Friday 11 November 2022

Crazy Campus Course mates


Crazy Campus Coursemates

By Mercy Jelagat

 Like any other learning institution, the campus environment is a crazy one. There are phrases such as ‘’kuinama’’, which means not being able to have supper or lunch due to financial issues. This is forgotten almost immediately when a funny comrade crosses the innocent mind, as asserted here.


I think you should know what I am talking about. These people tend to appear past 20 minutes before the class begins. They sneak into class twerking with their little bubble butts in miniskirts to attract every eye. You may think they walk from a long distance but later find out they are from the university residence. They come in late consistently the whole semester. These terrible latecomers have rarely been punctual to class, not even on campus before the early bird sings its melodious song.

Resurrected Ones

These are the kind of human beings that appear during the final exams, sit in cats, and on presentation days only. You may wonder what stuff is keeping them off the campus environment because they are rare to be found, just like the sunflower in the desert. It is with no big surprise that you happen to see them in every class attendance list, yet they don't exist in any of the classes. Most of them put on dark heavy jackets during their final exams carrying sources of light just in case of blackouts in the exam room.

Party Fanatics

Every day is a weekend for them as long as there is a party.  They rarely attend morning classes. Why? Perhaps they suffer from the previous night’s hangovers. They spend much of their time and money partying and impressing their friends. The majority are drug abusers. Of course, what is a party without stiff drinks?

Drama Queens

The majority are female students. They are talented in formulating drama without being the focal point of the circumstance. They can even burst a thunder of laughter in class and pretend nothing has happened. They know all the gossip, including the lecturer's side chicks and main chicks and their family issues. They are usually the backbenchers.

Lecturer's Pet

They are so irritating to the whole class. You find them sitting in front seats dressed half-naked, maybe seducing the lecturer. They laugh loudly at the lecturer's jokes and ask rhetorical questions. Who does that? They never miss a chance to respond to any right or wrong question. They are seen with the lecture after class; who knows what they talk about?

Hand raiser

No class ends without their hands being raised. Of course, they are brilliant, but sometimes, they are annoying. When questions are asked, you do not need to rotate your neck to look around, as you already know precisely whose voice is.


They are those who do not really hang around with other students and actively stay away from social interactions. They neither chat with anyone after class nor walk in with anyone. They rather talk to themselves. You even find it difficult to say hi to them because they may blue-tick you alive.


These people are the single souls on the campus. We are tired of their impromptu hugs. Imagine, after every daily lecture, you find them hugging almost three – a quarter of the class. If she is a lady, she hugs nearly every man and vice versa.









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