Thursday 18 March 2021

Masked in Hunger, she weeps


By Brenda Bungei

The economy has been tough

The journey knowingly has been rough

Terrible that she cannot afford a bun

So behind the mask of smiles she hides

As her stomach rumbles for at least a spoonful

She masks in fear of judgements and humiliation

She cannot call home, it's worse over there

With the ground dry and cracked as tho cursed

Her brothers eat like squatters from neighbors to relatives 

Sadly she understands, she can't call home

New to campus she doesn't  know  where she'll trade her labour

Only for food. Even a meal a day

Hiding under her blankets trying to subsidie the hunger with sleep

She glups water each time her stomach rumbles

She cries she weeps but deep down

She hopes someday she'll thrive

Hungry and depressed, she bottles up her problems 

Too often she masks the truth in advance

Sealing off herself from mercy  

From the stench of their judgment that overwhelms her

She hides behind memes, for fales comfort

Repeling the truth too devastating to accept. 

Teafully she's been writing ;

She's been writing because only the pen can hold what she feels

Silently cries, So silently she weeps 

Every Aroma has become poison to her nostrils 

Because weakly her stomach begs for attention

Weakly, she holds herself strong so that they may not know she's starving

She trusts no one with her situation, her faith in people is tattered 

Listening to her favorite sauti sol's tune until she's lured to sleep

Shallowly asleep, she hopes to make it through the night 

And hope tomorrow will be better.  ..

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