Thursday 30 June 2016

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian

How else could one describe these works of art if the words genius and tenacity are not being used. Nigerians are certainly not holding back anymore when it comes to talent and we would not stop displaying the beautiful works they create too. We presented to you the pictures of car made by bamboo like two weeks ago; remember we have also showed you pictures of the young man who made a storey-building with sticks and bamboo too.
This piece will twitch the artistic part of you and in spire you to do something different too. The works of art you would be seeing below were shared by Olobo Harry, a young man in Portharcourt.
Find below some of these pictures:

 1. See this beautiful building

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian


2. Awwwww

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian

3. Awesome

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian


4. Magnificent

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian

5. Simply beautiful

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian


6. Only a talented person can pull this off

See these beautiful artworks made by a young Nigerian

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