Saturday 2 October 2021

In your dressing

 By Jacinta Museo.

Sometimes people make us feel ashamed of ourselves with what we wear just because our lives didn't turn out the way we expected I think people should let their fellows wear what they can afford without feeling bad,let people wear what they can afford in peace. Let people be who they are.

I've seen it in campus where comrades brag only for wearing indecently. Decent dressing is not all about wearing as per the function/show ,but who doesn't know that wearing a dress that has provocative or stimulating influence on almost everybody we happen to pass by is indecent? We mostly claim to have "dressed to kill" yet we're exposing our  body to the public which is most common with us ladies .We dress in a manner,all with an aim of looking tantalizing,sexy and attractive instead of dressing in a responsible way since strapless clothes,bum shorts,short blouses and miniskirts is all what we find good for us.

Our dressing is mostly influenced by many things such as financial status.....coming from a well off family doesn't mean you should just dress the way you want .Being decent is not all about dressing expensive;but wearing something that is comfortable and which makes you feel confident. Nudity is not viewed as per financial status or  social class,it's rather viewed as lack of self assurance and desire to be noticed at all costs.

Other times we let our friends and roommates determine what we should wear .Dressing half-naked in the name of levels and fashions and as they're our friends,they'll also tell us to dress as per the trends and we end up doing so without even minding about protecting our image .Image is everything...we are living in a world where one is judged by their appearance more than anything else.

Most of us also dress to imitate pop/rock stars who are normally half dressed or nude during stage performances or in video shows. The celebrities we idolize will never dress half naked for a press conference or a live talk show the way some of us dress when attending a lecture.


Our attire reflects our sense of value and taste,and this is why one may be treated with disdain or embarrassment as some dresses may make people draw conclusions about ourselves. Dressing only to seek attention of everybody who comes our way or dressing indecent just because we are not near our parents or close relatives,as it is well known that indecent dressing is contrary to the acceptable norms and values of the society.

As ladies,we should somehow understand that dressing indecent may bring a lot of effects to us .Yes,we might say that we dress as per our choices which entails that there must be consent if at all anyone wants to do anything with our body but this is contrary to some men's conclusions who think that dressing in a certain way means that one is craving for sex or they may even view her as an harlot even if she isn't.

Indecent dressing devalues a woman as it exposes all what deforms their pleasure.

Decency reveals a lot about who you are,by dressing modestly,maturity radiates from you,reflects your personality,displays yourself with worth,makes a good first impression and also improves your appearance.

Though these dressing patterns are so many;with more still coming up due to progressiveness of fashion,we should at least try to be decent and presentable,dressing in a way that we are comfortable and confident with despite whom we interact with...also creating a positive impact on  first impression people have when they meet us.

A wise man once said "life is in phases and men are in sizes", so live your size as per time.....your image creates a certain opinion about you,so project and protect your image. It's really not conforming on the latest trends, just be YOU,be simple,comfortable and confident.

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