Thursday 30 June 2016

Thousands in last minute rush to beat tax returns deadline

Thousands of taxpayers thronged KRA offices on Thursday to file their tax returns in a last minute rush to beat the June 30 deadline.

A spot check at Times Tower, the GPO and City Square Huduma Centres revealed long queues of people who were waiting to file their returns amid claims that services on the online portal were down.

"If you are here for services to do with KRA, we cannot help you because our systems are down," a female attendant at the City Square Huduma Centre told a group of taxpayers who had turned up for the filing.

"If you need help on KRA, go to railways centre or Times Tower, huko system zao zinafanya (systems there are working)," the lady said.

An almost similar response met tax payers who had sought to file their returns in cyber cafes.

"Tuko na net but site ya KRA haifanyi. (We have network but the KRA portal is unresponsive)," an attendant at a cyber café on Tom Mboya Street told a customer who had sought to know if he could file his returns.

The tax agency on Tuesday said that at least 1.2 million taxpayers had filed their returns through the online platform.

Kenyans have been filing their returns in 37 Huduma centres situated across the country.

Failure to file returns on or before the due date attracts a default penalty of Sh10,000 up from the previous penalty of Sh1,000.

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian

How else could one describe these works of art if the words genius and tenacity are not being used. Nigerians are certainly not holding back anymore when it comes to talent and we would not stop displaying the beautiful works they create too. We presented to you the pictures of car made by bamboo like two weeks ago; remember we have also showed you pictures of the young man who made a storey-building with sticks and bamboo too.
This piece will twitch the artistic part of you and in spire you to do something different too. The works of art you would be seeing below were shared by Olobo Harry, a young man in Portharcourt.
Find below some of these pictures:

 1. See this beautiful building

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian


2. Awwwww

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian

3. Awesome

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian


4. Magnificent

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian

5. Simply beautiful

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian


6. Only a talented person can pull this off

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian

Mandera only allowing Somalis to travel to and from county

Mandera county has banned the travel plans of  non-Somali citizens in and out of the county until Ramadan is over.

According to the Daily Nation, a bus company manager working in the region who spoke to the newspaper on condition of anonymity said the police commander called a meeting for all bus companies and directed them no to allow non-Somalis on board.

Only Somalis have been travelling in and out of the county since Tuesday, June 28.

Acting Mandera East Deputy County Commissioner Yonah Nyawir said that it was a short term move aimed at reducing tension and allow for the reorganization of security operations.
“We are not barring people from traveling from either Mandera or to Nairobi. We’re saying that they should use alternative means because threats have been eminent for the last 10 days of Ramadan,” explained Nyawir.
He also said that security organs did not want to expose the lives of non-locals and has therefore given them alternative routes.
“They can either use aircraft of use pick-ups plying the Mandera-Takaba-Moyale-Marsabit route until the situation returns to normal after Ramadan. In the meantime, we will be repairing police vehicles and coming up with better security plans,” added Nyawir.

An air ticket out of Mandera to Nairobi costs KSh 16,000 one way according to a local who wanted to travel to Nairobi to attend to his sick spouse.
However, a police source who spoke to Daily Nation said officers assigned to escort buses had downed their tools due to the challenges they were dacing.
“The Kenya Police Reservists are performing the duties right now because their bosses refused to listen to them and provide extra escort vehicles,
“We asked them to rearrange the seats in the cars so that we could face side ways to monitor the roads but we still seat facing each other making it difficult to escape and fight the enemy if we are attacked,” said the police officer.

Earlier this month, intelligence reports said that al-Shabaab militant group had threatened to attack Kenyan soil during the month of Ramadan.
A list of possible target locations included Mandera, Wajir, Nairobi, Mombasa and Garissa.

In the ensuing weeks, a number of attacks were reported out of North Eastern counties after police officers were attacked and five killed in the ensuing fire exchange.

Others were attacked using improvised explosive devises.
Al-Shabaab claimed that the attacks were done to avenge the death of their commander who had been killed in an AMISOM operation near Mogadishu.

In the last two weeks, they have attacked locations close to the Kenya Defense Forces affecting communication and water sources.

Cancer survivor, Rose Nasimiyu now a beautiful teenager

The 9- year old girl, Rose Nasimiyu who captured Kenyans emotions and attention while fighting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer has now grown into a beautiful teenager.
Cancer survivor, Rose Nasimiyu, now a beautiful teenager
Rose Nasimiyu in a 2011 picture as a 9-year-old fighting cancer

The young girl in 2011, wowed Kenyans with her confidence, courage and determination to beat the deadly disease.

Following several appeal funds to help the family and several media appearances, Rose was declared cancer free in 2012.

Rose, now a 14 year old teenager is back in the Kenya from the United Kingdom(UK) where she has been living with her family since 2012.

Cancer survivor, Rose Nasimiyu now a beautiful teenager
Rose Nasimiyu, now a pretty 14-year old teenager and cancer free

It is hard to believe it has been five years already, she remains confident and upbeat during an interview conducted by eDaily.

Years after beating cancer, Rose still oozes with encouragement to cancer patients urging them to have faith and believe in life after the disease.
“I have been cancer-free for three years now, though I have been suffering a couple of illnesses here and there. But I have been fine for the past six months without falling ill at all. I really thank God for that,” Rose said as quoted by eDaily.
Rose who is now in high school, still maintains her budding singing career and hopes to become an oncologist when she grows up.
“I still want to become a doctor one day. Chemistry is one of my favorite subjects. I look forward to it every single week. I love Science…..The doctor who attends to me really inspires me, and how he talks to me makes me want to become an oncologist even the more” she added.
Watch the full interview below;

2 million file returns on iTax as KRA extends deadline to Sunday

Models at a mock queue along Mombasa road during the launch of a countrywide campaign by KRA to sensitise all tax payers to adopt the online platform ‘iTax to file returns.

A record two million users filed their tax returns on the Kenya Revenue Authority's (KRA) iTax platform as the taxman said the deadline to file returns had been extended to Sunday.
KRA says the record number was reached as at June 30, 2015, adding that the system has heralded a new dawn in the use of information technology to collect tax.
This number, however, is expected to go higher as the deadline for filing income tax returns has been extended another four days to close at midnight on Sunday July 5, 2015. During this period, KRA says that taxpayers who are yet to file their returns will enjoy a penalty-free reprieve.

"By law, taxpayers who fail to submit their returns by this Sunday, face the risk of being surcharged a Sh1,000 and Sh10,000 minimum penalty for individuals and companies respectively or 5 per cent of the net tax due," a statement from the taxman says.
"At KRA, we are encouraged by the iTax uptake which is one of our key transformation platforms as we strive to simplify and raise efficiency in tax administration,” the body's commissioner-general John Njiraini said.


Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client

It goes down in the DM.

A man who has sought anonymity has exposed a Kenyan girl who was harassing him and desperately demanding for sex in exchange of financial favours .

The man , according to the tall tale, boarded a plane in Doha, Qatar and had the misfortune of bumping into a wily, Kenyan seductress.  She works for Qatar airways.

It was not hard for her to get his information, including his phone number which was present in his travel documents that she was privy to. Immediately the plane landed, the girl identified as Mercy hatched a plan of milking the man dry- she was willing to give him an express trip  to her cookie jar.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 1. Mercy identified herself to herself on text after sending the message to the man

She even sent photos to the man in the hope that the man would fall for her beauty and sweet tongue.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 2. Mercy sent her photos to the man as a form of identification.

Even with the photos, the man didn’t seem too interested in whatever wares that the hostess was peddling.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 3: The girl states the nature of her messages- that she wants money to settle her bills and is willing to go to any lengths to get it. Including pawning her own body

The man objects to her offers and informs her that he is old enough to be her father- he goes on and tells her to keep working hard other than looking for an easy way out.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 4: Mercy tells the man that she needs money for travelling and for her projects back in Kenya

When the man goes silent, Mercy sends her private photos to him, in the hope that they will awaken something in him.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 5: The air hostess sends her private photos to the mans whatsapp

She drops the bomb when she tells the man that she has never had anal sex and  would be willing to give it up for a wad of bills.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 6: Mercy offers anal sex in exchange for a wad of cash

The man blocks her immediately she sends her fully nude photos to his whatsapp.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 7: Nancy sends her nude photos to the man and gets blocked.

But no block will keep away Mercy from her goal, she swaps lines on whatsapp  and continues texting the man.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 8: Nancy swaps phone numbers and continues texting the man

In the communication that follows. Mercy reveals that she loves White men regardless of their age as long as they have money. She adds that she has a particular loathing for Arabs. According to her, Arabs smell bad, have small penises and pay their employees peanuts.

Kenyan airhostess exposed begging for sex and money from a client
Message 9: Mercy reveals that she loves White men regardless of their age as long as they have money. She adds that she has a particular loathing for Arabs. According to her, Arabs smell bad, have small penises and pay their employees peanuts.

The conversation ends when the man tells her that he is going to report her to her employers in Qatar for her  unbecoming behaviour.

On social media, most of her friends had the though that she was framed by a jealous workmate. However, people who have worked with her revealed that she once framed a workmate and got her fired.

Mike Sonko hosts lavish graduation bash for daughter Saumu

Photos: See Sonko’s grand star-studded graduation bash for daughter Saumu

Preparations are in top gear for a grand party at Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko’s home in Mua Hills, Machakos, for his first-born daughter Saumu as she graduates from university on Thursday June 30, 2016.

Mike Sonko hosts lavish graduation bash for daughter Saumu

Going by photos showing the finalising of the party’s set-up, Sonko clearly spent in the millions to give his daughter a top-notch bash.

Mike Sonko hosts lavish graduation bash for daughter Saumu
Huge dome tent set up at Sonko’s home where guests will wine, dine and dance the night away during the bash.

The all night party will feature performances from top local artistes as well as others flown from beyond the country’s borders.

Popular gospel musicians such as Christina Shusho will start off with performances at 4pm, with the secular ones including Jaguar, Ali Kiba and Mike Rua taking over after 10pm till late in the night, as evidenced in the programme below.

Mike Sonko hosts lavish graduation bash for daughter Saumu

Saumu will be graduating from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) where she was a student based in the Karen campus.
During her studies, she also held the position of students union Vice President.

See below more images of the party’s preparations shared on Facebook by Sonko’s associate and Nairobi aspirant Joskirai Mwangi.

Mike Sonko hosts lavish graduation bash for daughter Saumu

Homeboyz delivering a big sound and stage set-up for the function.

Mike Sonko hosts lavish graduation bash for daughter Saumu

Final touches on going at Sonko’s home in readiness for the party.

Jacob Juma tweeted about Dennis Itumbi's imminent sacking

Dennis Itumbi and three other members of the Presidential Strategic Communication Unit (PSCU) were sacked on Wednesday, June 29, by President Uhuru Kenyatta just a year to the 2017 general election.

Until his sacking, Itumbi was the Director of Digital Communication in the office of the president and had ruffled many feathers while sitting on the position.
The sacking of Itumbi and his colleagues was long overdue, at least according to some of those who disagreed with every statement that came from PSCU.
Jacob Juma tweeted about Dennis Itumbi's imminent sacking
Dennis Itumbi and his colleagues were fired by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Reports indicate that Itumbi and his colleagues were denied entry into State House and later on received a text message telling them ‘to sit tight back home and wait for further directions when President Uhuru returns from his state visit to Botswana.’

The other three are Senior Director of Public Communications Munyori Buku, Head of Messaging at the Presidency Eric Ng’eno and the Branding and Events Director James Kinyua.

And now it has emerged that slain city businessman Jacob Juma correctly predicted Itumbi’s sacking before he was brutally murdered in Nairobi on Thursday, May 5.

In a series of tweets that have surfaced online, Jacob Juma persistently said that he had received high profile intelligence that Itumbi was on his way out of State House after Uhuru expressed his displeasure at the manner the PSCU team was handling matters.
Jacob Juma tweeted about Dennis Itumbi's imminent sacking
The late Jacob Juma tweeted about Dennis Itumbi’s imminent sacking. Itumbi and his colleagues were fired on Wednesday, June 29.

At some point, Juma even said that Itumbi had been sacked and was working at Deputy President William Ruto’s Karen home.

Reports indicate that Itumbi and his colleagues are likely to redeployed but that remains to be seen,.

The Concubine writer Elechi Amadi dies at 82

Dr. Elechi Amadi

Dr. Elechi Amad

The curtains have fallen for one of Africa’s finest writers who had put the continent on the map.
On Wednesday, June 29, Elechi Amadi took his last bow, the master of African literature wrote his last chapter.
The sensational writer died at his home in Port Harcourt aged 82 his family confirmed.
 “Elechi Amadi, the novelist, is dead. He departed today in Port Harcourt at the age of 82,” Bar Wabueze Amadi a relative announced.
The Concubine writer Elechi Amadi dead
The Concubine is regarded as one of the best fiction books ever written.

The Concubine writer Elechi Amadi dead
The Great Ponds was a masterpiece by Elechi Amadi a beautiful story of two villages fighting over a pond.

Amadi is a household name in Kenya popularly known for his novel The Concubine which was used a set book in Kenyan schools for years.

The Concubine is regarded as one of the best fiction books ever written and brought Amadi to global attention.

The other great novel written by Amadi was The Great Ponds which has been referred to as a masterpiece that told the story of two villages fighting over the ownership of a pond.

Some other wonderful gems written by Amadi include: The Slave, Sunset in Biafra and Estrangement.

The Concubine writer Elechi Amadi dead
Elechi Amadi before venturing into writing served in the Nigerian Army and attained the rank of Capain.

Amadi was born in 1934, in Aluu  Rivers State, Nigeria. Before venturing into writing served in the Nigerian Army and attained the rank of Captain.
He wrote his first piece a poem title Penitence 1957.

In 2009 Amadi was kidnapped at his home in Aluu town, Port Harcourt, by masked gunmen but was later released 23 hours later.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Might these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

Bible promises us that Jesus would come back soon for His church. For 2000 years this promise remains unfulfilled and every generation believed their time was the last. But do we really live in the last times and get the signs of His coming?

MIght these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

God promised us the signs in the heaven above and in the earth below. Are these just the manifestations of nature or the true voice of God announcing His return?

MIght these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

People see and photograph the most unusual images of Jesus. This one on the iron is amazing. Not everyone would have seen it. Even if it is not a sign from God, it is a sign of a person, who has the heart and eyes to see.

MIght these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

A cruxifix on the sky? Just like that verse in the Bible, where is says that all people will behold it. Shurely, it is not Jesus yet, who has come in His glory, but the hope stirs in our hearts.

MIght these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

A culinary revelation! Maybe this is just an art made by some creative cook, but maybe not. Surely this image is hard not to recognize.

MIght these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

Those who have eyes, let them see the hands of God in the sky.

MIght these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

Isn’t this amazing?!

MIght these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

And this is a real wonder. Just imagine having a wall like that!

MIght these be the signs from God telling us He is coming soon?

Surely all these images are not the signs from God on their own, but the Bible provides us with sure evidence of the end of times and many of the BIblical signs have come to pass.

Safaricom to refund customers for dropped calls

Bob Collymore, chief executive of telecommunications giant Safaricom, responds to questions during the launch of the 'Safaricom Guarantee', My Data Manager' and 'My Subscriptions' services, June 29, 2016. Photo/COURTESY
Bob Collymore, chief executive of telecommunications giant Safaricom, responds to questions during the launch of the 'Safaricom Guarantee', My Data Manager' and 'My Subscriptions' services, June 29, 2016.
Safaricom has launched services that will see customers refunded for calls disrupted as a result of network issues and allow its subscribers have more control over their use of data bundles.

Chief executive Bob Collymore said the 'Safaricom Guarantee', 'My Data Manager' and 'My Subscriptions' services will keep customers from incurring losses.

Collymore added in a statement to newsrooms on Wednesday that the three will give subscribers control of the telecommunication giant's services.
Customers will receive refunds through the Safaricom Guarantee service.
Safaricom said they will get back up to a minute of talk time if their calls to other subscribers are disconnected.

"Safaricom Guarantee will leverage the extensive investments Safaricom has made in building the most advanced network in the country," said Collymore.
He noted that Safaricom has invested an average of Sh30 billion a year in building the best network but that there is opportunity to do more.
My Data Manager will give customers power to control data bundle usage, allowing them to restrict browsing on out-of-bundle rates.

This will resolve cases where customers are switched to the pricier airtime option when they run out of data bundles.

My Subscriptions also hands customers power to view active subscriptions (Data, SMS, Skiza and Premium Rate Services) and either maintain, add or unsubscribe.

The company becomes the first operator in Africa to announce such initiatives, and is the first in the world to offer real-time refunds for network related call disconnections.

Collymore said: "The collection of products we are launching today aims to provide our customers with increased control over the services they use on our network."

“We are firmly focused on enhancing the experience of our customers and believe these initiatives demonstrate our solid commitment to our customers' needs."

Information cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru commended Safaricom for innovations that improve customer experiences.

Noting the sector is evolving, Mucheru said service providers should turn their focus to quality.

Popular street DJ, Demakufu shows off his face for the first time

In a country where everyone is a Deejay, only talent separates the wheat from the chaff.

He is a household name. Late in the evenings when you are headed home from work, or reporting the office in the morning, 90% of Kenyans listen to a street DJ calling himself De- Makufu.

He is a big name locally and has recently received acclaim in the United States for his flair, talent and the mixes that have taken over the Kenyan entertainment scene.

He took over the mantle from DJ Kalonje who was a street DJ of renown back in the day. Kalonje joined the mainstream media and has since been a radio DJ.

The streets were left to the now recluse Dj Lyta before he fell off the radar.

This was before the recently voted as the most promising DJ, Demakufu came about. Real name Martin Owaka,  Demakufu popularized the one-drop mixes played by almost all Kenyan Matatus.
Popular street DJ, Demakufu shows off his face for the first time
For the first time,Street Dj, Deejay Makufu shows his face to the public. Photos: Demakufu

He’s currently the streets number one DJ and recently came out to meet his fans by holding gig as opposed to making mixes for sales.

Together with DJ Knitspin who specializes in Old Skool Music,  the duo has formed a Deejaying unit- the  2 star Deejays and a branding company.
Popular street DJ, Demakufu shows off his face for the first time
The face that is running the streets, Demakufu.

An inside Kenyan joke has it that 8 in 12 people in the country are either Deejays, model or fashion bloggers- or that they own a generic phone. Even then, there is a distinction between the deejays who rely on the use  of a computer program and the deejays who can actually use a turn-table.

The accomplished deejays  like Dj Joe mfalme make a killing from gigs and  radio job- Mfalme who has weekly gigs at capital  FM recently bought a KSh 10 million Toyota V8.

Messi Quits International Football

Lionel Messi on Monday, 27th June announced his retirement from international duty after missing in a penalty shootout as Argentina lost a fourth major final in nine years.
"It's not meant for me. For me the national team is over. I've done all I can, it hurts not to be a champion", The 29 year old said after the defeat by Chile at the Copa America.Sunday's copa America final.With Barcelona, Messi has won eight la liga trophies and four Champions League. But his only major international trophy was in 2008 Olympic gold. The 29 year old was making his 112th appearance for Argentina since making his debut in 2005.Argentina were defeated 1-0 in 2014 world cup by Germany before two Copa America final defeats by Chile on penalties. Messi was also on the losing side against Brazil in the 2007 Copa America.              
Messi had scored five times at the tournament, including a superb free-kick in the semi final against hosts the USA to become his country's record scorer with 55 goals. Argentina and Manchester city goalkeeper Sergio Romero said he hoped Messi would "reflect" on his decision and reconsider, adding: I think he spoke while he was heated, because a beautiful opportunity escape us. I can't imagine a natural team without Messi.". Manchester city forward Sergio Arguero describe the mood in the Argentina dressing room as “the worst I've ever been in”, and he also said "there are several players who are evaluating not continuing with the national team"
Lionel Messi on Monday, 27th June announced his retirement from international duty after missing in a penalty shootout as Argentina lost a fourth major final in nine years.

Messi's miss was Argentina's first trial in the shootout and it ballooned over the bar after Romero had denied Chile's Arturo Vidal. Messi made his debut for Argentina in 2005, going on to make 113 appearances.  
For Barca, he has netted 453 times in 531 games, including a la liga record 312 goals. He has won the Balloon d'or award for the world best player five times. In 2014 he was named the best player at the world cup with, then -fifa president Sepp Blatter saying he was "a little bit surprised" and Argentina legend Diego Maradona calling the decision unfair.


Wapo washika ngazi na wapanda ngazi. Mwanzoni, wote ni binadamu. Wenye haki sawa, uwezo sawa na bila shaka huwa marafiki. Urafiki wa mche na kinu hasa. Mmoja akiponda, mwingine atazuia hasara eti. Wote hudhaniwa kusafiri kwenye safu sawa ya anga ingawa kila mmoja huwa na nyota yake. Sasa, hili la nyota ndicho kibainishi cha hawa wawili. Nyota ya mmoja huonekana iking'aa wakati wa safari huku ya mwingine, licha ya kuwa haizimi,huwa hafifu hadi kesho. Wakati mwingi mimi hujiuliza. Mbona nyota hizi mbili husafiri pamoja, kwenye anga sawa na hali sawa ya hewa ilhali moja hunang'anika kuliko nyingine? Zamani, nilidhani hilo ni swali la kitashtiti. Lakini kumbe sivyo. Ipo sababu. Lipo jibu, tena kubwa kuliko ndovu wa sahara na bayana kuliko usiku wa mbalamwezi. Yaani ni jibu linaloonekana wazi ingawa kwetu binadamu, ukubwa wa gololi, si kigezo cha kutathmini uwezo wa mtu kuona. Siyo kila gololi ina mboni na siyo kila mboni ina uwezo wa kuakisi mwangaza vyema. Kwa wale wote wenye matatizo ya kuona ijapokuwa kuwa wana mboni na gololi, basi sikilizeni sababu hizi.

Mwanga wa nyota hizi siku zote hutegemea uwezo wa wamiliki wake kuwaza kama jua. Fikiria, nyota hazionekani mchana. Lakini jua huhakikisha kuwa nyota hizi, licha ya kutokuwepo wakati huo, wananyonya mwanga wa kutosha ndiposa jua likufapo mawio, anga izidi kuangazwa usiku. Kwa lugha nyepesi, jua husaidia nyota kupiga makasia ili ung'avu wake uonekane. Lakini nimegundua kuwa, nyota hii ambayo ni hafifu, huwakilisha ukubwa wa kitu, mtu au jamii kiumbo hasa, lakini uzani hamna. Kuu kwake ni kubururwa tu. Hata matrela afadhali. Mkokoteni hasa. Bila kubururwa na mtu, punda, maksai au chochote chenye nguvu, hausongi. Labda kwa kukosa nguvu, maono au pia mazoea tu ya kubururwa tangu asili na fasili. Pia labda raha ya kusafiri na kujigamba kwa nyota ya mwenzi iliyokando ya yenu na ambayo inang'aa.

'waona sasa, hao hawawezi bila sisi. Na kwa kuwa funika hailingani na iliyo wazi, tushabikie hii iliyo wazi ijapokuwa moyoni tutaificha hii yetu iliyofunikwa. Angalau hili litatuepushia vicheko na masimango eti kuwa sisi ni yatima wa kisiasa'. Doh! Nguo ya kuazima haisitiri matako! Mtafunzwa hadi lini? Wakati wao wanajitahidi kumfanya wao awe maarufu, nyinyi mnaotea tu, kama mwewe mnangoja umaarufu wake ushike kasi. kusafiri kwa nyota ya wenzi wenu ndiyo raha yenu. Lakini nguvu zenu ni sawa na pia wingi wenu ni sawa na mchanga ufuoni. Mbona msitumie uwezo wenu kuchochea mwangaza wa nyota yenu!

Msambaratiko! Kumbe wingi wa mchele kwenye gunia pia ni wingi dume ndani. Humo! Mmegawanyika vipande vipande hadi kuunganishwa, hata shazai haiwawezi. Kisu ni kimoja. Lakini ni upande upi wa kisu utanolewa. Kila jamii inang'ang'ania kutia makali upande fulani. Baadaye, kila upande wa kisu hicho kimoja huwa machinjio. Mnaishia kutumia paka wawili kumfukuzia panya mmoja. Mna uhakika watamshika yule panya! Wakati wao wanajenga daraja dhabiti, nyinyi mnajenga kuta za saruji kati yenu.

Mwishowe mambo huwa tenge tahanani. Washika ngazi ndiyo cheo chenu. 'muungano muungano. Kichango kuchangizana.' mtachanga nini na mifuko mmeitoboa. Kumbuka :mshika ngazi, hupigwa teke mdomoni. Ikiwa kwa msambaratiko huu, mtazidi kutumaini kuwa mpanda ngazi hushuka, mtasota saaana!


The doyen of opposition politics and former prime minister of the republic of Zimbabwe Rt.Hon.Morgan Tsvangirai was yesterday diagnosed with cancer of the colon. The former premier broke this news himself and is currently undergoing treatment in the neighboring South Africa.
The Zimbabwean leader, now 64 years old, who was in an uneasy coalition government with the 92-year-old Robert Mugabe from 2009 until 2013, said it was important for national leaders to disclose their health status.
Whereas Morgan Tsvangirai came clean on his health status the incumbent president of Zimbabwe Hon.Robert Mugabe routinely denies local media reports that he is suffering from prostate cancer and says that his frequent trips to Singapore are for routine medical checks.This, however, has not convinced the Zimbabweans and Africa at large and his continuous trips continue to raise eyebrows.
"As a leader and a public figure, I have taken the decision to make public my condition," Tsvangirai said and added 'it is my firm belief that the health of national leaders, including politicians, should not be a subject of national speculation and uncertainty."
In addition, Tsvangirai said that he had an operation last month and that he is currently under chemotherapy treatment. His absence from his country as well as his being a three time loser to president Robert Mugabe has weakened his opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).Morgan Tsvangirai has since 1999 led the MDC party making him  Mugabe's political rival for 17 years.His party had mainly been weaken by splits over how to confront Mugabe's ZANU-PF.
The MDC, evicted from the unitary government after its crushing defeat in the 2013 general elections, is split over whether to dump Tsvangirai before the next general election in 2018.However, the MDC chief said that he intends to confront development despite his unfortunate condition.
"I shall confront this development with the determination to overcome it," he noted with a point of finality.
However, critics say that Morgan has been outsmarted by Robert Mugabe, Africa's oldest president. The turmoil with the MDC has been a boost for Mugabe whose ZANU-PF party has ruled Zimbabwe since independence from Britain in 1980 amid charges of rigging recent elections. Mugabe has since denied rigging previous elections and intends to contest the 2018 vote at age of of ninety four.
Charles Domnic

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Campus Students file tax returns online ahead of Thursday deadline

Kenya Revenue Authority commissioner general John Njiraini demonstrates use of the iTax system to taxpayer Frida Sigilai in a file photo. Photo/ENOS TECHE
Kenya Revenue Authority commissioner general John Njiraini demonstrates use of the iTax system to taxpayer Frida Sigilai in a file
The taxman has reported that 1.2 million Kenyans have filed their annual returns through the iTax system.

The Kenya Revenue Authority has a database of 8.1 million taxpayers but only 1.6 million filed returns in 2015.

In a statement on Tuesday, acting domestic taxes commissioner Benson Korongo said they have been receiving approximately 70,000 returns daily.

"The system gives taxpayers the luxury of filing returns from the comfort of their homes or offices at any hour of day or night," he noted.

Korongo said the number is expected to rise as taxpayers make efforts to meet the Thursday deadline.

He said the Kenya Revenue Authority has set up 21 iTax support centres and has presence in 37 Huduma Centres.

"Three more centres are set to be opened up this week in Central," he said.
The commissioner added that the authority has trained more than 40,000 Kenyans on how to file their tax returns online.

He urged taxpayers to seek assistance at the support centres across the country.
Korongo said more centres countrywide will be opened for longer hours ahead of the deadline.

See photos of the girl who allegedly caused a KDF captain's suspension

A senior official of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) has been suspended after his girlfriend, unbeknownst to him, wore his clothes in his absence, took photos and posted them online.

The pretty girl’s photos went viral on Facebook as most of the people who re-shared them thought that she was an officer like many others. That is where the  tale about impersonation came in.

When the photos go the attention of the officer’s superiors and the uniform was identified as his, it is alleged that he was called in and had a long sitting with his bosses.

See photos of the girl who allegedly caused a KDF captain's suspension
The girl who is alleged to have caused the suspension of a KDF captain when she borrowed his uniform to take photos with.

Unconfirmed reports have it that the officer was suspended  from active duty for leasing out his official military regalia for wrong use- in this case, social media.

The Legacy-MU Pub however established that there is no  rule in the books that would have a KDF Captain suspended because his wife wore his uniform and posed for photos.

Action would only be taken if the said uniform was leased for use in criminal activities or any  related activity that would contravene what is generally accepted as right.

Hot Kenyan police officer of a few days ago says that he is  in trouble with his superiors. A spate of his photos presumed to be attractive by the Kenyan female populace broke the internet with scores of women demanding to be arrested by him.

He has since been identified as, Steve Karisa. An administration police and an ardent gym addict.

When speaking to Word is on an interview, the police officer said that his instant fame engendered trouble with his bosses who are particular with media attention.

Police reshuffle: Find out top commanders' new posts

Riot police officers in Mombasa. Phot/ELKANA JACOB

Former police spokeswoman Zipporah Mboroki has been named Lari OCPD in the new police reshuffle.

Geoffrey Maiyek takes over as Buruburu OCPD from Richard Kerich, who is the new Nairobi County deputy commander.

Paterson Maelo has been named new Mombasa county commander and Manase Musyoka Garissa county police commander.

"They have been posted to Mombasa and Garissa to help in managing insecurity incidents that are fluctuating," read a statement released on Tuesday.
Rop Kipkemboi has taken over as Taita Taveta county police boss while Julius Wanjohi remains Coast regional police boss.

Tom Odera is the new boss in Kajiado county while Mary Omari has been moved to Tharaka Nithi.

Among those named in the changes include Mohamed Hapi (deputy director reforms), Julius Kitili (director reforms), Andrew Aramisi (Nyanza traffic boss).
Others are Joseph Muthee (Rift Valley traffic boss) and OCPDs Tom Atuti (Kiambu), Stephen Cheteka (Changamwe), Joshua Omukata (Nakuru), Hussein Arur (Kirinyaga East) and Justus Kitetu (Kericho).

Nairobi CID boss Nicholas Kamwende, who was named new Coast regional coordinator on February 7, was recalled in another phase of the reshuffle.
Kamwende, who earlier headed the Anti-Terror Police Unit, had been transferred alongside three other CID bosses.

Raila kin vouches fairplay for 2017 women governorship aspirants

Kisumu deputy governor Ruth Odinga in a past press conference. Photo/FILE
Kisumu deputy governor Ruth Odinga in a past press conference.

Kenya network of women governors wants political parties to give women a fair opportunity in the battle for governorship seats in the country.

Ruth Odinga, chairperson of the network and Kisumu deputy governor, said it was a sad affair that no single woman was elected governor in the 2013 elections.

Of the 47 counties, only nine governors chose female running mates now serving as their deputies.

Ruth has said she will run for Kisumu governor in 2017.
"I want to tell the political parties to ensure level playing ground for women running for governor," Ruth said.

In Migori County, Nyatike MP Edick Anyanga’s wife Anne has declared interest in the seat.

Speaking at a funeral in Kisumu on Saturday, nominated MCA Ben Ombima said Anne has what it takes to be Migori Governor.

“She (Anne) tried it in 2013 and was made a running mate but her camp did not succeed, it is therefore in order to elevate such aspiring women governors to leadership positions without discrimination,” Ombima said.

He pointed out that having all women go for deputy governors remains discriminatory against the female folk.

During Luo cultural ceremony in Kisumu early this year, Cord leader Raila Odinga hinted that ODM may allow female leaders to deputize male governors and vice versa in 2017.

Raila said this will give an opportunity for more women to serve in top leadership of the counties, further assuring the group of level playing ground for all aspirants.

At least seven women have declared interest to run for governor in 2017, and are optimistic of winning the seats.

The lobbyists across the country see 2017 as a chance to break into the men-only club, that is the council of governors.
The Kenya Network of Women Governors will identify and campaign for viable candidates.

Apart from Ruth and Anne, other women seeking to run for Governor include; Joyce Laboso (Bomet), Cecily Mbarire (Embu), Margaret Kamar (Uasin Gishu), Wavinya Ndeti (Machakos) and Margaret Wanjiru (Nairobi.)
Eight women contested the position at the 2013 general election; 19 others sought seats in the Senate but none was elected.

Some 165 women battled it out among the men for Parliament's 290 regular constituency seats, while 155 women sought one of the woman representative positions.

Ruth said there is need for Kenya to have more women in elective positions.

Monday 27 June 2016

An old bag and Ankara styles fabric - easy tutorial for refashion

Ankara accessories, bags, and shoes are costly. And Ankara styles are so many. You cannot stop wanting for more to create astonishing outfits. Neither this lady could, so she came up with an easy refashion project. What do you do? You just use these easy to follow steps of our tutorial to turn your shabby old bag into a glam Ankara one!

An old bag and Ankara styles fabric - easy tutorial for refashion

Got an old clutch bag? Do not throw it away! It’s a real treasure. The lady with the tutorial proves it is true. If you do not have one, just visit a second-hand market and get it. The color or cracks on the back really do not matter. No one is going to see those when you turn it into a mighty fashionable accessory as if by magic. Just make sure it has the working clamp! So, what do you need to start crafting?

An old bag and Ankara styles fabric - easy tutorial for refashion

Ankara bag tutorial – the materials and instruments:

–    An old clutch bag (these are the easier to refashion);
–    Scissors
–    Hot glue gun or instant glue
–    Ankara fabric

An old bag and Ankara styles fabric - easy tutorial for refashion

5 easy steps Ankara styles bag tutorial:

Step #1: get the bag ready

You need to do few things to the old bag. First of all, carefully remove the clamp, but do not break it. You will need to put it back in place later on. And you need to remove all the dirt, peeling leather or oil from the purse. First, wash it well with a soft wet cloth. Then use some window cleaning spray on it to get rid of any possible dirt or oily stuff for the glue to stick better to it.

Tear off the lining on the top of the bag and the edges. You are going to put the Ankara over-measure under it. You are done!

An old bag and Ankara styles fabric - easy tutorial for refashion

Step #2: Get the measurements for your Ankara fabric

That’s easy with a clutch bag. First of all, fit the fabric to the purse to see how the Ankara pattern fits it. Then measure a piece that would cover the whole clutch and leave over-measure on each side. Let’s say leave extra 5 cm on each side to make the refashion job easier.

Step #3: Glue it down

It’s a no-sew DIY project, perfect for those who do not have a sewing marching or have no skills at it. You may either use your hot glue gun or if you do not have one, just get some instant glue or transparent glue for fabric.

Apply some glue on the bag, where you wish to put the Ankara fabric. Use clothes pegs once you clip the fabric over the edge of the bag. Fit the fabric nicely with no wrinkles onto the surface. Using regular fabric glue is the best, as it gives you more time for adjustments. The instant one dries up faster, but if you are a newbie, it may dry up too fast.

Basically, you need to cover all the outer surfaces of the purse with Ankara. And wrap the over-measure inside to fasten it there.

An old bag and Ankara styles fabric - easy tutorial for refashion

Step #4: Return the clamp in its place

Cut a small hole in the Ankara where the clamp has to fit. Put it back and use some glue to make sure the fabric won’t come off from under it.

An old bag and Ankara styles fabric - easy tutorial for refashion

Step #5: Put back the lining

Once you clipped the over-measure and tucked it in, you can put back the lining so that no one would see the untidy ends of the Ankara fabric. Let the glue dry up well and you are ready to go!

An old bag and Ankara styles fabric - easy tutorial for refashion

As you see, this is an easy purse refashion project. Ankara fabric is not that costly, and the glue is cheap. You can get as many of these stylish accessories as you like, spending just a little time on crafting.