Wednesday 20 April 2016

PENINAH: ICC rally exposed CORD's lack of bearing in politics

Why there is no such a thing as the opposition in present day Kenyan politics
Editor’s note: The dust is yet to settle on the ICC ruling that finally set free the last duo of the so-called ‘Ocampo 6′. The ICC has always pitted the government against the opposition in many way, but after a thanksgiving prayer rally held in Afraha Stadium in Nakuru, Peninah Muriithi noe believes that the opposition in Kenya does not have the best interest of the country at heart but personal grudges, political animosity and senseless pursuit of political relevance and popularity. The ICC thanksgiving rally was an opportunity for the reconciliation process to continue as a country which those in opposition should have in wholesale joined in. 
The Afraha thanksgiving prayer service was a watershed moment in our nation’s checkered political near history. The impossible in the eyes of the opposition came to reality: the dropping of the ICC charges against Deputy President William Ruto – who they secretly wished to be jailed. The “Ocampo 6” named as the auxiliary players stood before the country and the world at large giving thanks to God for the ruling the court had made.
Nakuru was one of the areas hardest hit by the 2007-2008 post-election violence. It was at Afraha Stadium that hundreds of the victims of the post-election violence, who were uprooted from their homes in various estates and on the outskirts of Nakuru town, made the 15,000-seater stadium their home for almost a year. Therefore it was foolhardy for CORD not to have joined other Kenyans in solidarity at the thanksgiving rather than to retreat to one of the constituent party’s-ODM- ‘political base’- and holding a parallel rally in Kibra pretending “to stand with the victims of the post election violence”. It was very telling that none of the three leaders of the constituent parties was in attendance. CORD lacks the moral podium to poise as empathising with the victims of the violence that rocked the country in 2007/2008.

Dancing on the graves of the victims

As has always been expected, they treated the uniting event with contempt; accusing Jubilee as ‘dancing on the graves of the victims’. In as much as it is difficult to overemphasise the role of opposition in politics, CORD do not have the best interest of Kenya and Kenyans at heart but personal grudges, political animosity and senseless
pursuit of political relevance and popularity.
The prayer service was an opportunity for the reconciliation process to continue as a country which those in opposition should have in wholesale joined in. This is not to say that some did not, as in attendance were 14 members of the opposition who put the needs of the country before their political ambition. In its predictable fashion, CORD claims that these politicians were paid to attend.

Cord has lost the plot

A responsible opposition should be sensitive to the plight of the people: criticizing the policies and programmes of a government merely for the fun of it is the height of madness, irresponsibility and insensitivity especially to the pitiful plight of Kenyans affected by the violence back then. Afraha was symbolic as the president categorically stated we will not be taken back to that dark period that made us a country go to ICC.

The opposition lost the plot a long time ago! CORD has found itself in the cold with its credibility being questioned everyday by Kenyans. Instructively as it were, opposition in the world is considered healthy and good for the polity in a true democratic setting. However in present day Kenya politics, the constituent parties of CORD with their leaders have been the instrument used to wage war on our peace, unity, stability and development.

Kenyans are the utmost beneficiaries on issues that will lead the country in the path of national unity and development; so for CORD to dismiss the thanksgiving prayer service is them playing ostrich as we know some in their leadership called for mass action instead of blowing the trumpet of peace when we as a country needed it most: inherently selling their legitimacy rights to this issue.

This posture of them boycotting the prayer service puts them in a serious level of defective group as it were. CORD exists in opposite of ideal democratic tenets. It is therefore extremely difficult to consider them as an opposition given their battered manifestation from the time they formed. It is indeed sheer mockery for them that have not believed in ideal democratic practices among themselves i.e. ODM, Wiper and Ford-Kenya to be seen playing alternative governance. No right thinking member of this country should take them seriously.

In a nutshell, allow me to state with all modesty that CORD cannot and has not offered any template of a robust opposition. Beyond the usual bickering and ranting, this threesome association appears comatose and near dead. A party that comprises of very aggrieved persons cannot provide an opposition because the party itself is not built on any serious ideology. All the three leaders that form CORD are yet to recover from the hangover of defeat as they are still suffering an image problem. They cannot confidently engage Jubilee on issues of delivering on their electoral promises.

CORD therefore needs to take a chill pill – pause, relax and see how they can contribute to addressing the issues affecting Kenyans.
Beyond anything else, I believe CORD needs to work more on itself instead of attacking Jubilee and should stop campaigning for 2017 without first demonstrating to Kenyans what they have been doing since

Peninah Muriithi is the chief communications adviser at the Africa Center for Strategic Futures: Kenya Project.
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