Friday 16 July 2021

Your senses have the power

By Gitau wa Kungu 

There are 5 sensory organs of the human body. The eye, ear, nose, tongue and the skin. The eye sees, the ear hears, the nose smells, the tongue tastes and the skin feels. 

But we shall focus on the eye, ear, nose and the tongue. Thus our 2ENT sensory organs; 2E for eye and ear, N for the nose and T for the tongue.

2ENT sensory organs are small if not very small in size. But these little 2ENT organs can either cause tremendous treachery/danger or much/behemoth benefits to a person. How?

Let's start with the 2 E's: the eye and the ear.

The eye and ear are responsible for perceiving vision/ seeing and hearing respectively. Those unable to see blind; the deaf are unable to hear. 

What you see and hear affects you intensely in reaction, behaviour and approach at first.

But looks and sounds deceive. The sages said not everything that glitters is gold. Before you see or hear and like or dislike something or someone, watch and listen first!

Yes you cannot decide what the eye sees or the ear hears first but you can decide whether to watch or listen.

While the Philistines were watching and enjoying mocking songs to blinded Samson, he was busy pushing and listening for cracking sounds on the house's pillars!

Hear but don't listen to the noise of your enemies! Keep focused and you will overcome. Their mockery songs and their composed dirges for you will turn into their mourning songs.

Don't have the eye of a rat! The rat sees the piece of meat but not its trap! Be careful, don't just see, observe! Watch and listen!

Now, the nose smells; good and bad smells. But not just smelling scents and odours! The English say; don't poke your nose into other people's affairs! 

If you do, you might be too preoccupied to smell a rat! Still you might poke your nose into others affairs and smell a rat. Whatever you do, don't poke your nose too deep! 

The tongue tastes. It's also a speech organ. 

The boy David's tongue rolled against Goliath the giant in 1st Samuel 17:46: 

Just by the faith in God, the power of his little tongue and the marble in his sling the mockery of Israel enemies turned into their unforgettable defeat while Israelites celebrated victory! 

Proclaim success not failure; speak optimistic not pessimistic vibes. Let your tongue heal not wound! There's power in the tongue!

Conclusively, let's always take care and have control over what we watch, listen to, sniff around and talk but most importantly, we must remain strong in faith, trust, hope, respect and obedience to the word of God.

Thus the power of the little 2ENT. 

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