Thursday 18 March 2021

First years: First Exam

By Susan 

Exams bring out different parts of a student. Some realize that they are actually geeks and can get straight A's if they worked hard enough. With some comes the realization that they have wasted 3 months of the semester and have nothing to show for it now. It is the toughest time in the student's academic calendar. As much as exams are considered as the best methodology to test if the students have understood the concept taught  during lectures A friend once joked that they should make us swear that we understood the course and let us be.

"Do not fear exams, just do your best" this is the statement our high school principal used to echo to us every chance she got..

We are having our first exams in campus. Each paper takes at least two and a half hours. There are a mixed reaction amongst the students . There are those who were anxious and nervous, their are those who are calm and have hope that they can hande the exams since they have been doing it from nursery school their was going to be nothing new.  The monster we had been trying to run away from had turned into a beast. Exam was here to stay with us.

There era those who have preferred to skip their meals in order to pay more attention to the exams , the number of first years going to the library has also increased. There are those who had prepared themselves early but and are those of course the last minute thing hence each person is trying their very own best. Their is also another thing which everyone of it s is trying to escape , the " supp".It is everybody's nightmare . In order to do the re- take exam a fine is paid which yo have to dig into your pocket money because it is something no one would love to tell their parent about not unless you formulated a lie to tell them which is not ethical.

In conclusion exams play a very vital role in both the student's and lecturers or teachers . Exams should be embraced because it is something we cannot escape from , it is part us hence it should not be viewed in a very displeasing manner. Early preparation  and making reading as a habit not only for the exams but also to get knowledge is one of the major ways of eliminating negative attitude towards exams. Acquiring exam skills is also a way one preparing themselves  for the exams. Those skills include; being able to manage time, being able to manage anxiety and panic, good having good writing skills, note- taking skill, reading skills .Working hard in a smart way is the way to go.

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