Friday 11 November 2022

Overcoming Depression


 By Susan Akuku Simolo

Campus life is not always a walk in the park. Many obstacles come along the way, and many challenges one faces. Some give up, not knowing they were so close to accomplishing their dreams. These day-to-day stressors, when not tackled, lead comrades into the spiral of depression.

Depression is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and constant emptiness. This, of course, affects the daily activities of the individual or person. It has been that comrades who face the pressure to balance academics, social life, co-curriculum activities, relationship issues, finances, few job spaces after graduation and parents’ expectations. All these form a dangerous recipe for depression among university students.

Some common symptoms of depression include feelings of sadness or worthlessness, difficulties with concentration, memory or decision-making, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, restlessness, weight loss, and other physical symptoms like headaches and muscle aches. This is, according to the research that has been done over time. The symptoms are not always the same but vary from person to person.

Depression has become a disease slowly eating away the youth, especially the ongoing university students. Some debate that it may be due to the pressure of wanting to achieve things quickly without having worked for them. The internet is left behind when it comes to such a sensitive topic like this. There is no definite solution to treat the symptoms of depression. It takes time and patience to determine the best mental health treatment for depression.

 There is a lot of stereotype and stigma that revolves around it. Some in society do not view it as a disease but a weakness, especially among the male gender. Depression isn't a proper illness; people who experience depression are lazy and mentally weak. Depression is a result of having a tough time are some of the stereotypes revolving around the topic.

There are several unhealthy and risky alternatives. The students opt to take them to relieve themselves from their depressed state. Some decide to start abusing drugs by taking alcohol or smoking marijuana. Others engage in unsafe sex. Lastly, those consumed by thoughts of suicide decide to take their lives. These measures end up messing up and hurting them even more.

Some recommended measures while going through depression include seeking help from the guidance and counselling department. Of course, every institution has to attend to such matters. Everyone is encouraged not to die in silence but to open up to those they trust, so they offload whatever heaviness they have on their chest.

Other ways include having adequate sleep, improving diet, not taking drugs, engaging in activities such as sports also strengthening connections with family and friends. Do not lose someone through depression. Let’s all be our brothers and sisters, keeper

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