Monday 28 June 2021

The campus re-union


 By Chepchumba Mercy.

How would campus life  be at school without having a boyfriend or girlfriend lover to spend your weekend and free time with!I do recognise that relationships are more than that in the adult world. Well here in campus,we walk two by two flooding academic highways. Kissing ,caressing and public Display of affection is the order of the day around here .

In Moi university. Long holidays take six to eight months .One wonders how this relationships survive and thrive in absence of the physical touch and ravenous sex. When partners go out yo be interns or they complete school. These are transitions that put a strain on a relationship that thrives on nothing aside physical touch.

For instance the current second years in Moi University just came to school recently after staying home for about a year. Last year March during the Covid pandemic they were sent home ,they came back in November for one month just to do their examination and went back home again. They've come back to school on June ,Do you think their last year January's relationship still stands?

Absolutely no , over their long holiday probably they met new people to engage with forgetting their campus lovers. While at home , the chances of them chatting and phone calling their campus lovers is very low. Maybe they talked the first two weeks at home then their conversation end there since it's very hard to hold a long and impressive conversation between two lovers who are far from each other.

Coming back to school for the second years ment starting all over and getting into other relationships. They move on as if nothing happened forgetting the sacrifices they made in the previous relationship. Girls atmost are the ones who sacrifice their time to go to their lovers houses ,wash their clothes and even cook for them .At times they even go to the extend of lying to their parents for more money just to please their boyfriends but all goes in vain.What pains the most is missing classes just for a guy who will break up with you afterall .

 Campus relationships are fun  if you meet a person who sees your sacrifices and efforts in a relationship.

1 comment:

  1. I believe campus relationships are more than what people really think they are. They entail sacrifice but if done in the right way, they work. Good one Ivy
