Friday 11 November 2022

Our Campus Leadership



By Felix Ouko                                               

Leadership is about making others better due to our presence and ensuring that impact lasts in our absence. As leaders, we're only sometimes going to do things right. We're going to make mistakes. We're even going to make decisions that lead to failures. We need to learn from those mistakes and continue to take risks.

Comrades, I am writing these lines on the evening of the 9th. I am averse to clannish leadership and unapologetically disinclined to partisan politics. Over the years, clan and party politics have led to the installation of mediocre and unscrupulous awful elements as leaders. No society develops in the hands of such characters.

With all my might, I urge comrades to realize that everything hangs by a thread. We are confronted by problems that are not to be solved by conferences or congress but exclusively by people, by the masses, and by the struggles of armed people. The situation is critical in the extreme. It is now clear that delaying the uprising would be fatal. Students’ silence doesn't mean they are enjoying the kind of campus leadership we have, but they are crying from inside.

The cost of university tuition fees is rising at an alarming rate every academic year without students concerned. This is coupled with other costs of housing and meals. Comrades are starving in the hostels in the name of 'KUINAMA,’ missing meals even for three consecutive days, leading to lack of concentration and, eventually, missing lectures. Contemporarily, students are dropping out of university since they have a recipe for unmanageable debts. This situation makes our students vulnerable to physical and mental health problems like depression and stress.

There is a substantial basis for solidarity actions. Many students already work alongside their studies and face exploitative conditions and low pay. They are hit massively by the surge in the cost of living, exacerbated by extortionate tuition fees and university rent costs. The rising state of the economy harms their education.

Who must take power? This is not important at present. We need our leaders to stand for comrades. We cannot afford to lose a whole to depression. We need a healthy generation. Save our generation.

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