Monday 25 April 2016

Categories of Students You Will Meet in a Moi University Margaret Thatcher Library (MTL)

By Jemedari Mwanawakiume
I’ve spent years scavenging the MTL library coming up with my own generalizations and stereotypes. I’ve noticed that students in a Moi University MTL library always fall in one of these categories with the exception of the writer.
1. THE FAITHFUL ONES These are the real library users. The visit the library on a frequent basis and are known by the library staff. They know everything there is to know about the library. So next time you are looking for a book in the library but the staff seem busy approach one of these ones for assistance.
2. THE TECHY ONES In contrast to the real use of the library, these ones prefer to use the peace and quiet offered by the library to operate library desktops and their gadgets. They are usually seen with earpiece/headphones connected to desktops, their laptops or phones. They also aim to use the library as the charging spot for their numerous gadgets.
3. THE EXAM ONES For lack of a better name, these are the ones who are frequent during the exam time. They are on their full study form during this period. They can easily bail out on anything just to be in the library on time and get a space.
4. THE FLIRTS These are the ones who go to the library in order to catch the attention of a hot girl or guy. They pretend to be reading while calculating their strategy on getting the girl or guy. You can easily spot these ones from their continuous movement around a particular person’s range just to gain attention.
5. THE DISTRACTORS This category consists of the intelligent ones who have already studied. They are usually found during the exam period working as the devil’s agents to distract others struggling to read. They move around as if the know nothing but you will be surprised when the results comes out.
6. THE UNSERIOUS ONES This group has a sole purpose of causing trouble in the library. The either come to gist or disturb the serious students. They are responsible for most of the noise in the library and are disliked by both the staff and students. However, during exam periods only the extremely unserious ones who have no aim in the school are found around.

Categories of Students You Will Meet in a Makerere University Library

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By Staff Writer
We’ve spent years scavenging the MUK library coming up with our own generalizations and stereotypes. We’ve noticed that students in a Makerere University library always fall in one of these categories with the exception of the writer.
1. THE FAITHFUL ONES These are the real library users. The visit the library on a frequent basis and are known by the library staff. They know everything there is to know about the library. So next time you are looking for a book in the library but the staff seem busy approach one of these ones for assistance.
2. THE TECHY ONES In contrast to the real use of the library, these ones prefer to use the peace and quiet offered by the library to operate their gadgets. They are usually seen with earpiece/headphones connected to their laptops or phones. They also aim to use the library as the charging spot for their numerous gadgets.
3. THE EXAM ONES For lack of a better name, these are the ones who are frequent during the exam time. They are on their full study form during this period. They can easily bail out on anything just to be in the library on time and get a space.
4. THE FLIRTS These are the ones who go to the library I order to catch the attention of a hot girl or guy. They pretend to be reading while calculating their strategy on getting the girl or guy. You can easily spot these ones from their continuous movement around a particular person’s range just to gain attention.
5. THE DISTRACTORS This category consists of the intelligent ones who have already studied. They are usually found during the exam period working as the devil’s agents to distract others struggling to read. They move around as if the know nothing but you will be surprised when the results comes out.
6. THE UNSERIOUS ONES This group has a sole purpose of causing trouble in the library. The either come to gist or disturb the serious students. They are responsible for most of the noise in the library and are disliked by both the staff and students. However, during exam periods only the extremely unserious ones who have no aim in the school are found around.
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Anne Waiguru seeks Uhuru's help in NYS scandal

Embattled former Devolution and National Planning cabinet secretary Anne Waiguru has asked Uhuru Kenyatta to help her in setting the record straight regarding the KSh 791 NYS scandal that led to her resignation.

In a statement on Sunday,April, 24 Waiguru appealed to Uhuru to form a commission of inquiry to probe the explosive affidavit by Josephine Kabura which painted Waiguru as the chief architect of the scandal.
While maintaining her innocence, Waiguru says that her various attempts to set the record straight have failed and that people continue to believe the ‘falsehoods’ in Kabura’s affidavit.

“I have requested his Excellency the president to set up a commission on inquiry…into the grave allegations contained  in the Josephine Kabura’s affidavit so the truth can come out in the full public limelight,” she said.
Anne Waiguru seeks Uhuru's help in NYS scandal

This comes on the same week that Josephine Kabua was forced to restate her affidavit amidst claims from Anne Waiguru’s lawyer that the affidavit had been withdrawn.

Waiguru’s lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi had claimed on Twitter that Josephine Kabura retracted the statements she made about the former cabinet minister.
In an affidavit filed in court on February 15, Josephine Kabura claimed that Waiguru introduced her to a number of people who were to be of assistance in processing of tenders and payments for the goods supplied and services rendered by her companies to the NYS.

Kabura claimed that Waiguru helped her register companies that she later used to get the tenders. Waiguru sent her personal assistant, Betty Maina, to deliver seven copies of certificates of incorporation, she said.

Once the money for the tenders were paid, the affidavit claimed that Waiguru’s sister Loise Mbarire was being given part of the profits from the NYS contracts and was supposed to give back the money to Kaburu and the former minister.

CS Nkaissery meets Somali clan leaders in Kenya

Kenya set to resume the building of the security wall in Mandera

The government of Kenya Sunday, April 24 confirmed it will resume construction of the security wall along its border with Somalia to help curb cross border incursions by Al-Shabaab militants.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery said the building of the 700km wall on the border with Somalia from Mandera to Kiunga in the coast will prevent Al-Shabaab militants from getting into the county.

The CS also said it will stop unwanted persons from illegally getting into Kenya.
Nkaissery was speaking in Nairobi when he met a group of Marehan clan leaders from Somalia.
“This fence will help us check on people like Al-Shabaab from crossing to and from Somalia. We will not limit movement of other people,” Nkaissery said.

Nkaissery promised the Marehan clan which lives along the border with Ethiopia and Somalia in Mandera County that the fence will not prevent or curb the movement of their people from and to Somalia as claimed.

The CS said entry points will have immigration officers who will screen those entering the country.

The CS also said that police posts and Kenya Revenue Authority will have their officers at designated points in the border to provide services.
Nkaissery called on the clans living in the Somalia border with Kenya to cooperate and fight terror elements that disrupt unity between the two countries.

The construction of the security wall had stalled after the government said it lacked funds, according to sources the wall would cost Kenya  two million dollars per kilometre.

The Kenyan government mooted the idea of the wall based on the concepts applied in both Israel and USA to deter movements but instead it will only be crossed by entering through the appropriate border points.

Kenya has faced threat of al-Shabaab attacks that have been carried out in towns like Mandera, Garissa, Mombasa, Lamu and the capital Nairobi.

The terror group claims it will bring its war on Kenyan soil after they were defeated by Kenyan forces in the Operation Linda Nchi that was launched in 2011.

Operation Linda Nchi was aimed to destroy al-Shabaab and end their control of southern Somalia and the capital Mogadishu they used to launch terror activities in Kenya and Somalia.

PENINAH: Raila is using IEBC to keep his political career alive

How Raila is preparing ground for rejection of 2017 elections by castigating IEBC

Editor’s note: Raila’s call for the disbandment of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has got everyone in Kenya’s political ring talking now. Raila says that IEBC cannot be allowed to referee 2017 general election as presently constituted. But in this piece, Peninah Muriithi, writes that Raila’s call is only a political game to keep him relevant. 

Sometime after the 2007 general elections, the then Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) was on the spot for mismanaging the elections. Its chairman, the late Samuel Kivuitu, was accused of making irresponsible statements to the effect that he was not aware who won the elections. Earlier, as tension was building up over delayed results, Kivuitu observed, in his typical light-hearted style, that some returning officers could have been ‘cooking’ results.
Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), locked in a tight contest with Mwai Kibaki’s Party of National Unity (PNU), did not take the comments lightly.  Kivuitu eventually declared Kibaki the winner of the contest, an announcement that plunged the nation into one of its darkest moments, with communities rising against each other in an orgy of violence and ethnic cleansing.

Rightly or wrongly, many blamed ECK and its chairman for handling the elections carelessly and setting the stage for the post-election violence (PEV). No one cared to listen to their story. In fact, the country was in no mood to do so.

The reforms that followed saw the setting up of the Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC) chaired by Mr. Isaack Hassan. IIEC was later replaced by the Independent Elections and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) following the promulgation of the new constitution in 2010. Hassan, who had demonstrated fairness, credibility and competence in handling several by elections as well as the referendum that gave birth to the new constitution, was given another mandate to lead IEBC. It is worth noting that during this period, Odinga was a co-principal in the coalition government and his ODM coalition enjoyed a clear majority in Parliament.

When Odinga and his CORD coalition demanded the dissolution of IEBC following his loss in the 2013 presidential elections, I was disappointed but not surprised. IEBC did experience challenges in the management of the elections but if CORD were to be fair, they would acknowledge that no institution is perfect and that technology can collapse at a time no one expects it to. Did the challenges experienced by IEBC affect the outcome of the presidential elections? Well, the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, which counts among its justices second liberation leading lights and top legal scholars, did confirm the results reflected the will of the majority.

Odinga’s style has been to keep the nation permanently on the edge to keep his political career alive. By making his supporters believe that he did not really lose the elections but was rigged out by his opponents and IEBC, he not only plays into their raw anger and victimhood, he also gives them hope that he can actually win an election if the playing field is ‘level.’ IEBC is a victim of this political conspiracy.
It is interesting that CORD has not demonstrated how IEBC is biased against it or how it will ensure that a new set of commissioners will play ‘fair.’ It will be sad if political players agree to send commissioners home only to replace them with a new set with limited or no experience and who likely will face the same challenges given the Kenya electoral terrain remain more or less the same.

It is also unfair to condemn the entire commission yet each individual is responsible for his or her own actions. If CORD, or any other entity for that matter, has issues with any of the commissioners or any employee at the secretariat, the law is clear on how such a commissioner or employee can be removed from office. CORD should follow the law in this regard and spare the country high octane politics, whose ultimate objective is to set the stage for rejection of the 2017 presidential election results, in case they lose.

Ms. Muriithi is Chief Communications Adviser at the Africa Center for Strategic Futures (ACSF): Kenya Project. 

This article expresses the author’s opinion only. The views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of The Legacy or its Editors. We welcome opinion and views on topical issues. 


ICC: Fatou Bensouda opens probe in Burundi violence

ICC: Fatou Bensouda begins investigations into killings in Kenya’s neighbour

International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has announced that her office would be opening preliminary investigations into the violence in Burundi.
Fatou Bensouda, on Monday, April 25, said she had repeatedly called on all involved in the violence to stop.
“I have been closely following the situation in Burundi after acts of violence broke out in April 2015… I warned that anyone alleged to be committing crimes which the International Criminal Court has the authority to deal with, could be held individually accountable,” Faou Bensouda said.
Over 430 people have been killed in the violence that broke out following a court decision to allow President Pierre Nkurunziza to run for a third term – against the constitutional provision of a two-term limit. Nkurunziza then won a disputed election in July.

It is said that at least three armed rebel groups have since emerged in the country. About 3,400 people have been arrested over the violence and approximately 230,000 Burundians have fled to neighbouring countries.
A number of talks between Nkurunziza’s government and opposition have not yielded desired fruits.

Back in Kenya, Fatou Bensouda is on the verge of loosing all the Kenyan cases after President Uhuru Kenyatta declared that no other Kenyan would stand trial in The Hague.

Attorney General Githu Muigai later confirmed that Uhuru’s declaration was not just a political statement. Muigai said Kenya had capacity to try the three individuals wanted by ICC over witness tampering allegations.

He added that the government would write to ICC to handover the three suspects’ – Paul Gicheru, Philip Bett and Walter Barasa – files in order to try them in the local courts.

Fatou Bensouda, after the termination of Deputy President William Ruto and Joshua Sang’s cases, called on the Kenyan government to hand over the three individuals for apparently obstructing the course of justice.

Fatou Bensouda stated that 17 witnesses who had agreed to testify against Ruto and Sang withdrew their cooperation with the court after being subjected to intimidation, social isolation and threats.

ICC judges, led by Chile Eboe-Osuji, had also acknowledged that William Ruto and Sang profited from prosecution witness tampering. The judges ruled that Bensouda had the right to re-prosecute the case at a later time.

Photos: Raila and Wetangula fight tears on a march to the IEBC offices gone awry

Hundreds of staunch supporters of the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy  (CORD), on Monday, April 25,  braved the rain and chill to match to the IEBC offices. The march was meant to push the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)  towards approving the Okoa Kenya signatures that had been faulted by the commission.

CORD also sought to have the commission disbanded ahead of the 2017 general election on the grounds that it  had failed in its mandate of overseeing fair and just elections.

Party supporters led by party officials took to the streets bearing twigs and chanting anti-IEBC slogans in the march  to the IEBC offices at Anniversary towers.  The anti-riot police had been deployed to seal off the offices ahead of the march by CORD.

Despite the heavy police presence, supporters stayed put, chanting in Swahili that the fight was on.  On Saturday, April 23, CORD co-principal, Raila Odinga had asked supporters to set camp at all IEBC offices to pressure the officials to resign as they could not be depended on.

Police have resorted to the use of tear gas to disperse rioters who were planning to flush from office, the current IEBC officials. See some of the photos below:

Hundreds brave the rain in a CORD march to the IEBC offices
Rioters engage police in running battles after the march led by CORD to the IEBC offices turned riotous. Photo: Twitter

Hundreds brave the rain in a CORD march to the IEBC offices
CORD supporter march to the IEBC office’s in a bid to have the electoral body disbanded ahead of the 2017 elections.
Hundreds brave the rain in a CORD march to the IEBC offices
CORD supporter march to the IEBC office’s in a bid to have the electoral body disbanded ahead of the 2017 elections.

Hundreds brave the rain in a CORD march to the IEBC offices
Chaos outside Anniversary towers in a CORD march to IEBC offices turned riotous. Photo: Twitter

Hundreds brave the rain in a CORD march to the IEBC offices
CORD co-principal, Moses Wetangula in the company of party officials dousing his face with water to fight back effects of the tear gas. Photo: Twitter

Hundreds brave the rain in a CORD march to the IEBC offices
CORD officials marching on the streets towards the IEBC offices . Photo: Twitter

Hundreds brave the rain in a CORD march to the IEBC offices
CORD leader Raila Odinga in tears at the CORD March to IEBC

Hundreds brave the rain in a CORD march to the IEBC offices
Police disperse rioters at the CORD demonstration. Photo: Twitter

The opposition had presented the IEBC with a number of signatures for approval, as required by the law in amending sections of the Constitution, but the agency ruled that the signatures did not meet the threshold required to call for a referendum.


IEBC must clean its act, Raila's words on march

Read Raila’s statement on why he is leading a march to the IEBC offices

On March 4, 2013, we went to the polls expecting free, fair and transparent elections meeting most international standards.

We put our money where our hopes were; giving the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) billions of shillings to buy equipment that would make the elections meet our expectations. We now know some of that equipment arrived quietly after elections.

We never knew that the IEBC planned to deliver what it was later to call ‘Third World Elections’. The second anniversary of that election came and went quietly.
In all accountable political systems, electoral debacles lead to immediate thorough public reviews.

 Electoral reforms elsewhere

After the debacle in the US State of Florida in 2000, individual states immediately undertook close examinations of their electoral systems.

By early May 2001, nearly 1,600 bills on election reform had been introduced in state legislatures around the country, and 130 had been signed into law.

In Ghana, the electoral commission together with political parties have jointly embarked on a review of the electoral system focusing on how to reform and enable it to attain highest possible standards.

Immediately after the Supreme Court ruling in August 2013, Ghana convened a forum on the general theme: “Towards transparent and acceptable elections in Ghana: A review of Ghana’s electoral system” to review the electoral system.

The forum acknowledged that the case challenging the 2012 election results had laid bare some challenges of the nation’s electoral system that could not be ignored.

In June last year, the EC announced that it was embarking on a revision of the voters register.
It opened registration for Ghanaians who have attained the voting age of 18 years since the last registration in 2012 and those who were above 18 years but could not register as voters in 2012. There was no secrecy.
The EC said it would publish the selected centres in the national newspapers.
Applicants who do not have any of the identification documents listed above are required to find two people who are already registered as voters to complete documents to guarantee their registration,” the EC announced.
Last December, the EC announced that it was rolling out a series of reforms to avert controversies that characterised the 2012 elections.

The EC said it would expand its strong room to make it more accessible to the various political parties. It signed an MOU with political parties committing it to have two Biometric Verification Devices at every polling station to address breakdowns.

In January this year, the EC set up a 10-member working committee to scrutinise a raft of proposals submitted to it for electoral reforms ahead of the next elections.


Now compare that with the silence, secrecy, denial and general incompetence surrounding the IEBC two years after the last election in which all the equipment failed within the first hour of the opening of the polls.

Two years after an election characterised by missing Forms 34s and ever shifting numbers in the register of voters, virtually nothing is going on.

If Kenyans are asked today whether they know why the equipment failed, where that equipment is today and whether any tests have been done to ascertain the kits can be used in 2017, the honest answer will be No.

The ground is being laid for another last-minute dash that paves the way for monumental corruption and, eventually, national grand failure.

Two years after the failure, Kenyans cannot say that they know anything that the IEBC is doing to ensure all citizens of voting age are registered or to get elections, including transmission of results, right.

Yet Kenya, with a population of more than 40 million people, registered only 14 million people or 34% as voters.

Instead, the government and the IEBC are arguing against calls for reforms whose aim is to mend the democratic process, and ensure that the results of elections accurately reflect the will of the voters.

We are being told to sit back and wait for a miracle.

Donor nations that have persistently called for transparency and accountability have continued to do business with IEBC through the UNDP, as if nothing happened. IEBC is in deep denial, fighting credible accusations of incompetence, graft and failure.

While their partners in crime are in jail in London, IEBC officials are arguing with the public and earning salaries and allowances here. Caring nothing about its tainted image, IEBC is moving around the world, committing Kenyans to more contracts with new printers of ballot papers.

Clean up

One would have expected that the IEBC would, of its own volition, initiate a roadmap for first cleaning itself, then engaging political parties and civil society to examine the future. Kenyans should have concluded debate on the most cost-effective ways of managing elections, promoting transparency and accountability to ease tensions.

We cannot afford to wait for miracles again. That’s why the opposition and civil society have teamed up to institute measures to reform the electoral system through a referendum. We see it as our patriotic duty to contribute in dealing with the challenges of our electoral system and to create a peaceful and enabling environment for all parties to thrive whether in government or in opposition.

The reforms we seek are meant to promote the electoral rights of citizens by operationalising principles such as impartiality, inclusiveness, transparency, integrity and accuracy.

These reforms will have to be meticulous and thorough and they will have to end up with a new and cleansed electoral commission before next elections.
Kenyans will have to go to the polls under a new set of laws, new arrangement for elections and without the current officials. The sooner this dawns on the government and electoral commission as an irreducible reality, the better for our country.

Fashion: How to use your Boyfriend’s shirt as a dress- Photo

Ever got stranded at your boyfriend’s hostel and u have to spend a night yet you didn’t carry extra clothes? Worry any more, here is how u can fashionably use his shirt as a dress.


Wednesday 20 April 2016

PENINAH: ICC rally exposed CORD's lack of bearing in politics

Why there is no such a thing as the opposition in present day Kenyan politics
Editor’s note: The dust is yet to settle on the ICC ruling that finally set free the last duo of the so-called ‘Ocampo 6′. The ICC has always pitted the government against the opposition in many way, but after a thanksgiving prayer rally held in Afraha Stadium in Nakuru, Peninah Muriithi noe believes that the opposition in Kenya does not have the best interest of the country at heart but personal grudges, political animosity and senseless pursuit of political relevance and popularity. The ICC thanksgiving rally was an opportunity for the reconciliation process to continue as a country which those in opposition should have in wholesale joined in. 
The Afraha thanksgiving prayer service was a watershed moment in our nation’s checkered political near history. The impossible in the eyes of the opposition came to reality: the dropping of the ICC charges against Deputy President William Ruto – who they secretly wished to be jailed. The “Ocampo 6” named as the auxiliary players stood before the country and the world at large giving thanks to God for the ruling the court had made.
Nakuru was one of the areas hardest hit by the 2007-2008 post-election violence. It was at Afraha Stadium that hundreds of the victims of the post-election violence, who were uprooted from their homes in various estates and on the outskirts of Nakuru town, made the 15,000-seater stadium their home for almost a year. Therefore it was foolhardy for CORD not to have joined other Kenyans in solidarity at the thanksgiving rather than to retreat to one of the constituent party’s-ODM- ‘political base’- and holding a parallel rally in Kibra pretending “to stand with the victims of the post election violence”. It was very telling that none of the three leaders of the constituent parties was in attendance. CORD lacks the moral podium to poise as empathising with the victims of the violence that rocked the country in 2007/2008.

Dancing on the graves of the victims

As has always been expected, they treated the uniting event with contempt; accusing Jubilee as ‘dancing on the graves of the victims’. In as much as it is difficult to overemphasise the role of opposition in politics, CORD do not have the best interest of Kenya and Kenyans at heart but personal grudges, political animosity and senseless
pursuit of political relevance and popularity.
The prayer service was an opportunity for the reconciliation process to continue as a country which those in opposition should have in wholesale joined in. This is not to say that some did not, as in attendance were 14 members of the opposition who put the needs of the country before their political ambition. In its predictable fashion, CORD claims that these politicians were paid to attend.

Cord has lost the plot

A responsible opposition should be sensitive to the plight of the people: criticizing the policies and programmes of a government merely for the fun of it is the height of madness, irresponsibility and insensitivity especially to the pitiful plight of Kenyans affected by the violence back then. Afraha was symbolic as the president categorically stated we will not be taken back to that dark period that made us a country go to ICC.

The opposition lost the plot a long time ago! CORD has found itself in the cold with its credibility being questioned everyday by Kenyans. Instructively as it were, opposition in the world is considered healthy and good for the polity in a true democratic setting. However in present day Kenya politics, the constituent parties of CORD with their leaders have been the instrument used to wage war on our peace, unity, stability and development.

Kenyans are the utmost beneficiaries on issues that will lead the country in the path of national unity and development; so for CORD to dismiss the thanksgiving prayer service is them playing ostrich as we know some in their leadership called for mass action instead of blowing the trumpet of peace when we as a country needed it most: inherently selling their legitimacy rights to this issue.

This posture of them boycotting the prayer service puts them in a serious level of defective group as it were. CORD exists in opposite of ideal democratic tenets. It is therefore extremely difficult to consider them as an opposition given their battered manifestation from the time they formed. It is indeed sheer mockery for them that have not believed in ideal democratic practices among themselves i.e. ODM, Wiper and Ford-Kenya to be seen playing alternative governance. No right thinking member of this country should take them seriously.

In a nutshell, allow me to state with all modesty that CORD cannot and has not offered any template of a robust opposition. Beyond the usual bickering and ranting, this threesome association appears comatose and near dead. A party that comprises of very aggrieved persons cannot provide an opposition because the party itself is not built on any serious ideology. All the three leaders that form CORD are yet to recover from the hangover of defeat as they are still suffering an image problem. They cannot confidently engage Jubilee on issues of delivering on their electoral promises.

CORD therefore needs to take a chill pill – pause, relax and see how they can contribute to addressing the issues affecting Kenyans.
Beyond anything else, I believe CORD needs to work more on itself instead of attacking Jubilee and should stop campaigning for 2017 without first demonstrating to Kenyans what they have been doing since

Peninah Muriithi is the chief communications adviser at the Africa Center for Strategic Futures: Kenya Project.
Write her

This article expresses the author’s opinion only. The views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of  The Legacy or its editors. We welcome opinion and views on topical issues.


Senegal gets rid of its senate to save money

This undated photo shows Independence Plaza in Dakar, Senegal
Rignese via Wikimedia Commons
DAKAR, Senegal - Senegalese lawmakers, who are divided between a 150-seat national assembly and a 100-seat senate, voted to do away with the senate, passing a law which dissolves the institution in order to save an estimated $15 million.

Minister of Justice Aminata Toure explained that the suppression Tuesday of the senate is intended to curb government spending, and will provide the cash needed to help the victims of the yearly rains which have left thousands homeless and killed at least 13 people.

Unlike the national assembly, the senate is a relatively recent institution, and has become a symbol of government waste. It's been frequently pilloried and described as an instrument of cronyism, a way to reward loyal party workers who did not get elected to the larger national assembly. Around half the senators are directly appointed by the president.

Congress also voted to abolish the office of vice president, establish in 2009 by then-President Abdoulaye Wade, the BBC reports. It has not ever been occupied.


PSG in talks with Jose Mourinho as Manchester United watch

PSG in talks with Jose Mourinho as Manchester United watch

French Ligue 1 club PSG are in talks with the representatives of former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho, in an attempt to lure the fiery Portuguese as their new manager.

After bowing out of the champions league, PSG manager Laurent Blanc tenure as the manager has became shaky.
PSG see the Portuguese as the man to win them the champions league as well as compete with the best in Europe.

Manchester United have been interested in bringing  Mourinho to Old Trafford, but are yet to hold talks with former Chelsea manager.
The club have under performed this season under Dutchman Louis Van Gaal and are in serious threat of missing champions league football next season.
Manchester United Executive Vice-Chairman to wait until United’s challenge for a top-four place and FA Cup run is over.

Mourinho is one of the most successful managers in world football apart from winning several league titles in Portugal, Italy, Spain and England, he has also enjoyed success in the European stage.

Mourinho has twice won the Champions League Cup at Porto in 2004 and Internazionale Milan in 2010.

Police woman shows boobs on duty, shares photo on Facebook

A police officer caused a stir online after posing for a topless photograph while on duty and posting it on social media.

Nidia Garcia was supposed to be guarding the streets of the Mexican town of Escobedo, when she exposed her breasts in a patrol car.
Police woman suspended for posting her topless photo online
Nidia Garcia has found herself at the centre of a social media storm after she posted this picture of herself

Shortly after her provocative photo was shared hundreds of times the police started internal investigation and the mother-of-two was suspended.

She later took to her Facebook page once again but this time to write an apology, she wrote: “I was wrong in letting myself be photographed in my hours of work while still wearing the uniform of an officer.
I want to ask a huge apology to the secretary of security and Justice of proximity and more to my municipality general Escobedo for this immoral act on my part.
Police woman suspended for posting her topless photo online
The suspended police officer has since been forced to take to social media once more

I feel disgusted by the great damage caused and the damage done mainly to my two daughters, followed by my husband, my parents, brothers and entire family.”

It is still unclear whether Ms Garcia was photographed by her colleague in the vehicle or it was a selfie. But the fact she was armed, wearing a uniform and on duty was the main reason of criticism.
Presently, the state’s internal police commision is investigating the case and to decide what chrages and punishment Ms Garcia would face.

KCB now takes over Chase Bank set t re-open on April 27, 2016

The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK)  has announced that all branches of Chase Bank will be reopened on April 27, 2016.

In a press conference on Wednesday April 20, CBK governor Patrick Njoroge said that customers will have immediate access of up to KSh 1 million.
At least 167,290 accounts, equivalent to 97% of accounts, will have their funds available in full.

The online and mobile banking services will also become available. However, branches may initially offer limited banking services, Njoroge has announced.
Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) has been announced as the institution that will take over majority of the stake in the re-opened Chase Bank and will provide adequate liquidity for the operations.
We expect the strong management of KCB in Chase Bank to strengthen confidence in market,” Njoroge said.
All employees of Chase Bank have been asked to report back to their stations of duty immediately, and await announcement of new structures within the institution.
While KCB will be the managers of the bank, the independent Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation will still be in charge in line with the law.
Chase Banks has 180,000 customers at the moment including institutions and non-governmental organisations.

On Thursday April 7, 2016, CBK placed Chase Bank under receivership following a loss of KSh 724 million leading to panic withdrawals from the customers of up to KSh 1 billion within a single day.
This is what brought down the bank.

But CBK unearthed unethical coduct among directors of the bank after it was revealed that one had accessed an unsecured loan of KSh 8 billion.
Chase Bank staff were reported to have borrowed KSh 13.6 billion, an amount that surpassed the lender’s shareholding funds which stood at KSh 11.19 billion.
As has also been indicated, firm action will be taken against those who have abused their fiduciary duties of managing our financial institutions,” Njoroge added.
Its auditors, Deloitte and Touche, gave a qualified opinion of the bank’s financial records in which non-performing loans increased from KSh 3 billion in 2014 to KSh 11 billion in 2015.
In banking terms, a qualified opinion is a situation in which the auditors receive limited information on the company’s financial performance in a situation where the company does not meet the requisite accounting method standards.
They also found that the numbers did not add up to qualify such results as not much information was given to explain how the figures were arrived at.

Uhuru seeks bicameral house consent


The Jubilee government is now not shying away from pushing for the country to pull out of the Rome Statute as it had a year ago when Deputy President William Ruto’s cases at the ICC were still ongoing.
President Uhuru Kenyatta made a formal request yesterday on Tuesday, April 19 to the bicameral house to ‘suspend any links, cooperation and assistance linked with the court but in a respectful manner.
“Parliament is urged to take such necessary measures to ensure actualization of this resolution but to do so in a manner that respects our constitutional order,” said Uhuru as quoted in the Standard.
Two days ago, President Uhuru had sworn that no Kenyan would go to the ICC as he also worked to effect a mass pull out of African countries from the Rome Statute

Leader of Majority Aden Duale said that the house was only waiting on the African union committee working on a mass pull out of African countries from the Rome Statute for Kenya to implement its own comprehensive strategy of pulling out of the ICC.
Last week, the international criminal court had warned Kenya of consequences should the country fail to produce the three suspects accused of witness tampering and led to the collapse of the Kenyan cases.
“In case of non-cooperation, the legal procedure before the ICC is for the Judges to make a finding of non-compliance and to refer it to the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute for the Assembly to take any measure it deems appropriate,” said Fadi El Abdallah, the ICC spokesman as quoted in the Star on Tuesday, April 19.

Monday 18 April 2016

Ever seen an albino Giraffe? Here is one in Kenya

A photographer has shared photos of a Giraffe with albinism in Ishaqbini Hirola Conservancy, Garissa county.

The Giraffe is plain white unlike the usual brown and white colouration that identifies the tallest herbivore in the animal kingdom.

Ever seen an albino Giraffe? Here is one in Kenya

Ever seen an albino Giraffe? Here is one in Kenya

 Ever seen an albino Giraffe? Here is one in Kenya

Scientifically, animals with albinism have next to zero survival chances in the wild because they cannot camouflage from predators like their colleagues.
They also suffer isolation by other who it is said consider the as strangers.

The above Giraffe may however survive for long considering it lives within a conservancy where the environment is mostly controlled to increase the lifespan of endangered animals species.



Tension is still high at Laikipia University even after the university was indefinitely closed last week.

Villagers and residents surrounding the university today joined the students in a demonstration and could be heard chanting that the vice chancellor must leave the institution.


The villagers who make up as shop owners and hostel managers complained of continuous loss making since most students have already go to their homes.

This comes after the university staff workers downed their tools last Friday.

 Students have then been left waiting for communication from the school administration on when to report back.

Photos: See How Orengo and The Rest Used Vitiligo as a Mode of Seeking Sympathy and Use It Politically

Photos: See how Orengo used election violence victim to get sympathy from crowd
Siaya Senator James Orengo on Saturday April 16, 2016 shows a crowd that this man suffering from a skin condition. Orengo clamed that he was burnt during the election chaos of 2007 in the Rift Valley.

Siaya Senator James Orengo was on Monday April 18, 2016 put on the spotlight for lying to a crowd that a man suffering from a skin condition was burnt during the election chaos of 2007 in the Rift Valley.

It has however emerged that Bernard Ndege, the man who was paraded at a podium during a rally by Cord leaders Orengo and Johnson Muthama did not actually sustain any burns as it was stated.

The man, according to Daily Nation journalist Stella Cherono, has a skin condition called vitiligo that makes one’s skin appear as though they sustained bodily burns.

But Ndege is a victim of the post-election violence because he lost his two wives and nine children when their house was torched.
Cherono interviewed Ndege soon after the violence.
He told me openly that he was not in the house when his family got burnt. With time however other people have used this to insinuate that he survived fire and the discolouration was as a result of PEV,” Cherono wrote in a Facebook post.
Photos: See how Orengo used election violence victim to get sympathy from crowd
This is the man who was paraded before a crowd at a rally in Kibra. Daily Nation journalist Stella Cherono interviewed him ans said that he has a skin condition called vitiligo. Photo by Stella Cherono.
Stella went on to comment that “losing your two wives and nine children is not easy, and he deserved to be compensated but I don’t think it’s right for Orengo and the rest to use Vitiligo as a mode of seeking sympathy and use it politically while turning a face on the truth to align vitiligo with PEV.”

The rally had been organised by the opposition to counter the one at Afraha Stadium in Nakuru County that had been called by President Uhuru Kenyatta to give thanks after his deputy William Ruto was set free.

The rally was apparently meant to show solidarity with the victims of the post-election violence.

Soon after the outcome of a bungled election in December 2007, an unprecedented and spontaneous violence  broke out in Kenya leaving 1,333 dead and approximately 650,000 others displaced from their homes mostly in the Rift Valley region.

Communities that hitherto existed in tranquility rose against one another; people were burnt alive, others were hacked with machetes by the roadsides while homes and churches went up in flames.

Shock as missing Moi University student found dead in a river

Halima Tacho, Shukri Mohammed’s mother (inset)
Photos: Standard

 A former Moi University student who disappeared mysteriously early this month was found brutally killed and dumped in a river in Thika. Shukri Mohammed, 24, went missing from his mother’s home in Kaptembwo estate, Nakuru town, on April 4 at around 8.35am. His body was recovered by police officers dumped in a river in Ol Donyo Sabuk on April 8.

According to the family, Mohammed’s eyes had been gouged out, his tongue cut off and his hands and legs tied with a piece of rope. Mohammed’s brother, Mohammed Hussein, said he learnt about the death from social media, where news of the same went viral.

 “I learnt about the death of my brother from my friends on social media, who stated that a body of a man dressed in a kanzu had been spotted in a river and later taken to City Mortuary,” said Hussein. 

He said the family went to the mortuary but it was almost impossible to identify their kin because his body was mutilated.

“The body was mutilated and the only thing that helped us identify him were his teeth and toes,” said Hussein.

 His mother, Halima Tacho, said it is unfortunate for him to have been killed at a time they were expecting him to graduate. Mohammed had studied business management purchasing and supplies and was expected to graduate in August this year.

Tacho said on the day he went missing, he woke up at around 4am, prepared a meal and prayed. She said he was fasting. Tacho said that after he ate, her son received a phone call from a friend, who asked to meet him in Nakuru town but he insisted he wanted to attend prayers at Jumuia Mosque first.

“My son left the house at around 8.35am, saying he was headed for prayers in town and would later meet a friend then come back home,” said Tacho. 

At around 1pm, she said she tried calling him but he did not pick her calls - his mobile phone was later switched off.
“I tried getting in contact with his brothers and friends to establish if anyone knew where he was but nobody knew,” she said. 

When she failed to trace him, the family reported the matter at Kaptembwo Police Post on April 6, but were referred to CID.

 However, while at the CID headquarters, Tacho said officers showed her a photo of Mohammed’s friend, the one who had accompanied him, but that they could not explain how they obtained it.

  “It was clear the CID officers knew something about my son’s disappearance,” she said. 

The family is now calling on police to open investigations into the mysterious disappearance and killing. Nakuru Police Commander Hussein Barua said police have intensified their investigations.

SOURCE: Standard Digital

Missing Moi University student found dumped in river By Mercy Kahenda Updated Monday, April 18th 2016 at 13:21 GMT +3 Share this story: 5 Comments Halima Tacho, Shukri Mohammed’s (inset) mother at her home in Kaptembwo, Nakuru, yesterday. Mohammed disappeared from home on April 8. [Photos: Kipsang Joseoh/standard] A former Moi University student who disappeared mysteriously early this month was found brutally killed and dumped in a river in Thika. Shukri Mohammed, 24, went missing from his mother’s home in Kaptembwo estate, Nakuru town, on April 4 at around 8.35am. His body was recovered by police officers dumped in a river in Ol Donyo Sabuk on April 8. According to the family, Mohammed’s eyes had been gouged out, his tongue cut off and his hands and legs tied with a piece of rope. Mohammed’s brother, Mohammed Hussein, said he learnt about the death from social media, where news of the same went viral. “I learnt about the death of my brother from my friends on social media, who stated that a body of a man dressed in a kanzu had been spotted in a river and later taken to City Mortuary,” said Hussein. He said the family went to the mortuary but it was almost impossible to identify their kin because his body was mutilated. READ MORE Ethiopia: South Sudanese gunmen killed 140 civilians in cross-border raid Baringo Speaker And MCAs Acquitted Of Murder Conspiracy And Incitement Kamket, two MCAs acquitted of incitement charges in Kapedo killings “The body was mutilated and the only thing that helped us identify him were his teeth and toes,” said Hussein. His mother, Halima Tacho, said it is unfortunate for him to have been killed at a time they were expecting him to graduate. Mohammed had studied business management purchasing and supplies and was expected to graduate in August this year. Tacho said on the day he went missing, he woke up at around 4am, prepared a meal and prayed. She said he was fasting. Tacho said that after he ate, her son received a phone call from a friend, who asked to meet him in Nakuru town but he insisted he wanted to attend prayers at Jumuia Mosque first. “My son left the house at around 8.35am, saying he was headed for prayers in town and would later meet a friend then come back home,” said Tacho. At around 1pm, she said she tried calling him but he did not pick her calls - his mobile phone was later switched off. “I tried getting in contact with his brothers and friends to establish if anyone knew where he was but nobody knew,” she said. When she failed to trace him, the family reported the matter at Kaptembwo Police Post on April 6, but were referred to CID. However, while at the CID headquarters, Tacho said officers showed her a photo of Mohammed’s friend, the one who had accompanied him, but that they could not explain how they obtained it.
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Busitema University Lecturer: “Stella Nyanzi is a Worthless Attention Seeker.”

Dr. Stella Nyanzi’s actions of undressing not only show the intrinsic mediocrity but failure to discover her worth!

I have always respected Gayaza girls, but her actions depict a product that’s light years behind civilization.

If you know your self worth, when persecuted at point A; across the road they will welcome you with open arms. If she knew her worth, universities world over would have been happy to take on, may be, may be they after all saw something was amiss! She has demeaned her alma mater; employers and womanhood!

It makes no logical sense for a PhD holder to refuse to transfer knowledge through training intergrated MPhil/PhD program. With a PhD student, research work becomes easy because they (MPhil/PhD students) do the donkey work and you co-author publications.

Stella Nyanzi to be arrested on Minister’s order

After Ugandan professor decided to strip naked, police are now after her

Ugandan professor Dr. Stella Nyanzi, has created uproar, rage and support in equal measure after she decided to strip naked in protest after her boss locked her office.

Nyanzi claimed her boss was forcing her to teach at the university while she was only contracted to do research work and not teaching.
“I have thrown my clothes outside Prof. Mamdani’s office. I am naked as I cry out for my office,” she posted on her Facebook page.
Her Facebook page was taken down for a few hours before being restored again after she had posted the video.

Nyanzi also chained herself at the University in protest before the university gave in her demands and let her back to the office.

Nyanzi also accused her boss Mamhood Mamdani of giving his wife three offices spaces at the university including a toilet while locking her out.

Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) director Mamhood Mamdani issued a statement on Saturday, April 16 explaining the background to the decision to remove Nyanzi from her office at MISR  after she had refused to teach in the MPhil/PhD program.

“In her application for the post of Research Fellow at MISR, she assured senior staff that she intended to teach in the PhD programme in line with resolutions passed by the University Senate in November 2011 and accredited by the National Council for Higher Education in July 2012,” Mamdani in the statement indicated.
But in a letter dated August 5, 2014, Nyanzi denied her she signed a contract that stipulated she teaches at the university.
“My contract with Makerere University does NOT include any teaching duties. In our verbal discussions, I have constantly refused to teach on the MISR PhD which was started after I was appointed into my current position. I have never indicated that I will teach on the PhD next year. The advertisement for my position did not include any teaching job responsibilities because MISR was not a teaching institute at the time. As far as I am concerned, my terms of employment have never officially changed,” Nyanzi wrote in her letter.
Nyanzi’s stripping outside the office of Mamdani and her posting the video online, brought her into trouble with the government as now she could be charged for indecency and pornography.

Uganda’s  Ethics and Integrity State Minister Simon Lokodo has ordered police to arrest the Makerere University professor.
“Even if she was offended by anybody, she behaved indecently. I condemn it in the strongest words possible and I have directed police to arrest her. She must be brought to book,” the minister told New Vision on Monday, April 18.
According to Lokodo,  Nyanzi will now be charged under the Anti-Pornography Act, if she is found guilty under Clause 3 of the Act, she will get a two-year jail sentence or a fine of 500 currency points or both.

Apart from her undying love and support for Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye, Nyanzi is regarded as a woman who is not afraid to use sex and sexual organs in describing day to day events or opinions.

Nyanzi is a medical anthropologist with a PhD from the University of London based on ethnographic fieldwork of youth sexualities, sexual and reproductive health in The Gambia.

She has fifteen years of social science research experience in rural southwestern and urban central Uganda, in the broad areas of heterosexual behaviour in the time of HIV/AIDS, adolescent sexual behaviour, female control of sexuality, transforming masculinities during the AIDS epidemic, the gender differentiation of reproductive health, alternative healing.

Her research, specifically dealt with Balokole Pentecostal healing of HIV/AIDS and transforming performances of death, disposal and widowhood.

Her current research at MISR comprises ethnographic inquiry into the politicisation of homosexualities in contemporary Uganda – with a focus particularly on unpacking mainstream religious framing of and contestations about sexual citizenship.

Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account unblocked, here is her first post


After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made

“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay the eviction. I am fighting to the death against the oppression and ‪#‎RotAtMISR‬.”

After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made

“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay

 179  0
 0  0 After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made
“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay
- See more at:

Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account unblocked, here is her first post.

 179  0
 0  0 After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made
“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay the eviction. I am fighting to the death against the oppression and ‪#‎RotAtMISR‬.”
- See more at:

Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account unblocked, here is her first post.

 179  0
 0  0 After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made
“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay the eviction. I am fighting to the death against the oppression and ‪#‎RotAtMISR‬.”
- See more at:

Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account unblocked, here is her first post.

After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made
“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay the eviction. I am fighting to the death against the oppression and ‪#‎RotAtMISR‬.”
- See more at:

Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account unblocked, here is her first post.

 179  0
 0  0 After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made
“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay the eviction. I am fighting to the death against the oppression and ‪#‎RotAtMISR‬.”
- See more at:

Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account unblocked, here is her first post.

After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made
“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay the eviction. I am fighting to the death against the oppression and ‪#‎RotAtMISR‬.”
- See more at: