Friday 16 July 2021

Tension as COVID- 19SURGES IN MOI.

By:Oduor Onyango

The numbers are becoming names. Names of people we know. This is how deep the pangs of the Covid -19 pandemic have hit.  In Moi University,  it is business as usual. Students  are unaware of the tension created by the pandemic along the university villages and counties including Eldoret town, Moi outskirts and also the counties operating around the institution.

The  dean of students asked the student leaders to be in close contact with the students and do a thorough research before the school closes down again. The student leader urges the university cohorts to be realistic and responsible to help the campus in reducing risks of surge spreading of the pandemic.

 “I urge all the students to be really adhering to the ministry of health protocols since the university has got a very high population which needs strict adherence of the measures. There is a high risk of massively killing the innocent students if we don’t take this thing seriously” he said.

In his speech he also added that social distancing in social congregations and social halls should be adhered to. He added that face masks should be put at each particular places including the lecture halls, the first years, second years and third years who are continuing with their learning activities. The examination rooms for the fourth years who are about to finish their examinations and leave for their homes should also wear face masks at every given place at all times and observe social distancing.

“However social distancing should be observed at any given places to avoid congestions which might lead to the spread of this disease from one student to another in our lecture halls, we have to take this ‘thing’ seriously because it is mercilessly killing people here around our institution. For the fourth years I urge you to work hard and ensure that in whatever revision you are doing in preparation for your exams. Let’s take the measures of the health ministry given by our Cabinet secretary Mutahi Kagwe and we will finally defeat this pandemic.”     

 Mr Omar Brian ,the chairperson of Moi University student's association, recommended that the students residing both in the hostels and outside the school premises should also sanitize and wash their hands regularly whenever they share their possessions . 
"The rates at which corona virus cases can spread are very high in your rooms.
 I urge all the students to credibly follow the health protocols . We should sanitize and wash our hands as many times as possible. Furthermore, students who stay outside the school premises should carefully adhere to the measures more so not shaking hands and wearing our mask.” He elaborated.

For the bodaboda men and matatu drivers and conductors have also been inspired to ensure maximum and strict enforcement of the ministry of health protocols. The drivers should ensure that before students board the bus or a matatu he or she should have sanitize thoroughly. To avoid the spread of the disease they should put on their face masks whenever they board a bus; since these matatus travel up to the town which records positive cases on daily basis.

Due to the fact that the bodaboda rders and matatu drivers are reluctant to enforce the laws, he warned that the drivers who violates the laws by carrying excess passengers who definitely do not wear a face mask. The congested cohorts in the matatus who travel from the town to the nearest school premises do not also maintain social distancing. He clearly stated in his speech that whoever will be found operating in a matatu with excess passengers would be accountable. He also imposed a fine to them who will be found violating these ministry of health protocols at any fiven time.

“In addition, I ask the matatu drivers whom operate around Moi University to take self-responsibility too. Ensure that whenever someone boards a matatu he or she has sanitized, washed his or her hands with clean passing water; this will ensure that the one who will have accidentally come into contact with someone having it, the stains are washed away. I also urge the matatu operators to strictly ensure that those who are boarding the busses have their masks on, to ensure maximum avoidance of the spread as directed by the ministry of health CS Mutahi Kagwe. This is the time when we should take this matter seriously, I am sure they will not like it when they will be found carrying excess passengers or violating any of the laws, they must face the law.” The dean of students’ prof. Ongeri directed.

In his address he also exhorted the workers and the businessmen who work around the institution to follow the directives given. He pressed that they are the immediate people including the lecturers who give lectures to the students. The businessmen don’t also follow the directed protocols, and he says that this may create anxiety since the way they closely relate with the students may easily lead to faster spread of this disease. Earlier on, they had a routine of ensuring that on their doorsteps there is running water for washing the hands of customers (students) and the sanitizer. They also ensure that anybody who goes to their shops has a face mask and observes physical distance nevertheless, the situation returned to normal which is risking the lives of both themselves and the students.

 He insisted that whoever will be found selling either goods or services without adhering to these rules will be fined. The fines will also be accompanied by denial of selling his or her goods and will also be accompanied by denial of selling his or her goods and services at the nearest market which is the stage and" Mabs "as nicknamed as in his speech. 

“I would also say that the people who do business at the nearest market centers are also a barrier in reducing the spread of the disease including the workers who operate within this institution, they are giving a very hard time as we try to find a way that we can fight this pandemic.”


He added that the neighboring counties  and villages surrounding the institution continues to record the highest positivity rates: which means that if many of the people who are near the school, workers and other business operators do not adhere to the ministry of health protocols; this includes; wearing face masks at any given public places including the lecture halls, observing social and physical distancing in social congregations and in lecture halls and examination rooms for the fourth years at well. Coughing protecting by the elbows and finally regularly washing the hands will put the institutions in trouble and later days the school and other learning institutions around Moi University would be at risk of being suspended again.

The students’ dean ended his speech by urging the students to follow the ministry of health Cabinet secretary Dr  Mutahi Kagwe  directives and this will help to run the learning activities smoothly. In addition he inspired everyone to be the keeper of his or her friend or neighbor by ensuring that they do not go against the law. 

“Our health is more important than anything else.” 

He said that if the students and other people who work near the school will take responsibility then no one would disrupt their businesses again.


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