Monday 25 April 2016

Anne Waiguru seeks Uhuru's help in NYS scandal

Embattled former Devolution and National Planning cabinet secretary Anne Waiguru has asked Uhuru Kenyatta to help her in setting the record straight regarding the KSh 791 NYS scandal that led to her resignation.

In a statement on Sunday,April, 24 Waiguru appealed to Uhuru to form a commission of inquiry to probe the explosive affidavit by Josephine Kabura which painted Waiguru as the chief architect of the scandal.
While maintaining her innocence, Waiguru says that her various attempts to set the record straight have failed and that people continue to believe the ‘falsehoods’ in Kabura’s affidavit.

“I have requested his Excellency the president to set up a commission on inquiry…into the grave allegations contained  in the Josephine Kabura’s affidavit so the truth can come out in the full public limelight,” she said.
Anne Waiguru seeks Uhuru's help in NYS scandal

This comes on the same week that Josephine Kabua was forced to restate her affidavit amidst claims from Anne Waiguru’s lawyer that the affidavit had been withdrawn.

Waiguru’s lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi had claimed on Twitter that Josephine Kabura retracted the statements she made about the former cabinet minister.
In an affidavit filed in court on February 15, Josephine Kabura claimed that Waiguru introduced her to a number of people who were to be of assistance in processing of tenders and payments for the goods supplied and services rendered by her companies to the NYS.

Kabura claimed that Waiguru helped her register companies that she later used to get the tenders. Waiguru sent her personal assistant, Betty Maina, to deliver seven copies of certificates of incorporation, she said.

Once the money for the tenders were paid, the affidavit claimed that Waiguru’s sister Loise Mbarire was being given part of the profits from the NYS contracts and was supposed to give back the money to Kaburu and the former minister.

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