Sunday 11 July 2021

Five Types of Classmates in a Lecture.

By Kileta Thomas.

One of the hallmarks of being in any learning institution is attending lectures. The rush and routine keeps you going and prevents you from loosing your sanity.While it is important to remain open minded about friendship and acquaintances you meet in the corridors of intellects,keep out an eye for this types of people:

The class clown. 

They are loud and have a flair for the dramatic. More like a teenager in love or better still, a low budget Eric Omondi. Quick to crack dry jokes. When the Lecturer gives a humoured joke for comic relief, they extend it spoiling all the fun.  They have  this frolicking, pissing laugh that overrides all other chuckles. In a bid to make small play they ask nonsensical questions. The “Girls love funny guys” statement has gotten to their head.And vice-versa.  They  are cocky in nature. They are however handy when it comes to telling  the Lecturer off when they extend.  This is despite the fact that they can not repeat anything the lecturer taught because they were not listening.

The “drip” obsessed (models)

They dress with pomp and gaiety as if they are headed to a Gala. They are strict adherents of how you dress affects the way your brain will grasp the day’s lecture content. The girls will be looking like models on a runway and some even go an extent of adorning those skimpy dresses that leave  guys all smitten. The boys notwithstanding also clamor to leave an impression and you wouldn’t be surprised on a Friday to see a comrade sporting Some fleek Jordan shoes and matching jacket, trousers denims. Talk of standards, you might walk to a lecture and think it’s a set for a Tv Recording. 

The Love's in the air Duo

They just smell of chocolate. Everyone has a caught a whiff of their simmering love. They troop to a class in a pair as if it’s Noah’s Ark. They  seat next to each other all through the lecture, all giggles and the only thing they leave the lecture with is each other. Their public out show of affection is rather annoying.  All other Lecture mates are stifling "mtaachana tu” phrase in full knowledge that premium tears are just welling up. 

 Book Worms.

They give a flitting care about paying keen to what the heck the Lecturer would be teaching about. Infact,they read ahead and are very invested in the class.

They are hell-bent on comprehending the Content being Lectured about. They claim their eyes are set on “first class” prize. Their hands are usually shot up to inquire about a question especially when everyone else is so tired and raring for the lesson to end.  They are so stern when your are put in groups with them. They are somehow related to Margaret Thatcher as they are always paying her homage. 

 Latecomers and Don’t Care Clique. 

They heck walk into a lecture way past time. They don’t give much thought about how they dress and what is being taught. Theirs is just to mark the attendance sheet. 

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