Sunday 11 July 2021



One of the biggest superficial reason people fantasize about university is the freedom it comes with. Dress code particularly comes to mind. It turns out,descent dressing means a whole lot of different things to different people. Therefore, it doesn't come as a surprise when the school administrators have to keep reminding all students dress appropriately during lecture hours .

"Dress how you want to be addressed " 

For some,dressing is about trends,others,convenience and for most,comfort .In my honest opinion it is wise to consider your surrounding ,environment and the people in the setting .It is termed disrespectful to wear a Saturday night out with your girls  outfit to a business meeting .We all have heard about the "my dress my choice code " The setting of the phrase has been manipulated over time to fit in whatever trend is in the Internet.

I agree,we are all adults and the last thing we need is adult supervision especially with our dressing. But in all honesty, I don't think you are honest with yourself if you're wearing something that would make your father go crazy if you bumped into each other on the streets. No one likes to be confronted about their clothes .Thus, keep one thing in mind,if you can walk around feeling comfortable and confident to meet your father's age mates,you're good to go.

Some cultures and lifestyles are identified by dressing. Our Muslim sisters and brothers have a particular attire that is deemed appropriate. Some have stuck to the old ways of tradition. Most however have been swept away by the bandwagon of modernity into the westernized fashion essence .Maybe out of culture shock ,peer pressure or just feeling the desire to do something that does not have a patent's handwriting all uphold over it. Ensure that your choice of dressing is influenced by who you are and not sheer rebellion against society 

According to the institutions rules we are expected to dress decently but that's not the issue at hand. You will find ladies wearing miniskirts and a see through top going for lecture sessions. I know some of them get really uncomfortable since at times the lecture classes may take up to two hours. Funny enough they still choose to dress like that and what's even more embarrassing is that most of the lecturers are aged above 60 years ,the ages of our fathers and grandfathers .What a shame!

Some gentlemen even go for classes with vests and shorts ,it's really disrespectful and some lecturers would at times not allow you to their classes. By dressing this ,you distract others and drawing unwarranted attention to yourself.

Only once in a while is when you will see them dressed appealing to .That's only during class presentations because most lecturers award marks during presentation classes. Most lecturers go to the extend of teaching us about proper dressing codes since after two years of study we are always given chances to go for attachments. As you know attachments need disciplined and decently dressed fellows as well as when you go for interviews.

Many thanks to mother nature for reminding us that we can still cover up the essentials and look beautiful .Dressing decently makes you feel comfortable around people of different ages as you have nothing to worry .Remember to be yourself. Don't be influenced.

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