Saturday 2 October 2021

Editor's note

By Maria Njoroge

I have been the editor -in -chief at Legacy for 3 years now. I have grown over the years and learnt progressively over time .I can now acknowledge my mistakes and realize when a writer is harbouring potential. I know when a story needs polishing  and when to pat a writer on the back when they make improvement. The club has been growing ,I do not wish to take all the credit ,but do wish to applaud the whole team .Feature writers,poets,news,kiswahili writers,political writers and the team that ensures that our wall publications are on time every publishing day.

However ,all this has not been without bumps .As the editor I have a responsibility to be the voice and give the overall club's point of view. I did  not know how much a powerful platform the Legacy Media is .This is a platform that could create revolution and advocate for real Change were I to work with no fear of intimidation. I have a way to tell stories of students and be heard .For a long time I have sat on it and chose to let life take it's course .There are times I have failed to publish Open letters to the school administration. I have had cases of sexual harassment but never knew how to tell the stories .

Well,I do not know how to still,but I know that keeping quite doesn't mean they are not happening. I am going to use the Legacy media to break the silence and open conversations we should be having. I will take my time to read between the lines ,verify the facts and challenge others to do the same.

Dear readers ,make no mistake,I'm breaking the silence. My team will speak,dissect and delve into the good ,the bad and ugly .We wish to nurture journalists who will tell the truth even when it is most difficult and those who will still see good in a world full of so much darkness. We will be champions of the truth . I look forward to training more of my members  and create a transition team .

Our incoming first years,the journey has just began .Be enthusiastic and eager to learn .Be prepared to be a student outside class and consistent to learn new things. Perfect practice  creates a masterpiece .

Cheers to the best semester yet.


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