Saturday 28 May 2016


Are you tired of how people take advantage of your caring trait? Do you find yourself enslaved to anyone who is willing to have you in their life? The fear of upsetting people always steer your thoughts into the direction that let them benefit from it more than you did. That fear is what causes you to say sorry way too much often. It’s what caused you to go to college even though you didn't want to, it caused you to get a degree in something you didn't want because your parents told you to. It’s what causes you to drag out a relationship you secretly wished ended months ago. This is what causes you to stay in the job you hate and get paid the wage that you didn’t like. How exhausting is having to constantly put others before yourself and how little reward you get at the end of it?

You have heard the phrase "you teach people how to treat you" but you've ignored it so far. May be its because when you did try to stand for yourself it always seemed to have backfired as they yelled, cried, cursed your name and swear to never forgive you.This scared you right? And since you are too concerned and so caring about other people's feeling you gave up. You might have finally snapped and told others to let you be which they deserved to hear only to find yourself being labelled as too aggressive.Well dear who gives a damn?Who realy cares what  others think or say?Let me just remind you-it should not be you.

Sometimes people need to hear what they need to hear without that sweetness in your tone.This is what we call setting healthy boundaries.Try it and you will see how good it feels. Not the snapping part, but for expressing your true feeling. From that, people will start to show you more respect.They will start taking you less for granted too.

Make yourself comfortable with being with you. Get to know yourself, what makes you happy and what interest you.Be selfish.Now it's time for you to show them how selfish you can really be when taking care of yourself.Acting upon your own interest  is not being insensitive to others it's simply living your life.

Do not apologize for the change. Ever, do not go over in your head, how u should have reacted differently, how you shouldn't have said what you said and so on. Stop it! The acceptance of your peer and loved ones is a luxury and not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to make yourself proud and happy. The rest is for them to realize your worth.,

I’m not suggesting you stop caring about other people but you should first care about yourself.

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