Monday 11 July 2016

9 Most Outrageous Nail Trends Ever!

By JEMEDARI Mwanawakiume

Some fashion trends are unbelievably gorgeous and worthy of giving a try. Others however, are beyond atrocious.

Here are nail trends that made us go OH MY GOD!

1. Caviar nails

Yeah, you guessed right. They are named after caviar, hence the resemblance.
caviar nails

2. Bubble nails

Anyone else wants to slap the person that started this trend? There’s nothing beautiful about this nail trend.
bubble nail trend

3. Aquarium nails

There’s actually a water bubble in the nails. Is it ever that serious?
aquarium nail trend

4. Shattered glass nails

This one emerged from South Korea. Pretty beautiful if done right.
Shattered glass nail trend

5. Stiletto nails

You better not get into a fight with someone who has stiletto nails. They look like weapons, pretty scary!
stiletto nails

6. Duck feet nails

Can someone even hold a pen with such nails?
duck nails

7. Velvet nails

I wonder if they get wet. Lol
velvet nails

8. Flip manicures

Adding jewelry or painting on the inside of the nail.
flip manicure

9. Faux fur nails

fur nails


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