Friday 22 July 2016


By Kennedy Mwikali

The chancellor of Moi University, Mrs Mary addressed the students of Moi main campus on Friday 22nd July 22, 2016. She is the 3rd vice chancellor of the institution and has been awarded several times in the medicine profession. Her short life in school left everyone inspired for stating that she used to be nicknamed the ‘temperature measure’ for walking around barefooted but she made it .

First and foremost, she gave a brief history of the university. She mentioned some personalities such as Ole Kiapi, Omar, Senator of Mombasa county who have made it from this institution to encourage comrades to choose role models wisely. She stated that the institution has the most schools compared to other universities. She also echoed the words said by the currently elected the assistant secretary general in the 30th students governing council, comrades Lastborn -‘Democracy is not democracy without peace. She gave an example of the institution being the mother of Kabianga University, Maasai Mara University and University of Eldoret among others by encouraging comrades to build up others as they strive to build up themselves and the each day demanding success.

Having a PHD in medicine profession, she stressed much on the health of the comrades by the following health tips;
Urged them to eat meat and other fatty foodstuffs moderately.
Eat vegetables to promote their body functions.

Avoid alcoholic drinks at all cost for it can be your friend or enemy. Alcohol-[mind destroyer]
Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours.

The power failure I thought cut short her speech and raised the comrade’s anxiety. Hesitating on my thought that she would comment on the same but to no avail, made most of them drop their expectations of their problems solved.                      

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