Friday 20 October 2023

The Art Of The Eleventh Hour

By Mercy Jelagat

Ever wondered how some students seem to possess the creepy ability to perform their best work when the clock is ticking towards the deadline? Those are the last-minute students, masters of procrastination and wizards of efficiency under pressure. The campus environment with its abundance of profusion of assignments, exams and deadlines provides a fertile ground for procrastination to thrive.

Surprisingly, last minute students claim that their best ideas and creativity emerge when they are under the gun. Two weeks before the final exam, you will observe the library teeming with students each striving to salvage their semester through private studies or group discussions. The library is crowded with students, including those who do not attend lectures.

The night before an exam, the frantic attempt to cover an entire course in one night might seem absurd, but it's a common occurrence here on campus, my friend. It's quite amusing when a socialite, who typically enjoys partying, finds themselves in a last-minute cramming session the night before their morning exam. Picture them sitting at their study table with a bottle of water, a basin filled with water at their feet, as they struggle to ward off sleep and diligently absorb the contents of their textbooks. Surprisingly, this scenario is not uncommon."

During these times, you'll find that many cybercafés around the institution are bustling with both male and female students. It's because the assignments given out three months ago were completed just a few hours before the deadline, and students are now rushing to print them on the day it's due.

This happens every academic year. The graduating class rushes at the last minute to search for their missing grades all over the campus, striving to secure a place in the graduation list. Of course, nobody wants to be the one left behind while others are celebrating their graduation. It makes you wonder where they were during all those years when they could have followed up on their missing marks

Some students, when they receive their school fees, spend all the money in clubs, betting and spoiling their partners. Later, just before the exam period, they go around with a promissory note, asking and bothering everyone for whatever little they have, so as to avoid missing the exam. It's infuriating, I feel like someone's going to get a well-deserved wake-up call one day. The power of eleventh hour.

As is customary, many students wait until late at night to purchase vegetables like sukumawiki or other food items, assuming that the ('mama mboga') will provide them with the remaining stock to prevent it from spoiling if left until the next day. A friend of mine, Jacky can often be spotted at around 11 pm, assisting the local food vendor ('mama mboga') in closing up her grocery. In return, she receives items like tomatoes that are set to expire the following day.

The last-minute hustle and bustle that characterizes campus life is both a fascinating phenomenon and a source of perennial frustration. From late-night cramming sessions to rushing for assignments and hunting for missing grades, students navigate a whirlwind of activities as they navigate their academic journey. As we celebrate the marvel of last-minute brilliance, we're reminded that the art of the eleventh hour can indeed be an enchanting one, filled with moments of brilliance that keep us captivated and inspired.

Things I Can Tell 20-Year-Olds

By Susan Simolo

The transition from being a teenager to the phase of adulthood (20s) is weird start to stress about all life’s big decisions. Thoughts about your career starts creeping in, one starts visualizing on how they want their life to play out. The issue of finances and paying of bills slowly start catching up with you sooner than you had expected. All these cannot be figured out at once.

Put yourself first. This may sound as a cliché but it is what it is. It all starts with you. Develop self-love, the acceptance, the confidence, self-esteem. How you package yourself will automatically translate to how others will treat you. You are your most precious asset. Define your own rules, principles and take control of whatever revolves around you. You definitely gain nothing by pleasing someone else to an expense being at the receiving end. Release the fear of feeling like you are not good enough.

Being in your 20s and not taking risks sounds alarming. This is the time that we all are trying to grow. Growth can not take place while we are in our comfort zones. Comfort and change have probable never co-existed in one sentence. That YouTube channel you got in mind, the blogging, podcast, the business idea, learning a tech course. Juggling around any of this may eventually help you land to your niche.

Clinging on one thing in this digital era can just leave you drowning in hopelessness. One has to be diversified and open-minded. Different opportunity can come knocking at your door but since one may feel like it’s not their area of study, they will just let them slide. Be a person who is willing to learn and have knowledge and skills in different areas. Expand your wings and become flexible in any job market.

It’s just that time for networking. The groups you have joined while in campus and also takes part in their activities are the closest network in additional to friends and the course mates. Building a relationship portfolio contributes to the success of your career in future. Never burn bridges with these people because you never know will come in handy and at what time.

Working hard sounds analogue but it still pays off. Consistence and hard work are important in everything that one does. People will only get to know what you are doing by how frequent you put it out there.

In the 20s someone else may be living the life that you dream of but that is not the ticket to feel like you have failed. You cannot compare your journey to others. Learn to run the race at your own pace eventually you will get there. Believing is halfway achieving the goal. Let things flow one at a time because what works for the other may not necessarily work out for you.

Have a life outside the relationship that you are romantically involved in. Since it’s a phase that people are still growing and identifying themselves, they may just wake up one day and feel like you are no longer good enough for them. You will be left nursing a broken heart and feel like your life is in wreck. Thoughts of the promises made while you were still naïve and when the relationship was at its rosy phase will just leave your eyes watery with a never-ending emotional battle. The romantic movies we and the fairy novels make people have unrealistic expectations which cannot be fulfilled by a young man you just met in the university corridors.  Arguments, blame games, disagreements become the order of the day and when you can no longer put up with each other you send yourself packing. Build yourself and your career in this golden phase. Always chase the glow and not men.

Suck A Breast Within October



Demonic spirits possessed my mind, I prayed for relieve but I got my boobs sucked.

I could hardly believe my luck.

Took a clear view of him to free my mind, but instead anxiety took over.

He undressed me quickly, nude with brilliancy and beauty.

Y'all know my melanin, right?

Eagerly waiting for that moment, nipples became so pricky... areola ready for it all.

He suckled and tickled, but must we not pay debts for pleasure too?

Their size increased as they elated with joy, wiggled and daggled.

He talked to my boobs and I found it funny.

He licked them, and I moaned gently

When he bit them, I cried with pleasure,

When he pinched them, I found it arousing

There's no bigger pleasure than the one I got, when he worshipped my mammilla.

Suck a breast within October!

For decades now, October has been recognized as a national Breast Cancer awareness month. A time devoted annually to educate everyone about breast cancer- including Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) and the importance of early detection and access to timely, high-quality care.

In global effort to raise awareness on breast cancer, October has been designated as the pink month. A month where efforts to educate those concerned about the disease, including early Identification and signs and symptoms are associated.

Breast sucking being a significant strategy to prevent breast cancer and maintaining the health of the breasts in women (according to Dr. Charity Twumasi), men are advised to suck a breast during this month of breast cancer awareness, even if they haven't been doing it before.

It is literally advantageous to breast feeding mothers, but to a woman who hasn't given birth is a worry. Since at the end of the day, breasts must be sucked. Suck her nipples and burry your face into her breasts, we know you've always been hungry to suck and desperate to view them all along, so why not in October?

Just roam around that perfumed scenery, worship and take care of that perfect pair in a seductive way. It feels erotically insane, it keeps us healthier and that's all what defines a woman's pride. Even in the holy book King Solomon sang, “your breasts are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle that browse among the Lilies” Breasts are precious. Appreciate your girl's golden globes in a lovely way, no matter the size or type. Keep breasts healthy this October.

Meanwhile, women are advised to visit the nearest hospital or breast screening center to get to know the wellbeing of their breasts.




I visit my past way more often these days

Even though I don’t live there anymore

I visit it in the early hours of the morning

As the day is just beginning and late in the night

When am about to sleep

My last visit was different though I see myself

Walking in the rain, a skosh of perfume lingers

It reminds me of you and for a moment

You are closer than ever before “Damn

I miss you”. But just like clouds my heart is

Crying too

Later in the night I thought of you, but

That was nothing new to me because I thought

Of you today yesterday and the day before that too

I think of you in silence and often speak your name

All I have are memories and a picture of you in a frame

Your memory is a keepsake from which I’ll never part

I have you in my heart

My mind knows I can’t have you but that doesn’t stop

It from dreaming of all the ways I could

Regrets cut through my conscious like a knife

I need to make amends, there is no excuse for the damage I did

I was too weak to admit I was wrong; all I did was add salt the wounds

I failed you a thousand times, there is no way I can repair this

If you choose to not forgive me it’s fair

Sometimes I turn over memories in my head and think

I should have touched you and kissed you then

Maybe I should have hugged and held you more tightly then

But mostly I turn over one memory in my head and think

You shouldn’t have left me then

But I know from loving you that, lost is lost

Even if it is beautiful.



Breast cancer is one of the most common illness or disease that mainly affects the women. Breast cancer in simple term is a cancer that forms in the cells of the breast. Most breast cancer cases are found in women who are 50 years or older in age. Breast cancer happens when cells in the breast grow and divide in an uncontrolled way, creating a mass of tissue called a tumor. Like other cancer, breast cancer can invade and grow into the tissue surrounding your breast. It can also travel to other parts of the body and form new tumors. When this happens, it’s called metastasis.

Treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. It may consist of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. One of the most common sign of breast cancer is nipple changes. A breast lump or thickening that feels different from the surrounding tissues also bloody discharge from the nipple and changes in the shape or texture of the nipple or breast. Breast cancer starts when cells in the breast begin to grow abnormally.  These cells have the potential to grow out of control and invade the surrounding tissue. On average, breast cancer doubles in size after every about 6 months. That’s why it is usually advised that women go for the free breast cancer screening that are always offered by the government.

Breast cancer can form and grow undetected for 10 years or more, hence making diagnosis and treatment much difficult.

Some of the common signs and symptoms of breast cancer include: swelling or thickening of the breast, redness of the breast skin, bumps, growing veins on the breast, new nipple discharge, irritation of the breast skin and some others will experience pain in the nipple area. A new mass or lump in the breast tissue is the most common sign of breast cancer.

There are four stages of breast cancer. Stage 1 of breast cancer means the cancer is small and only in the breast tissue. At this stage it may be treatable if diagnosed early.  Stage 2 breast cancers are also curable with current treatment like surgery, chemotherapy and radio therapy. The stage three of breast cancer is quite critical since scientists say that out of 100 people with stage 3 breast cancer,86 people will survive for 5 years. At this stage, the cancer has spread beyond the point of origin. It may have invaded nearby tissue and lymph nodes. This stage is usually referred to as locally advanced breast cancer.

There is no cure in the fourth stage called the metastatic breast cancer since the cancer cells have spread to other distant areas of the body like the bones, liver, lungs or even the brain, hence it is impossible to get rid of all of them. However right treatment plan can help extend life and improve quality.

Research shows that breast cancer occurs more frequently in the left breast than the right breast. If breast cancer is left untreated, it usually spreads to other parts of the body and hence become a fatal disease.

There is no credible research that shows that wearing a bra can cause breast cancer. It has however been claimed that underwire bras cause breast cancer by obstructing the lymph flow.

 There is no sure way to prevent breast cancer but limiting intake of alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active and breast feeding can help reduce the risks of getting breast cancer.

The purpose of breast cancer awareness campaign to encourage women to go for check up and get screened as early as possible and also to educate the people about breast cancer. The breast cancer color is usually a pink ribbon. Pink in color is it is recognized as a symbol of hope. The ribbon represents millions of people around the world who have been affected by the disease.

It is advisable for women to always go for breast cancer screening at least twice a year since clinical breast exams can detect lumps. At least once every three years after the age of 20 years and every year after the age of 40 years, it is advisable to have your breasts examined by a healthcare provider.