Friday 16 July 2021

Open letter to the VC

Second Edition.

We are here because we earned it .Learning in this institution is not a favour being accorded to us. Therefore, when we see a matter that requires to be addressed, we have to talk about it no matter what it costs us.

We would like to inquire, why there has been a hike in fees across several courses, without students being consulted. Mr. Vice Chancellor, most of us are being funded by well wishers in form of NGO's and private institutions. As you are well aware, such institutions only pay fees exactly as stipulated by the fee structure that you offered us in addition with our joining letters. Being aware of this, why then hike fees without consulting us , your primary clients? Does it mean that we have no say in matters fee payment is concerned? 

Many have talked about the wanting state  infrastructure in the school. The situation is not getting any better . Mr. VC, what is your administration doing in as much as completion of the already overstayed university gate construction is concerned? What plans do you have in as much as rehabilitation and renovation of the university halls of residence is concerned? As you might or might not be aware, most lecturer halls are in bad shape . Some lecture halls aren't worth learning in. Desks and chairs are broken, yet no efforts have been made to mend the same.

You have a responsibility to work in the best interest of the students. In this rainy season, most students staying in the stage area of the school are facing a difficult time to attend classes. This is because of the muddy roads situation. Why can't the university consult with the relevant authorities on behalf of the students body to see to it that these roads are passable? Until when will we as comrades have to walk with gumboots and have our shoes being torn off by the mud? Mr. VC, students need your input in this.

To sum up the edition, we would like the administration to be aware that students require equipment for their practical part of learning. Why is it that media students have to hire cameras at very high prices to be able to undertake their practicals? Isn't the university merciful to comrades who are already spending a lot in as much as upkeep,fee payment,internet and rent payment is concerned?

Let it be known to you that we have the right to ask these questions. We shall keep asking until we're head,dear Mr Vice chancellor.

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