Saturday 2 October 2021

We lost our way

 While in primary, our teachers used to say, "the beautiful ones are not yet born" just to groom us into moral adults to please our parents' hearts. I can say that it worked, though  for a while. Then came high school, " "the beautiful and handsome ones are in the university". This made us burry our heads in books to score high. Among other philosophical sayings and demeaning phrases not forgetting thorough canes on our butts and backs, varsity dreams became valid. Many of us, the high discipline imbibed to us by parents and teachers, made us strong ladies and gentlemen. Morally upright and religious. 

In our homes, some of us were called pastors, gospel singers and go getters. Naive about love issues, parties were a taboo subject  and dress code  was a conversation  your mother only spoke with her eyes. Whenever we could bump on deadlocked men in rugged trousers bouncing on the road, we could bash them and even, comment on their ill-mannered behaviour.

Campus ladies dressed in trousers,  miniskirts, pinned noses, painted nails and lipsticks on their lips; we joined the society to view them as harlots. Many of us were warned sternly  by our parents used to warn us from emulating such "immoral" campus villagers' lifestyle. Little did they knew, what future awaits us. 

We passed our exams we joined campus while pure, religious, morally upright, egoistic and bright dreamers. When attending lectures, we aimed at getting first class. Time my dear readers, is a master betrayer. Nature took course and many have been "fixed" in the process..You find yourself  treading  the very path you once  judged so vehemently. We discovered birthday parties, fashions, clubs, lavish lifestyles, the use of contraceptives and "friends of substance."

As from there, our "friends of substance" introduced us to buffs, chromes, mizinga and campus marriage. The  pastors at home have entered marriage on campus while unmarried at home. We lost our purity through panty after party, learned the use of contraceptives and family planning methods for the betterment of our "future." My dress my choice, became our mantra. We forgot  that we dress differently for different  occasions. Decent  is still a word you know. 

Men fall in love  per semester. I wonder who will grade them for their illicit  love affairs. Men, stop testing for HIV with your eyes ,stay safe. Many have strayed  from the path of  light and most do not know that it is the small sneaky habits that are costing  them  their  future. 

While our former teachers and parents thinking that we are nice children, we ladies and gentlemen, were totally spoiled brats. Sadists, dream killers, drug addicts, hypocrites and campus minions .We are living  a lie, a double  faceted  life  Married on campus but unmarried at home, holy and innocent at home but vicious, terrorists and religion is a taboo subject at school Whom do we blame for our worrying future ? Parents, teachers, ourselves or peers? 

You have time to salvage  you. But comrade, tick tock.

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