humoured joke for comic relief, they extend it spoiling all the fun.  They have  this frolicking, pissing laugh that overrides all other chuckles. In a bid to make small play they ask nonsensical questions. The “Girls love funny guys” statement has gotten to their head.And vice-versa.  They  are cocky in nature. They are however handy when it comes to telling  the Lecturer off when they extend.  This is despite the fact that they can not repeat anything the lecturer taught because they were not listening.

The “drip” obsessed (models)

They dress with pomp and gaiety as if they are headed to a Gala. They are strict adherents of how you dress affects the way your brain will grasp the day’s lecture content. The girls will be looking like models on a runway and some even go an extent of adorning those skimpy dresses that leave  guys all smitten. The boys notwithstanding also clamor to leave an impression and you wouldn’t be surprised on a Friday to see a comrade sporting Some fleek Jordan shoes and matching jacket, trousers denims. Talk of standards, you might walk to a lecture and think it’s a set for a Tv Recording. 

The Love's in the air Duo

They just smell of chocolate. Everyone has a caught a whiff of their simmering love. They troop to a class in a pair as if it’s Noah’s Ark. They  seat next to each other all through the lecture, all giggles and the only thing they leave the lecture with is each other. Their public out show of affection is rather annoying.  All other Lecture mates are stifling "mtaachana tu” phrase in full knowledge that premium tears are just welling up. 

 Book Worms.

They give a flitting care about paying keen to what the heck the Lecturer would be teaching about. Infact,they read ahead and are very invested in the class.

They are hell-bent on comprehending the Content being Lectured about. They claim their eyes are set on “first class” prize. Their hands are usually shot up to inquire about a question especially when everyone else is so tired and raring for the lesson to end.  They are so stern when your are put in groups with them. They are somehow related to Margaret Thatcher as they are always paying her homage. 

 Latecomers and Don’t Care Clique. 

They heck walk into a lecture way past time. They don’t give much thought about how they dress and what is being taught. Theirs is just to mark the attendance sheet. 



One of the biggest superficial reason people fantasize about university is the freedom it comes with. Dress code particularly comes to mind. It turns out,descent dressing means a whole lot of different things to different people. Therefore, it doesn't come as a surprise when the school administrators have to keep reminding all students dress appropriately during lecture hours .

"Dress how you want to be addressed " 

For some,dressing is about trends,others,convenience and for most,comfort .In my honest opinion it is wise to consider your surrounding ,environment and the people in the setting .It is termed disrespectful to wear a Saturday night out with your girls  outfit to a business meeting .We all have heard about the "my dress my choice code " The setting of the phrase has been manipulated over time to fit in whatever trend is in the Internet.

I agree,we are all adults and the last thing we need is adult supervision especially with our dressing. But in all honesty, I don't think you are honest with yourself if you're wearing something that would make your father go crazy if you bumped into each other on the streets. No one likes to be confronted about their clothes .Thus, keep one thing in mind,if you can walk around feeling comfortable and confident to meet your father's age mates,you're good to go.

Some cultures and lifestyles are identified by dressing. Our Muslim sisters and brothers have a particular attire that is deemed appropriate. Some have stuck to the old ways of tradition. Most however have been swept away by the bandwagon of modernity into the westernized fashion essence .Maybe out of culture shock ,peer pressure or just feeling the desire to do something that does not have a patent's handwriting all uphold over it. Ensure that your choice of dressing is influenced by who you are and not sheer rebellion against society 

According to the institutions rules we are expected to dress decently but that's not the issue at hand. You will find ladies wearing miniskirts and a see through top going for lecture sessions. I know some of them get really uncomfortable since at times the lecture classes may take up to two hours. Funny enough they still choose to dress like that and what's even more embarrassing is that most of the lecturers are aged above 60 years ,the ages of our fathers and grandfathers .What a shame!

Some gentlemen even go for classes with vests and shorts ,it's really disrespectful and some lecturers would at times not allow you to their classes. By dressing this ,you distract others and drawing unwarranted attention to yourself.

Only once in a while is when you will see them dressed appealing to .That's only during class presentations because most lecturers award marks during presentation classes. Most lecturers go to the extend of teaching us about proper dressing codes since after two years of study we are always given chances to go for attachments. As you know attachments need disciplined and decently dressed fellows as well as when you go for interviews.

Many thanks to mother nature for reminding us that we can still cover up the essentials and look beautiful .Dressing decently makes you feel comfortable around people of different ages as you have nothing to worry .Remember to be yourself. Don't be influenced.