Thursday 18 March 2021

Being a brother's/sister's keeper

The country is wallowing in a mire of economic hardship. The cost of living has escalated so tremendously that three meals in a day are a miracle not only in poor homesteads but also in the lower middle-class economy families. 

Here in campus, things are worse than ever. Tea with milk is an unthinkable option, even a luxury. That is only for those lucky enough it with sugar. Most can't even afford a single KDF. Yet that is the miraculous breakfast that is pushing comrades, saving them from fainting through the busy day in lecture halls to the evening. Even a good supper is a miracle to many.

So many comrades are suffering starvation silently here in campus. Ironically other comrades are throwing away food leftovers while others are fainting due to hunger.

Well, if you don't have anything to eat, dear comrade, don't suffer in self loathing alone.

 Be courageous enough to approach your friends and share your problem. Wisemen said, a problem half shared is a problem half solved!

 If you suffer hunger while your friends have enough food even throws away some, you will be doing the greatest injustice to yourself. It's only a fool who dies in solitude. You are not one. You can't be one, can you?

If you have any friend you are suspecting he's suffering hunger silently, help them if you can. Then keep it to yourself. Do to your neighbour as you would like him/her to do to you. Let your left hand not know what your right did or who it spread to. 

If you are not in a position to personally help, talk to your friends too. Then ensure you approve of who you are sharing the situation to. Ensure the third party are not of the Pharisee sect. When we come together, great things happen. 

Jesus commanded, "love your neighbour as you love yourself." If you can help a neighbour, a comrade, do it sincerely and secretly. English men say, "what goes around, comes around." 

 Tomorrow it might be you, God forbid! We all know tables turn against everybody's wishes. Yet that is nature. 

Refrain from all temptation of taking the word around that so and so is starving. The owner of a loose tongue is a disgust to the society and an insult to his/her mother. A Kiswahili gospel song sings, "tenda wema nenda zako!" Do good, shut up and get busy doing what you do.

Apart from assisting each other, let's also share our problems.

 So many people, even comrades are suffering depression and other mental illnesses.

Depression is real! If you have a scorching problem share with a friend who's closest to you. A nature law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. By sharing to them they shall give an ear and even a shoulder to lean on. Most will share to you what and how they have pulled out of a similar or related problem. 

You might be surprised that your friend is combating even a more frivolous mental quagmire. 

If you can't trust your friend, maybe you prefer to share the burden with anonymous stranger(s).

There's the Guidance and Counselling office at student center where you can be listened to, counseled, advised and assisted with utmost professional confidentiality . 

You may even visit the Moi University Hospital and there are trained  professionals who can help you too. 

Finally, let's put into practice all money saving skills we've learnt. Avoid overspending on impulse buying. Make a realistic budget for the cash you have and follow it strictly. It's wiser to buy and store food in your room than to serve the scorching thirst of some drug or alcohol.

I am because you are. No man is an island! Be your brothers/sisters keeper. Love yourself and love your neighbours. Spread the love.

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