Sunday 11 July 2021

An open letter to our VC

We always have an open email ,blog and social media where we receive articles .This particular one caught my eye and well,I hope it speaks for the majority.

"We students of Moi university are a wailing lot. We appreciate the platform and all opportunities that come with being in one of the greatest universities in the country .There are issues that have been raised over time and I believe that if we can not get what we want,we at least deserve an explanation .

 The entire floor which holds the studio together with the computer laboratory is in total darkness. There are lessons that depend on audio visual for illustration.I believe this is something that should be handled soonest,it has been three weeks.It is impossible  to practice if our computes are gathering dust in the labs.Most of them are not connected to the internet and you have to incur an extra cost .For a student, every penny is dear .Those who pursue media related course need the studio .We are told that practice makes perfect,but what use is practice if our institution doesn't let us.KTS,the television station has not been operational in a while,we hope you can save MU.FM.

We embraced the online classes since the introduction of blended learning.However, our WI-Fi disappoints us more times than we can count.Uninterrupted connectivity is one thing that makes this classes a success. It is an issue that needs addressing and we would very much appreciate if action was taken. 

Most comrades  are  residing in the stage area of the school. If so, then what purpose are the halls of residence serving? Because of this, most if not all landlords are now increasing house rents as dictated by the laws of demand and supply. Is the university happy with this? This entire shift is brought about by the university’s adamant nature of not heeding to the cries of students. A tour around the hostels will affirm to you this. You will note sadly that most of those rooms have not been occupied.bNo student desires to stay in the hostels, yet they are not allowed to prepare meals, even if they are willing to purchases their own sources of preparing food.  Well,maybe that was in our green book of school rules as illegal. But I believe an alternative would be great in this case. Our hostel tuck shops were a life saver .Even after banning cooking,I believe we should have snacks and quick drinks in this shops.

The cafeteria could be offering meals,but at the end if the day,we will seek value for our money.Good and clean food is important to us as students .The same cafeterias do not have cashless transaction or M-pesa.I think it's one area the school should work on especially now with the COVID 19 pandemic. M-pesa is also convenient for students. If say you have a balance of thirty shilling ,you can not make a withdrawal.

Last but not least,we deserve a memo explaining why we can no longer seek treatment at our school dispensary. Communication is an important aspect in any relationship. We the students are your clients,it is only fair that we are aware when everything affects us.

The pen at all days is mightier than the sword. As I jot down my last statements in this piece, it is my genuine hope that the issues raised in this piece and so many other issues affecting the well being of comrades will be addressed.

Let this not be a case of long arguments with our student councils, which often leads to false promises. 

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