Monday 18 April 2016

Ever seen an albino Giraffe? Here is one in Kenya

A photographer has shared photos of a Giraffe with albinism in Ishaqbini Hirola Conservancy, Garissa county.

The Giraffe is plain white unlike the usual brown and white colouration that identifies the tallest herbivore in the animal kingdom.

Ever seen an albino Giraffe? Here is one in Kenya

Ever seen an albino Giraffe? Here is one in Kenya

 Ever seen an albino Giraffe? Here is one in Kenya

Scientifically, animals with albinism have next to zero survival chances in the wild because they cannot camouflage from predators like their colleagues.
They also suffer isolation by other who it is said consider the as strangers.

The above Giraffe may however survive for long considering it lives within a conservancy where the environment is mostly controlled to increase the lifespan of endangered animals species.

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